War Is Crime » News

Trading Prisoners Like Cattle

Trading Prisoners Like Cattle

All crimes are commercial and have a commercial value to them. It makes you look at improvements to the freeways, cities and towns in a different light … especially when those improvements are funded by ‘municipal bonds.’ You’ll also understand why there’s no hurry to end the war in Iraq. All ... … Read entire article »

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The Politics and Propaganda of Hope

The Politics and Propaganda of Hope

One of the prime criteria of good propaganda is that it always keeps the ‘enslaved peoples’ thinking that things can change even while they’re most obviously getting worse. Every election year we get the politicians winning who promise change and give us hope that we’re not really slaves and that ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, Featured, News

Evidence: Cell Phone Does Cause Cancer

Evidence: Cell Phone Does Cause Cancer

Long-term exposure to electromagnetic radio waves at certain strengths does cause brain tumors. Just like in the case of cigarette smoking, which nobody realized could damage your health until the era where lung cancer caused by regular smoking showed up. Such warnings about the dangers from electromagnetic radio waves from ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Aspartame, etc.: the Truth About ‘Diet Foods’

Aspartame, etc.: the Truth About ‘Diet Foods’

We live in a society where we’re bombarded with information on the perfect weight loss regime or the optimal plans to achieve health and well-being. Holistic health is an integrative approach to health and well-being that addresses the whole person and focuses on wellness and prevention. It consists of peace of ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Pharmaceutical Industry: Sell and Let Die

Pharmaceutical Industry: Sell and Let Die

Stockmarket pressure to find “blockbuster” drugs has forced drug companies to push products to market ever more aggressively. In the case of Merck’s painkiller Vioxx, this had disastrous and lethal results. This is the story of how a blockbuster backfired. There are two remarkable things about the painkiller Vioxx. One was ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Shlomo Sand: When and How Was the Jewish People Invented?

Shlomo Sand: When and How Was the Jewish People Invented?

No one is more surprised than Shlomo Sand that his latest academic work has spent 19 weeks on Israel’s bestseller list — and that success has come to the history professor despite his book challenging Israel’s biggest taboo. Dr Shlomo Sand argues that the idea of a Jewish nation — whose ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, Books, News

What economic crisis has to do with the Large Hadron Collider?

What economic crisis has to do with the Large Hadron Collider?

The very day the US securities and exchange commission, fearing catastrophic collapse of the US stock market, banned short selling, the Large Hadron Collider in Europe allegedly suffered a catastrophic failure… Wake up to what is happening On September 19, 2008, Professor Stephen Hawking and John C. Taylor unveiled to the world ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Chemtrail alert for October 12, 2008

Chemtrail alert for October 12, 2008

United States / Canada / Mexico Map has taken out low-medium risk areas as they are not as important as high-highest risk areas. The Midwestern states will be hit very hard, spreading into the Northeastern USA and Eastern Canada. Much of the Western USA looks good, with the exception of Seattle, Northward ... … Read entire article »

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Chemtrail alert for October 11, 2008

United States / Canada / Mexico A major spraying for the nation’s heart land from TX through Canada. From North Carolina to NYC as well. Resuming in the Pacific Northwest shortly. However it will not be a major operation day for much of the NW, with the exception of Western Canada, ... … Read entire article »

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Chemtrail alert for October 9, 2008

United States / Canada / Mexico A completely trail free day across the Pacific Northwest. Trails move into the Northern tier of the country. The Eastern parts of the country will still be under trailing. Baja into Mexico ahead of Hurricane Norbert. Yes, it’s heading that way. WARNING: Upper spraying patterns conclusive to ... … Read entire article »

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Chemtrail alert for October 8, 2008

WARNING: Upper spraying patterns conclusive to be a plan to develop one of the strongest Santa Ana Wind Events Southern California has ever seen. United States / Canada / Mexico Clearer day across the Western half of the nation with a clear dividing line, leaving the entire Eastern part of the country ... … Read entire article »

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Chemtrail alert for October 7, 2008

United States / Canada / Mexico Pacific Northwest levels will be highest with the Southwestern USA trail free. Battle plans are to force a stronger gradient between the Rockies and Southern California to produce one of the strongest Santa Ana Wind Events ever recorded. Thus OWSweather.com has issued a very dangerous ... … Read entire article »

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Chemtrail alert for October 5, 2008

United States / Canada / Mexico Most of the Western USA/Canada is trail free as the operations spread across the country. Everywhere East of the Rocky Mountains including the Midwestern USA will be at numerous risk levels.   Europe Everywhere but Greece will be hit. Not much to say above this.   Australia (October 6th) A thin ... … Read entire article »

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Chemtrail alert for October 4, 2008

United States / Canada / Mexico Operations leave the Western USA and begin hard across the Rockies and Central parts of the country. Dallas will again be under numerous trails.   Europe France and the UK will take the brunt of the trails… Eastern Europe following close.   Australia (October 5th) No widespread trailing expected. … Read entire article »

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Chemtrail alert for October 3, 2008

Chemtrail alert for October 3, 2008

WARNING: Major trailing operation scheduled on October 3, 2008 for The Entire Western USA/Canada regions. United States / Canada / Mexico What an interesting pattern. The Eastern USA will be fine, while the Western USA gets attacked. Though some parts of Eastern Canada will be hit hard. Dallas was planned yesterday, and they ... … Read entire article »

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Chemtrail alert for October 2, 2008

Chemtrail alert for October 2, 2008

WARNING: Major trailing operation scheduled on October 2, 2008 for Los Angeles and surrounding across the entire Western United States and Canada in the largest trailing operation for many months. United States / Canada / Mexico Full scale attack on the Western United States and Canada. Los Angeles and Arizona have no ... … Read entire article »

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Chemtrail alert for October 1, 2008

Chemtrail alert for October 1, 2008

WARNING: Major trailing operation scheduled on October 2, 2008 for Los Angeles and surrounding. (WarIsCrime note: We don’t like at all when a chemtrail alert coincides with an earthquake alert in the same area!.) United States / Canada / Mexico Western Canada through the entire Western Coast will be hit very hard this ... … Read entire article »

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Chemtrail alert for September 30, 2008

Chemtrail alert for September 30, 2008

United States / Canada / Mexico The Pacific Northwest will be free once again. But hold it. Are you? Look to your West out near the ocean’s direction. You’ll see the spraying operations resume. Spraying will hit the California area as well. Dangerous levels are not expected there. The dangerous levels will ... … Read entire article »

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Chemtrail alert for September 29, 2008

Chemtrail alert for September 29, 2008

United States / Canada / Mexico After days of spraying, the entire Pacific Northwest will go a day without. Enjoy this day you guys. The operation is over Midwestern states where Chicago, IL is scheduled for a major spray day. Numerous trails will be laid down. Keeping operations high in the Southeastern ... … Read entire article »

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To Hell With War!

To Hell With War!

The following is Chapter 5 of General Smedley Butler’s book War Is A Racket, originally printed in 1935. Notice how relevant it is now! In 1934, General Butler also exposed a plot for a fascist coup that originated on Wall Street aimed at giving American bankers and corporations total control of ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, Books, News