Bosnian Pyramids: We are Not the First Here

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  1. iwannaknow2 says:

    Everything they find and spend money on is always opposite of what they practice as a governing body.
    I wish they would wake up and be part of the future instead of some oddity of ego distortion.

  2. Eadhmonn Ua Cuinn says:

    I always knew there was something important to be discovered in Bosnia, and when the “orthodox archaeologists” dismissed this amazing site so easily I knew it would be proven to be a major site for the world to take notice of, and dismiss the biased detractors and their falsehoods.

  3. Andrew says:

    I was linked here from Project N.Search to read about the energy beam, listing this as its source, but I only find one paragraph on the subject itself.

    Where is the source for the physicists’ discovery? I would very much like to read more on the topic.

  4. Michael Richard Dittmar says:

    So we go… The Pyramids of the world, when powered up, would be able to “tune” our magnetic shield to the frequency of the Gravity field of the Sun, Thus releasing us from her grasp. We now can move the planet out of the solar system if needed. E-mail me @ to speak about it.

  5. Kerry Drew says:

    This is a load of hooey!

    Geologist Dr. Robert Schoch, (famous for back-dating the Great Sphinx of Giza to around 9,000 BC) has been to Bosnia as a guest of “Dr. Sam”, extensively explored these so-called pyramids, did exploratory core sampling, and his unequivocal conclusion was that these are entirely natural hills of sedimentary compsition, and Dr. Schoch further states that Dr. Sam is engaged in terraforming said hills to falsify them into looking like something which they are not. Dr. Schoch is the man!

  6. Kathleen says:

    Interesting! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Simon Wigren says:

    By using copper spoons made of the finest Malaysian copper alloys blessed by the monks of Waziristan, I have deduced that the present conflagration was initiated by a robotic civilization of great magnetism. This magnetic civilization traversed the universe with a cargo bay full of monkeys. FML.

  8. Jason Mercer says:

    Actually, gentlemen, hydrological surveys of the surrounding quadrants have shown a decay regime based primarily around various forms of purple fungus. That is inconsistent with the “interstellar monkey depository hypothesis,” which would have left its mark int he form of free argon, detectable in significant levels throughout the pyramids.

  9. Mr. Mercer, with all due respect, free argon is readily absorbed into ox-milk yogurt, which has been produced in this region for thousands of years.

  10. Mathew Bergt says:

    Yes, but the ox-milk yogurt produced in this region is usually flame-tempered, which creates an alkaline environment not conducive to argon sequestration. If you’re going to drag the interstellar monkey depository hypothesis out of the closet again you might at LEAST admit that trace elements of uranium-414 are transitory. This is the year of the dragon, after all! 🙂

  11. Paxson Woelber says:

    Uh guys have you been using your power crystals lately? I’m getting some really weird readouts.

  12. I have just had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Sam Osmaganich, the discoverer and chief architect of these pyramids (there are 5) and i am now editing it – it will be up as soon as possible on youtube. in it, he discusses that energy beam as well. stay tuned.

  13. admin says:

    Thank you, Patricia!
    It’s a great news. That’ll be the answer to Andrew’s question (above). I have added your website to the Links column, so we won’t miss the interview. 🙂

  14. […] Pyramids: We are Not the First Here Source: Bosnian Pyramids: We are Not the First Here. Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich  |  Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Fndn. via David , January […]

  15. Dear All,

    I saw someone asked for more info on the energy beam of the sun pyramid, so please find enclosed the following link and article:

    We recorded the voice of the Sun Pyramid

    More info at:

    And Thanks for sharing the news!


  16. Professor Oak says:

    This looks legit. Especially the picture; that definitely is not a fake.

  17. admin says:

    Dear Professor,
    I don’t think the picture is authentic. Its only purpose is to show (symbolize) the energy beam, which in reality, I suppose, is invisible. Frankly, I cannot imagine a visible energy beam with a radius of 4.5 meters 😉

  18. Nufsed says:

    @Kerry Drew…….You don’t know what you are talking about, I was there. Try getting your facts straight. And for Gods sake, the picture is a representation of what the beam would look like were we able to see it. If you want the full facts then try going to the source!

  19. Marcus says:

    Bosnia is great country, I was there last year and from now on I am going there every year until I die. I am considering buying a house there, and the people are so friendly, I was on the Pyramids and you can’t judge it until you see the beauty of them! They are real and I just hope that I will be alive when they dig them out!

  20. Saraffy says:

    Regardless of whether the pyramids are there or not, it’s a beautiful idea….and thus a shimmer of the amazing magic our earth and universe are made of….and therefore a source of inspiration for us to create, think and story-tell…..Bravo!

