War Is Crime » Archive

Space-time and Imagination

Space-time and Imagination

In space, time passes. If you put a clock in a room, it will tick. Time is associated with change. In that room, a person walks around. A moth circles. Another person enters, then leaves. The shadows move. If you wait long enough, a light bulb will burn out. In space, ... … Read entire article »

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Gerald Celente: Top Ten Trends 2014

Gerald Celente: Top Ten Trends 2014

In 33 years of forecasting trends, the Trends Research Institute has never seen a new year that will witness severe economic hardship and social unrest on one hand, and deep philosophic enlightenment and personal enrichment on the other. A series of dynamic socioeconomic and transformative geopolitical trend points are aligning ... … Read entire article »

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Christmas: The Celebration of a Horror Story

Christmas: The Celebration of a Horror Story

As I’m writing this blog, it is Christmas Eve. Most of the people living around me are gathering with their family, busy preparing the meal and all that comes with the celebration. Lately, a lot of people wished me a Merry Christmas and asked what my plans were for the occasion. ... … Read entire article »

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There is No Such Thing as a Safe Vaccine

There is No Such Thing as a Safe Vaccine

Making vaccines safe by removing their toxins (greening), or telling people they have a right to look at vaccine ingredients before deciding whether to vaccinate or not may be the politically correct form of vaccination resistance. It does help avoid some of the wrath from vaccination high priests. However, the ... … Read entire article »

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Rejoining the Matrix

Rejoining the Matrix

Untold millions (billions?) of people across the world are waking up to official lies, cover stories, and conspiracies. These people are crossing the bridge, so to speak, to see what’s on the other side. The question is, do they stay there once they’ve crossed over, or do they try to retreat back ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

We Are On the Brink Of Something Really Big

We Are On the Brink Of Something Really Big

I love stories about discoveries of mysterious, ancient, massive, stone ruins, such as the so-far-unexplained structures recently uncovered in the Ecuadorean rain forest. How about the thousands of multi-ton, megalithic structures in the Russian Caucasus? Click the link. Think you could build even one of those things with the help of ... … Read entire article »

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My People Perish From Lack Of Knowledge

My People Perish From Lack Of Knowledge

“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie—deliberate, contrived, and dishonest, but the myth—persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” — John F. Kennedy. People often ask me, “Dave, how do we turn this around and defeat ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Beware of the Opinionated Mind

Beware of the Opinionated Mind

They are out there. Those individuals who will zealously defend a particular belief even though the information presented before them proves it is wrong. Trapped in a fixed mode of thinking, these individuals will exasperate and frustrate you. No matter how you present the information they will refuse to believe ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News