War Is Crime » News

The World Conquerors: The Real War Criminals

The World Conquerors: The Real War Criminals

[Editor’s Note by Ken Adachi: This book is an amazing read. I have Steve Campbell to thank for mentioning it in a recent email… You will find this book difficult to put down once you begin reading it as it is so dead-on-target in describing the centuries-old machinations and skullduggery ... … Read entire article »

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Economic Fascism and the Power Elite

Economic Fascism and the Power Elite

The state – the organization of the political means – is the institution that allows an idle, unproductive class of parasites to live at the expense of ordinary, working people, whose means are industrious activity and consensual exchange in the marketplace. We ought not assume, however, that the indigent segment ... … Read entire article »

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The Obvious Hypocrisy Of Tyranny

The Obvious Hypocrisy Of Tyranny

If tyranny was a living being, it would be a strange and marvelous creature. By that I don’t mean it would be a good thing, I mean it would be something to gaze upon and marvel at, much like a dangerous or poisonous animal. One could appreciate its qualities, but ... … Read entire article »

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Don’t Rely on a Quack Doctor (Government)

Don’t Rely on a Quack Doctor (Government)

A man goes to his doctor for a routine checkup. The doctor performs a perfunctory examination and informs him that unless he receives an experimental treatment the doctor has devised, he will soon become disabled. “What’s it cost, Doc?” the man asks. “Well, unfortunately it’s not cheap, Mr. Smith, and ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

The Media Doesn’t Matter, the Internet Does

The Media Doesn’t Matter, the Internet Does

Just as the advent of television changed political campaign strategies forever, so the Internet will shortly revolutionize the entire political process. The spectacular showing by Beppe Grillo’s Movimento 5 Stelle, which just won more votes in Italy’s general election than any other single party, represents a brand new, powerful, double-barreled trend ... … Read entire article »

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Television Zombies

Television Zombies

I walked past a house today and saw what looked like two little angels, about four and five years old, sitting quietly in the pyjamas in a living room. The house was a Victorian residence with large bay windows in a well-to-do English suburb of Nottingham and the glimpse of ... … Read entire article »

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I Remember Who I Am

I Remember Who I Am

In these tormented times, everything I relied upon is collapsing — systems, family, gains, achievements, moral values, beliefs, etc. — and nothing is left to hold on to. The very pillars of society are crumbling a bit more every day, as one truth after another is being unveiled. And it ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, Books, News

American Prison System: Slavery Business As Usual

American Prison System: Slavery Business As Usual

Florida Atlantic University’s Stadium Named After a Prison Company. … The GEO Group is a for-profit prison company based in Boca Raton, Fla., that calls itself “the world’s leading provider of correctional and detention management and community reentry services to federal, state and local government agencies.” It can also call ... … Read entire article »

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War Criminal Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict, Seeks Immunity and Protection

War Criminal Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict, Seeks Immunity and Protection

International Tribunal calls on Napolitano to “not collude in criminality”, and announces global campaign to occupy Vatican property and launch human rights inquiry in Italy ROME, February 14, 2013 — Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, has scheduled a meeting with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano for Saturday, February 23 to discuss securing protection ... … Read entire article »

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Artificial Intelligence: Garbage In, Garbage Out

Artificial Intelligence: Garbage In, Garbage Out

I’ve been forcing myself to read gushing statements about the march of artificial intelligence (AI) and how, in the near future, we will have “the source code of the brain,” and computers will be able to do whatever the brain can do, except much, much faster. I’ve been reading about the ... … Read entire article »

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Are You a Victim of Your Own False Flag Operation?

Are You a Victim of Your Own False Flag Operation?

Most people live inside a web of emotional false flags intended to distract them from what is really going on in their lives. As a result, they end up making misguided decisions and failing to understand their own motivation. They wonder, why am I not getting what I want in life? ... … Read entire article »

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Do Not Fear Having Your Name Online

Do Not Fear Having Your Name Online

Imagine a time when the government knew nothing about the money in your bank. It cared nothing about how much you made, where you made it, and what you did with it. You could take your earnings in gold, silver, paper, or anything else, and never filed a sheet with ... … Read entire article »

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NASA Promotional Videos Don’t Fit the Bill

NASA Promotional Videos Don’t Fit the Bill

Stresses the testing of the Lunar Module, the spacecraft that will land men on the Moon. Featured are sequences of launch, successful rendezvous, EVA, and the Earth’s terrain … Launch date: March 3, 1969 … This film has been made available thanks to NASA / courtesy of nasaimages.org … Note: ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News, Video

We All Live in a Grand Simulation

We All Live in a Grand Simulation

There’s a lot of buzz in the news about a new scientific study that statistically supports the idea that our known universe is actually a grand computer simulation. This is mainstream science, and the idea isn’t a whacky as you might first suppose. I’ve actually written about this several times ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

How Television News Creates the Illusion of Knowledge

How Television News Creates the Illusion of Knowledge

In analyzing network coverage of the Sandy Hook murders, I had no intention of doing a series of articles on television news, but the opportunity to deconstruct the overall grand illusion was compelling. A number of articles later, I want to discuss yet another sleight-of-hand trick. The myth of “coverage.” It’s familiar ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Science, Religion and Power

Science, Religion and Power

Exclusive! Published by permission. Since the late nineteenth century, science has dominated and transformed the earth. It has touched everyone’s lives through technology and modern medicine. Its intellectual prestige is almost unchallenged. Its influence is greater than that of any other system of thought in all of human history. Although most ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, Books, News

The New Year’s First Robbery

The New Year’s First Robbery

The high priests of the civic religion are very worried that people no longer seem to trust government. The law stands discredited. Once-hallowed institutions are under fire and losing status. People are openly loathing public officials. Movies, television, and best-selling books urge revolt. Most people don’t bother to vote. And ... … Read entire article »

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Cloud Atlas: A Satanic NWO Psy-Op

Cloud Atlas: A Satanic NWO Psy-Op

Cloud Atlas is a reminder the world is run by a Satanic cult. Hollywood makes the cult’s home movies which remove us from truth and transport us to a sick occult world. The good news: this movie bombed at the box office. Today I watched Cloud Atlas after hearing rave reviews. ... … Read entire article »

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I am a Soldier. I am Dirt

I am a Soldier. I am Dirt

I am a soldier. I am dirt. With Joshua I put the cities of Canaan to the sword while women screamed and tried to protect their babies. I spent long days in Nanjing butchering and butchering civilians because I enjoyed it. For I am a soldier. I am dirt. I ... … Read entire article »

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Five Questions You Should Ask About Your Destiny

Five Questions You Should Ask About Your Destiny

How you look at your life, what you do in life, where you go in life, and with whom… Fll these decisions are wrapped up in what you think about your destiny. Granted, this isn’t a subject that pops up on the radar of most people. But you aren’t most people. ... … Read entire article »

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