  21. admin says:

    The pyramids ARE there, Saraffy. As well as the energy beam. 28 kHz is an ultrasonic frequency that we cannot hear or see. It means that our senses are limited, not that there is no energy beam. 😉

  22. ladyishta says:

    I just thought for those of you who wanted some outside sources, this is what I’ve been able to find:



  23. vonny says:

    I watched a programe last night about the pyramids in Bosnia, it was very infromative, I have looked through lots of photos of these pyramids, it’s amazing. I really don’t understand how anyone can say that this 1 man Dr Sam has terraformed them, please, come on now. The pyramids are obviously there, some great nation obviously built them, and the fact that the Bosnian goverment doesn’t want archeologists digging around in them. or the orthodox archeologists stating they are just hills, just proves that they are in fact pyramids. the very people we entrust to tell us about the past have spouted so much rubbish over the past 1/200 years, that now new things are being found they want to keep it quiet because they will be found to be frauds. The pyramids are there for all to see and to say they are not man made is lunacy.

  24. barry cox says:

    i saw the pictures of this find and i have yet to see the wonderful things that were told to be in the pyramids were is the blue lake were is the sculptures that were compared to the roman statues and the sculptures that were over the blue lake so far it just looks like ruins were are the stones that would compare to Egypt’s pyramids or any of the other pyramids although it dose look extraordinary but were is the machine that they say is still working today im not knocking this or trying to mok it its just that the article makes it seem like its really advanced and all the pictures show are ruins that have a few scratches and a few relics it dosent show the blue lake and anything that resembles advanced civilization to the point of the other pyramids of the world any hieroglyphics in the tunnels that haven’t bean touched until 2005 I can understand the out side wearing away but what about the inside the only mystery here I see so far is how did they put those stones in place what are they hiding and why didnt show more detailed info

  25. Andy Barrett says:

    Looks like Nikol Tesla had it right and all those stories about the secrets of the Pyramids on Youtube. this is amazing

  26. dormsfornorm says:

    Check out this technical explanation on how the Giza pyramids were built a VERY long, long, long, long time ago:

  27. Happy says:

    been there … they are for sure not a natural phenomena … but it is to difficult to understand because it does not fit the main stream history ….

  28. Dear All,

    After downscaling the signal to 700 Hz and removing background noise we obtained a quiet amazing result.

    Please scroll down to the last comment in order to listen to the signal we found hidden inside the 28 kHz beam.


    Nenad M. Djurdjevic

  29. Sam says:

    To all the detractors…. They tried very hard to ” debunk” this in 06. That is where you get the stories of terracing and what not. Their existance has been confirmed by a panel of international pyramid experts. Mainstream science is stuck in a normalcy bias so they are basically babbling idiots to new ideas that challenge the false history we have been taught by religion.

  30. Sam says:

    These damn pyramids keep showing up in places that the scientists don’t want…. Because they have to rethink all of human history…. Because none of it is true…..
    Pyramids in Egypt… A given…
    Pyramids in Bosnia…. Tried to discredit very hard
    Pyramids on mars…. Yep… There sure are…
    Pyramids on the moon… We have pictures of them… They are all over. They are our legacy handed down from our ancestors…. A legacy stolen by” the powers that be”…..ancestors of the families that knew the truth and hide it to This very day…

  31. Dwatmaji Hanomanresi says:

    We hope this discovery can be for our better future and humankind , peacefully and unite us.

  32. tim says:

    I was under the impression that the underground labyrinth was supposed to be filled with water to provide a good ground plain/ earth for the pyramids to function at their original specification as they work in a similar way to a tesla coil, it would be interesting to know the amount of usable energy that you can get from a fully active pyramid, also is it possible the stone spheres were made by a giant induction furnace or to that point the concrete too

  33. tim says:

    So who is going to build a heavy duty crystal radio tune it to 27khz stick it on top of that pyramid and suck some power out of that big boy or would you get shot by the oil companies for doing that? The power of pyramids is far from mystical its basic science its not that modern science dosent understand but more like free energy is banned science the earth magnetic grid is no secret nor is the science of energy fields but giving the world back free energy will remove a great amount of profit so you have to use oil untill it runs out even when petrol is $10 a gallon you will still be forced to use it because you must pay for every thing you do even flushing your toilet as a way of controlling you they will never let us have true freedom they are controlling us financially “if” we had free energy they would need a new method of controlling us and it scares the hell out of them that we could live stress free lives with cheap living costs, as the powers that be want to be your god and those who will refuse to follow them will be dealt with

  34. Dear readers,

    It gives me great pleasure to inform you that the ancestral origin of stećaks has been finally traced.

    Please follow the link to read the whole story:

    I hope you will find the new evidence useful and interesting.


    Nenad M. Djurdjević

  35. katesisco says:

    I go along with the smarter us that had a nature-based tech prior to the 12,900 meteorite that did indeed end their reign. If you want more speculation I have Knols theorizing about this event.

  36. Bennett Ross says:

    Dr. Sam Osmanagich is a hero! He correctly dates the pyramids between 14,000 and 10,000 BC. Edgar Cayce dated them at that time also. All the uses such as healing, higher consciousness, free energy, controlling weather are imaginable. Maybe the ancients tried to do too much with this power and plunged the world into such a catastrophe that only a remnant of people survived. This would be the 10,000 BC date which keeps popping up in various scientific fields. Mythology says the world was in an age of darkness which followed this catastrophe. Then the creation event of Genesis occured – which was a reordering of planetary orbits – Earth included.