War Is Crime » News

Mass Murder of Civilians as Deliberate US Policy

Mass Murder of Civilians as Deliberate US Policy

The phrase “collective responsibility” is rather pleasant sounding, with its implication that, perhaps, we should all collectively take responsibility for our own actions. What parents should not teach their children such things? But for at least the past 150 years “collective responsibility” also has a specific meaning with regard to ... … Read entire article »

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Lilija Valis: Freedom on the Fault Line

Lilija Valis: Freedom on the Fault Line

This past weekend, I spoke at a wonderful libertarian conference in Vancouver, BC. One of the speakers was a poet, Lilija Valis, who is originally from Lithuania. She has a forthcoming book of her poetry, Freedom on the Fault Line, from which she read the following. I reproduce them here ... … Read entire article »

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7 Essential Rules of Tyranny

7 Essential Rules of Tyranny

As we look back on the horrors of the dictatorships and autocracies of the past, one particular question consistently arises; how was it possible for the common men of these eras to NOT notice what was happening around them? How could they have stood as statues unaware or uncaring as ... … Read entire article »

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Are We, Humans, a Lab Experiment?

Are We, Humans, a Lab Experiment?

One hundred and fifty animal-human hybrid embryos have been produced by mad scientists in the UK – with full government approval – under the 2008 Human Fertilisation Embryology Act. The UK’s Daily Mail newspaper is reporting that a committee of scientists recently blew the whistle on the operation and expressed ... … Read entire article »

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The Real Crimes are Legal, Not Illegal

The Real Crimes are Legal, Not Illegal

We are missing the lesson of the current British outrage over Murdoch just as we missed the lesson of the financial crisis in America. Was the real crime in England that employees of the News of the World illegally hacked the cell phone of a missing girl? Was the real financial ... … Read entire article »

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Believe Nothing the Government Says

Believe Nothing the Government Says

If establishment interests in protecting nuclear power predominate, we will be told that there will be no adverse radiation consequences for Americans. On the other hand, if it will further promote government interests in regulating the production, transportation, and sale of foods, I can imagine our being told that such ... … Read entire article »

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The Mayan Calendars: Time to Make Choice

The Mayan Calendars: Time to Make Choice

Often we talk about the Mayan calendar as if it was something fixed and eternal that has stayed the same throughout the ages. Such a view is far from the truth since the calendars that the Mayan people have been using have undergone change depending on their own shifting outlook. ... … Read entire article »

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How To Think Clearly

How To Think Clearly

The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools. — Herbert Spencer. My academic life in college was largely spent studying what were then referred to as the “liberal arts.” History, geography, economics, philosophy, art, literature, music, psychology, and the genuine sciences, were ... … Read entire article »

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How Will You Be Controlled?

How Will You Be Controlled?

So, this mind control business. It doesn’t affect you, right? It only affects people like Duncan, the victims of shadowy government experiments. While you can sympathize, not really relevant. Right? Wrong. And you KNOW it’s wrong. You know, if you take the time to examine your feelings and intuition, that every ... … Read entire article »

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Arizona Shooting: Anatomy of a Controlled Murder

Arizona Shooting: Anatomy of a Controlled Murder

This is a sad day in American history. Before I go into my thoughts about the attempted assassination today of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D – Arizona), I need to make some points: One, my deepest sympathies and condolences where need be to everyone involved, especially to the family of the nine ... … Read entire article »

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Health Benefits of Smoking Tobacco

Health Benefits of Smoking Tobacco

Thanks to Surgeon General’s Warning labels, public smoking bans, strict regulation of advertising, excise taxes, and public service messages, nearly everyone in America is fully aware of the many health risks associated with cigarette smoking. Ongoing research has continuously proven that smoking causes lung dysfunction, cancer, SIDS, heart disease, birth ... … Read entire article »

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Over 200,000 die each year from prescription drugs

Over 200,000 die each year from prescription drugs

In my book The Rise of Tyranny I explain that FDA has become a captive of the drug industry and that repeatedly its Commissioner approves drugs over the safety objections of FDA medical reviewers. Dr. David Graham, FDA’s Associate Director of the Office of Drug Safety, has severely criticized his ... … Read entire article »

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How Fritz Springmeier Was Framed

How Fritz Springmeier Was Framed

In 2003, Illuminati researcher Fritz Springmeier, the author of the alternative research classics, Bloodlines of the Illuminati and The Illuminati formula used to create an undetectable total mind controlled slave, was sentenced to 12 years in prison on the basis of no evidence. His experience suggests that at any time ... … Read entire article »

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In Memoriam Zecharia Sitchin

Zecharia Sitchin (1922-2010) was an author famous for The Earth Chronicles series of books about the writings of the ancient Sumerians (circa 5,000 years ago) as he interpreted them. He was one of perhaps 200 people in the world, if that many, who could translate cuneiform, the symbolic language of ... … Read entire article »

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Morning Reflection

Morning Reflection

… While the preachers of enlightenment and the hoards that follow them dissolve one by one in the great maw of Oneness consciousness, we rebels march forth with the torch of hope for different kind of world. A world that moves by different laws, that operates on different principles, a ... … Read entire article »

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No Gold at Fort Knox

No Gold at Fort Knox

Gold reached a record high of $1,376 per ounce this Thursday morning but I’m writing about Fort Knox because of an unexpected conversation I had yesterday with a distant friend. We have known each other for 35 years but have only seen each other once over the last two decades ... … Read entire article »

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Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and the Plot Behind It

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and the Plot Behind It

It occurred to me that the oil spill had to be engineered from higher levels and my only question was, why? What did they hope to gain? A source has contacted me to reveal the following: Apparently, a faulty gasket was installed and allowed to fail. The ultimate objective has to ... … Read entire article »

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EU Is Collapsing Like Tower Of Babel

EU Is Collapsing Like Tower Of Babel

Monument Securities Chief Economist Stephen Lewis says the chaos in Greece could lead to collapse of the European Union, bringing down with it the dangerous assumption that structures of global governance provide stability in times of financial peril, but the World Bank and IMF vultures will be waiting as ever ... … Read entire article »

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A must-see Wake-Up Call from Marcel Messing

A must-see Wake-Up Call from Marcel Messing

Today I was literally hypnotized by Bill Ryan’s video interview with Marcel Messing just published at Project Avalon website. The same reaction I had when I heard Marcel Messing’s presentation at the Groundcrew Conference in Brussels last October. Marcel Messing is a 21st century Renaissance Man. Trained in anthropology, philosophy, and ... … Read entire article »

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2012, The Disastrous Movie

2012, The Disastrous Movie

Last week I made a presentation at a conference on 2012 organized by the Foundation for the Study of Cycles in Albuquerque. Since this was held at the day of the release of Roland Emmerich’s movie 2012 (intentionally released at a Friday the thirteenth) most of the participants went to ... … Read entire article »

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