War Is Crime » News

The Criminal State

The Criminal State

The State’s criminality is nothing new and nothing to be wondered at. It began when the first predatory group of men clustered together and formed the State, and it will continue as long as the State exists in the world, because the State is fundamentally an anti-social institution, fundamentally criminal. ... … Read entire article »

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Imagine 2012

Imagine 2012

Imagine there’s no vermin It’s easy if you try No poor slaves below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living in the way Imagine no democracy It isn’t hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no patriotism too Imagine all the people Living life in peace You may say I’m a dreamer But I’m not the only ... … Read entire article »

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Misogyny: The World’s Oldest Prejudice

Misogyny: The World’s Oldest Prejudice

her shaved head like a stubble of black corn her blindfold a bandage her noose a ring Seamus Heaney, ‘Punishment’ from North (1975) On 22 June 2002, in a remote area of the Punjab, a Pakistani woman named Mukhtaran Bibi was sentenced on the orders of a tribal council to be gang raped because allegedly her ... … Read entire article »

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The Fear of Symbols

The Fear of Symbols

Groups use symbols. But symbols have no inherent power. None. They have power only when people believe in them. In which case it’s the belief that is the power. Just as important, symbols have no inherent meaning. They only have the meaning given to them. So, for example, the famous eye and pyramid ... … Read entire article »

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Terraform Delta

Terraform Delta

INCEPTION AND CONTRACTS We were relaxing in the common area at World Control Headquarters (World Control Headquarters is a beautiful underground city located in central Africa. In this protected area, from which the Order of the Illuminati, owners of the planet Earth, rule the world, visitors from other worlds are free ... … Read entire article »

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I Am

I Am

Who are you? You might say, I am Mary or I am John or whatever your name happens to be. Yet when you were first born you didn’t have a name much less any of the other ‘stuff’ that gets attached to it. Your parents or guardians selected a name ... … Read entire article »

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The Dark Side of Technology

The Dark Side of Technology

“One ought never to turn one’s back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never!” — ... … Read entire article »

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The Most Dangerous Superstition

The Most Dangerous Superstition

If you love death and destruction, oppression and suffering, injustice and violence, repression and torture, helplessness and despair, perpetual conflict and bloodshed, then teach your children to respect “authority,” and teach them that obedience is a virtue. If, on the other hand, you value peaceful coexistence, compassion and cooperation, freedom ... … Read entire article »

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The Spiritual Conspiracy

The Spiritual Conspiracy

Some of you may have seen this before, but I came across it for the first time today. It’s in a number of places on the net. It could be a large part of the mission statement for the Avalon Forum. Enjoy — and be inspired. On the surface of our ... … Read entire article »

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Fake Names on Facebook and the Surveillance State

Fake Names on Facebook and the Surveillance State

File this one in the ever-burgeoning category of: how insane can legislators get? Congress is now debating an update to the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Turns out it’s already a misdemeanor to “exceed authorized use” of a computer, but the DOJ wants to make it a felony. Of course, ... … Read entire article »

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Wu Wei is … Loving and Managing Your Ego (Part 2)

Wu Wei is … Loving and Managing Your Ego (Part 2)

This is the second in a series of blog posts on my Taoist spiritual and professional interpretation of the Ego. In my last blog post I proposed that you could view your mind as if it were an energetic pendulum, where the two extremes would represent your Ego out of ... … Read entire article »

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Kafka’s America: Secret Courts, Secret Laws, and Total Surveillance

Kafka’s America: Secret Courts, Secret Laws, and Total Surveillance

“Logic may indeed be unshakeable, but it cannot withstand a man who is determined to live. Where was the judge he had never seen? Where was the High Court he had never reached? He raised his hands and spread out all his fingers. But the hands of one of the ... … Read entire article »

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2/3 of Americans to Lose Everything

2/3 of Americans to Lose Everything

A record breaking stock market is distorting a frightening reality: The U.S. is being eaten alive by a horrific cancer that will ultimately destroy the economy and impoverish the vast majority of its citizens. That’s according to Peter Schiff, the best-selling author and CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, who delivered his ... … Read entire article »

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Understanding the Law of Karma

Understanding the Law of Karma

“How people treat you is their Karma; how you react is yours.” — Wayne Dyer. Here is one of the Universal Laws which is totally misunderstood. When most people think of karma they think of payback, revenge and retribution. We even have slogans that tells us: “Karma is a bitch.” The ... … Read entire article »

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Facts on 33

Facts on 33

Geography and 33 Baghdad, Iraq is at 33°33′N latitude. “The longest continually inhabited city in the world” is Damascus, Syria, at 33°30′N latitude. The place where 33°30′N, meets 33°30′E, is near the Southern end of the island of Cyprus, in the Mediterranean Sea, believed to host vast, unexplored archeological resources from nearby ancient ... … Read entire article »

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Who Killed Detroit City and Why?

Who Killed Detroit City and Why?

Cities don’t die because of happenstance. The city of Detroit has been murdered by the same forces that are slowly killing cities all across the United States. Detroit Becomes the Largest US City to Declare Bankruptcy On July 18, 2013, Detroit declared Chapter 9 bankruptcy to squelch most of their $18 billion ... … Read entire article »

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Only a Crisis Can Break the Chains

Only a Crisis Can Break the Chains

The awakening process has its deeply cathartic moments. That is inevitable. It’s a bumpy road. As we gain insight into the grand deceptions of the matrix, so the direction of our own lives is thrown into greater relief. The choices become more stark. There’s no longer any compromising middle ground ... … Read entire article »

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The Power of Suggestion

The Power of Suggestion

Every day we are bombarded by a tidal wave of information. Most of it is irrelevant to our immediate lives, yet it influences our lives. We buy products because we are told they will bring us happiness; make us look younger or healthier. We run to our doctors because commercials ... … Read entire article »

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Transhumanism: The Rise of the Avatars

Transhumanism: The Rise of the Avatars

For those unfamiliar with the full goals of The Singularity Movement, it is valuable to visit the website 2045 — the theoretical date when computer intelligence surpasses that of humanity, thus establishing a new form of social and economic contract. Just a short while ago — more or less yesterday — ... … Read entire article »

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Liberty & How Things Are Not Always As They Seem

Liberty & How Things Are Not Always As They Seem

Cartoon from Harper's Weekly on May 28, 1887 turned Lady Liberty into a subway station. (Click to enlarge) We live in a time where the prospects for liberty do not look good. The advances of The State (over the last decade especially) have been extraordinary. In the blink of an eye, our every ... … Read entire article »

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