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We are chained – chained to our beliefs. Beliefs that create our very world and everything in it. But we are not chained by our beliefs, what we genuinely believe, and who we seem to be, as well as the world we see are inseparable and changeable. Very changeable. But ... … Read full article »

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Sarkozy uses fake workers to look more popular

Sarkozy uses fake workers to look more popular

The accusations against the French president come ahead of elections he is polled to lose. Mr Sarkozy, 57, received a warm response from workers when he visited the social housing construction site in Mennecy, Essonne, near Paris on Thursday. However, yesterday it was claimed that half the crowd of “workers” who braved ... … Read full article »

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Secrets of The Shining

Secrets of The Shining

How faking the Moon landings nearly cost Stanley Kubrick his marriage and his life The Shining is surely Stanley Kubrick’s most misunderstood masterpiece. I use the word ‘masterpiece’ guardedly, because I have never really thought that The Shining was a very good film. At the time, in 1980, when I first ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles

MK ULTRA insider: Kurt Cobain was assassinated

MK ULTRA insider: Kurt Cobain was assassinated

I’ve been holding on to some information for quite awhile. After sitting a long time with it and talking to Duncan [O’Finioan], I’ve decided to reveal it. Also, some corroborating evidence has come to light that have given us a few more pieces to the puzzle. If you read the comments ... … Read full article »

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Silent Sound Mind Control: It’s Fight or Flight

Silent Sound Mind Control: It’s Fight or Flight

A new kind of police siren that emits low-frequency vibrations, is making waves — quite literally — in the town of Bartow, Fla. Although pedestrians may find it unpleasant, officers think it’s a safer and more effective means of announcing their presence. Co-developed by a former Florida highway patrol officer, the ... … Read full article »

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The Plum Island Conspiracy

The Plum Island Conspiracy

While I enjoyed Jesse Ventura’s “US Government’s Island of Horror” about Plum Island over the weekend on LRC, I know from a close friend that Jesse only covered part of the treachery and conspiracy that is the Plum Island cover-up regarding Lyme disease. My friend Les Roberts wrote The Poison Plum ... … Read full article »

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The Materialist World View Must Go

The Materialist World View Must Go

The rigid 19th-century materialist orthodoxy should be challenged to allow broader interpretations. Werner Heisenberg, one of the founding fathers of quantum physics, once observed that history could be divided into periods according to what people of the time made of matter. In his book Physics and Philosophy, published in the early ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

How Do Bad Things Happen?

How Do Bad Things Happen?

What about the bad things that happen to us? Are we calling them forward to? And if so, how? If so, why? Well, the short answer is, we don’t mean to. But yes — we are doing it, individually as well as collectively. I know that may sound crazy to so ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, Video

The Real Deal About World Peace

The Real Deal About World Peace

What’s the Real Deal? How do we bring Real Peace to our world? The answer to that question is actually easy. The real question is this: Are you prepared to hear an answer that is so simple, so prolifically accessible to all, so do-able, that it is resting right at ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News, Video

The Decline of the Western Civilization

The Decline of the Western Civilization

It has been said that every great nation has its rise and fall; that its rise occurs as a result of the population (in general) becoming determined to work hard to create a better life, and that its fall occurs when the population becomes spoiled, then complacent and then finally, ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

The Most Dangerous Extremists in the World

The Most Dangerous Extremists in the World

If you want to find the real radical true believers, the real plotters of government takeovers, the real bomb setting terrorists, the real haters of our freedom, the real killers of countless innocent people, then you’ll need to look away from all of the usual places. It’s not the Muslims. ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Turn Off the Lights!

Turn Off the Lights!

Carrie and I are lucky enough to have a hot tub in our back yard, overlooking a pretty spectacular ocean and mountain view. We often soak for a while and talk about the day’s activities just before retiring to bed (I sometimes alternate with a quick plunge or two into ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

The Canadian Holocaust: Hidden No Longer

The Canadian Holocaust: Hidden No Longer

Excerpts from the book: Hidden No Longer: Genocide in Canada, Past and Present, by Kevin D. Annett, M.A., M.Div. An Updated New Edition of Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust (3rd edition). Published by The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State and The Friends and Relatives of the ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, Books, News

Bosnian Pyramids: We are Not the First Here

Bosnian Pyramids: We are Not the First Here

Energy beam coming from the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. Almost everything they teach us about the ancient history is wrong: origin of men, civilizations, and pyramids. Homo sapiens sapiens is not a result of the evolution, and biologists will never find a “missing link”, because the intelligent man is product ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Davos 2012: From Capitalism to Fascism

Davos 2012: From Capitalism to Fascism

This is very serious. The elitist power grab is going right at the heart of capitalism. Of course, they have always been for central control, with them in control, but now they are calling out capitalism, directly, as an inferior product. On Friday, I attacked Larry Summers for blaming the current ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Americans Raid Savings to Maintain the Dream

Americans Raid Savings to Maintain the Dream

“It’s called the American dream cause you got to be asleep to believe it.” – George Carlin. “By the time the masses see the bars the door will have already slammed shut.” – David Icke. Retail parking lots may be full and Americans may be buying must-have electronics, home decor products and new ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Love, Reality, and the Time of Transition

Love, Reality, and the Time of Transition

This video (length 1 hour 17 min) sheds light into the nature of love, relationships, the “New Age” movement, reality-creation, quantum physics, objectivity vs. subjectivity and how it all relates to the topics of “conspiracy theories”, psychopathy, and the importance of esoteric self-work. Produced by Bernhard Guenther & Humberto Braga (TimeOfTransition) … Read full article »

Filed under: News, Video

The Titanic Effect

The Titanic Effect

“Titanic-like vignettes emerged from the capsized Costa Concordia which hit a rock just 450 feet from shore on Friday night, took on water and keeled over… [Passengers] likened the Costa Concordia to the Titanic. ‘It was the same type of deal – the ship is listing and people are running ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Escape in Prison

Escape in Prison

What brings a 66 year old woman, mother to four children and grand-mother to nine grandchildren to experiment with prison instead of quietly sitting in a rocking chair or travelling the world? It all started in 1993. I had everything – a close family, a respected profession, success, material comfort, ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, Books, News

Rupert Sheldrake’s book sold out before its launch

Rupert Sheldrake’s book sold out before its launch

Rupert Sheldrake’s new book The Science Delusion was published in the UK on January 5. By January 9 (within just 4 days!) the first printing had sold out! According to the book editor, this is the first time he has known a book sell out before its launch! The book ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, Books, News