War Is Crime » News

The Never-Ending State and Church Crime Story

The Never-Ending State and Church Crime Story

Canadian Reverend Kevin Annett (53), who is presently on a lecture tour throughout cities in Canada lives dangerously. “I do believe that I am about to be arrested by the RCMP. My sources tell me there is a warrant being issued this week for my arrest,” he tells me in ... … Read entire article »

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The Swine Flu Does Not Kill, the Vaccines Do!

The Swine Flu Does Not Kill, the Vaccines Do!

I’ve sussed it all… all this nonsense about Avian Flu/Bird flu — and now Swine Flu — over the past few years. It was to condition the population that something big was bound to break out sooner or later. Then, when they decided the time was right — like in Mexico ... … Read entire article »

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Obama’s 100 Days: The Mad Men Did Well

Obama’s 100 Days: The Mad Men Did Well

In his latest column for the New Statesman, John Pilger describes the power of advertising — from the effects of smoking to politics — as he reaches behind the facade of the first 100 days of Barack Obama. The BBC’s American television soap Mad Men offers a rare glimpse of the ... … Read entire article »

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Swine Flu: Fever Cures Better!

Swine Flu: Fever Cures Better!

The epidemic is reaching crisis proportions. But this epidemic is one of medical meddling tied to commercial gain. The leading cause of all flu mortality is treatments which actually encourage avoidable acute respiratory complications. Only a small minority of people develop serious flu complications, such as pneumonia, which is the actual ... … Read entire article »

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Why I Like Barack Hussein Obama

Why I Like Barack Hussein Obama

Barack Hussein Obama may yet turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to the United States of America. Obama has been caught in lie after lie. His National Security Advisor has stated he takes his daily orders from Henry Kissinger, the one man widely viewed as the architect ... … Read entire article »

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The Disastrous Road of Hope

The Disastrous Road of Hope

It is perhaps only coincidence that swine flu’s history is linked to the US Army and that President Obama was exposed to swine flu on his recent visit to Mexico and that Donald Rumsfeld, former US Secretary of Defense, was chairman of Gilead, the company that developed Tamiflu, the antidote ... … Read entire article »

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Will We Avoid the Geomagnetic Apocalypse?

Will We Avoid the Geomagnetic Apocalypse?

For scary speculation about the end of civilization in 2012, people usually turn to followers of cryptic Mayan prophecy, not scientists. But that’s exactly what a group of NASA-assembled researchers described in a chilling report issued earlier this year on the destructive potential of solar storms.     Entitled “Severe Space Weather ... … Read entire article »

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Mass Medicalization: For Profit, Not For Health

Mass Medicalization: For Profit, Not For Health

Healthy senior citizens are being needlessly exposed to potentially risky medications due to blind adherence to national health guidelines drafted for younger people, a prominent cardiologist has warned. “Nowadays few elderly people are allowed to enjoy being healthy,” writes Edinburgh University cardiology professor emeritus Michael Oliver online in the British Medical ... … Read entire article »

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Rockefeller Declares War on Free Internet

Rockefeller Declares War on Free Internet

When a Rockefeller says something publicly, you can bet he doesn’t just express his humble personal opinion but speaks on behalf of the Family. You can also be sure that his every word reflects a decision already made, corresponding measures defined, and detailed instructions on their implementation sent to executives ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News, Video

Lisbon Treaty: Disagree, and You’re Dead

Lisbon Treaty: Disagree, and You’re Dead

Professor Schachtschneider pointed out that the European Union reform treaty (aka the Lisbon Treaty) reintroduces the death penalty in Europe, which is very important, especially knowing that, for instance, Italy was recently trying to abandon the death penalty through the United Nations forever and everywhere. The death penalty cause is not ... … Read entire article »

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Racist Logic: Put Others Down to Feel Adequate

Racist Logic: Put Others Down to Feel Adequate

Today I read an article I found on the Jeff Rense website called “What’s the Big Deal About the Holocaust?” I’ve seen so many references to this subject on various Truther websites that I decided to read the piece through, in an effort to get to the point that the ... … Read entire article »

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Che! Sanctification of a Ruthless Killer

Che! Sanctification of a Ruthless Killer

Americans cannot expect to avoid destruction as long as they continue to embrace Communism in all its myriad disguises. Symptomatic of the problem is a four hour seventeen minute biopic of Soviet Comintern agent and terrorist Che Guevara. Rather than make movies about genuine American heroes, Hollywood is celebrating people ... … Read entire article »

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No, anti-Zionism is not anti-semitism

No, anti-Zionism is not anti-semitism

From the beginning, political Zionism was a controversial movement even among Jews. So strong was the opposition of German orthodox and reform rabbis to the Zionist idea in the name of Judaism that Theodor Herzl changed the venue of the First Zionist Congress in 1897 from Munich to Basle in ... … Read entire article »

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More Evidence: HD TV is a Set Up for Mind Control

More Evidence: HD TV is a Set Up for Mind Control

To begin with, take 10 minutes and watch this 60 Minutes video. Leslie Stahl makes some very interesting comments on the morality and ethics of mind-control. Here are mine: 1. The technology called FMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance) is old and archaic actually. Mengele and others were “reading” brain waves via magnetic resonance ... … Read entire article »

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Israeli Hero: Violence is Not the Answer

Israeli Hero: Violence is Not the Answer

Omer Goldman is 19, she’s Jewish, lives in Tel Aviv, she’s a pretty girl and it’s not hard to imagine her fulfilling her ambition to one day be an actress. But since she was eight years old, she also had another dream — she wanted to work with an organization ... … Read entire article »

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War On Your Health: Big Pharma Strikes Back

War On Your Health: Big Pharma Strikes Back

Both the FTC and FDA are turning up the heat on nutrition-oriented companies and websites, resorting to arrests at gunpoint to enforce “nutritional illiteracy” across America by imprisoning those who accurately describe the health benefits of nutritional products they sell. It was only days ago that the FTC attacked a church ... … Read entire article »

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The USA Isn’t a Country, It’s a Corporation!

The USA Isn’t a Country, It’s a Corporation!

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States ... … Read entire article »

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Television: The Hidden Picture

Television: The Hidden Picture

The old line about British television being the best in the world is a debateable one. What is beyond dispute though is the fact that Britons are a nation of TV addicts and with the advent of cable and satellite TV that trend is likely to continue. Whether or not that ... … Read entire article »

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Yellowstone Volcano: A Threat to the Entire USA?

Yellowstone Volcano: A Threat to the Entire USA?

If the current earthquake activity in the Yellowstone National Park continues to increase, the fragile caldera could collapse in on itself, opening up the pressurized magma and causing an explosion with ash and debris that would destroy crops and impede life all the way to New York City. Mild tremors in ... … Read entire article »

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Who Gives Palestinians Reasons to Hate the West

Who Gives Palestinians Reasons to Hate the West

So once again, Israel has opened the gates of hell to the Palestinians. Forty civilian refugees dead in a United Nations school, three more in another. Not bad for a night’s work in Gaza by the army that believes in “purity of arms”. But why should we be surprised? Have we ... … Read entire article »

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