War Is Crime » News

We Are On the Brink Of Something Really Big

We Are On the Brink Of Something Really Big

I love stories about discoveries of mysterious, ancient, massive, stone ruins, such as the so-far-unexplained structures recently uncovered in the Ecuadorean rain forest. How about the thousands of multi-ton, megalithic structures in the Russian Caucasus? Click the link. Think you could build even one of those things with the help of ... … Read entire article »

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My People Perish From Lack Of Knowledge

My People Perish From Lack Of Knowledge

“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie—deliberate, contrived, and dishonest, but the myth—persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” — John F. Kennedy. People often ask me, “Dave, how do we turn this around and defeat ... … Read entire article »

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Beware of the Opinionated Mind

Beware of the Opinionated Mind

They are out there. Those individuals who will zealously defend a particular belief even though the information presented before them proves it is wrong. Trapped in a fixed mode of thinking, these individuals will exasperate and frustrate you. No matter how you present the information they will refuse to believe ... … Read entire article »

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The Law of Purpose

The Law of Purpose

For some unknown reason, we seem to have adopted the wrong interpretation of the Law of Purpose. Somewhere down through the centuries, we came to believe that our purpose in life was to come here and make this world a better place. Tied to this central theme was the idea ... … Read entire article »

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Wikipedia Under Threat

Wikipedia Under Threat

Wikipedia is a wonderful invention. But precisely because it’s so trusted and convenient, people with their own agendas keep trying to take it over. Editing wars are common. According to researchers at Oxford University, the most controversial subjects worldwide include Israel and God. This is not surprising. Everyone knows that there ... … Read entire article »

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Empty Caskets

Empty Caskets

It is not that uncommon for a funeral home to tell grieving relatives that the casket should remain closed because the body is damaged and would be upsetting if viewed. However, on some occasions, relatives have been able to view the casket contents only to find, to their horror, that ... … Read entire article »

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Art is Dangerous to Authorities

Art is Dangerous to Authorities

Art is dangerous. It makes people move out of standard-response channels. They don’t see what they’re supposed to see anymore. They see what they’re not supposed to see. That’s why colleges teach brain-deadening courses in art history. Every attempt is made to codify the students’ reactions. I’m not just talking about political art. ... … Read entire article »

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The Rise and Fall of Militant Skepticism

The Rise and Fall of Militant Skepticism

Part 1 Skepticism has gotten itself into a pickle — perhaps something a lot more serious than a pickle — that is undermining its good name. The credibility of Wikipedia may be at stake (see below). We live in a skeptical age, because the cornerstone of science, “Everything must be verified,” ... … Read entire article »

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Don’t Think Back

Don’t Think Back

We all do it. When something in our life goes wrong or doesn’t work out the way we want it to, we have this compulsion to continually think about. For some of us, we can become quite obsessed about it. We talk to other people about it. We search the ... … Read entire article »

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It Is Wrong To Work For Government

It Is Wrong To Work For Government

A reader asks: “Why is it per se wrong to work for the government? Let’s say you’re working as a firefighter. Or a teacher (presuming you aren’t indoctrinating your students with statism, of course). Or a librarian in a public library. Or a doctor who works at a government hospital. ... … Read entire article »

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Break the Barriers of Belief

Break the Barriers of Belief

Last week, I had a few interactions that reminded me how much our attachment to our beliefs can keep us from truth, growth, and freedom. I was surprised at how often we choose comfort over truth, even when it means restriction and repression. And how terrifying it can be to ... … Read entire article »

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TV: Teaching Children Not to Think

TV: Teaching Children Not to Think

The beginning years of life are critical for neural development, and there are a myriad of elements which can contribute in stunting our children’s growth and potential. During the first few years of its life a child’s brain nearly triples in size, connected neurons with each other, keeping the connections ... … Read entire article »

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Time to Reprogram Your Beliefs

Time to Reprogram Your Beliefs

We come into this world a clean slate and over time we are conditioned and programmed with other people’s beliefs, judgements, superstitions and prejudices. By the time we hit our teenage years; these programs have become firmly entrenched in our mind and influence not only our thinking, but also our ... … Read entire article »

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The Globalist Number One Weapon: Induced Stupidity

The Globalist Number One Weapon: Induced Stupidity

We often hear talk about the all-powerful global elite and how they are invincible. They are not invincible, they are blinded by their avarice, decadence and insatiable desire to dominate a humanity that they hold in such disdain. As I have studied their playbook and have learned their mindset, as a ... … Read entire article »

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Beware the Candyman

Beware the Candyman

This has mostly to do with the conscious community but can be applied at any level. Wherever there is spiritual juice you’ll find the givers, the takers, and the very clever manipulators. It’s just a fact of life. Some people just can’t help themselves, they see an “opportunity” wherever they ... … Read entire article »

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The Killing Electromagnetic Fields

The Killing Electromagnetic Fields

“Science tells us that everything is energy and that matter is nothing more than energy in a different form. Our bodies are a composite of many different energy patterns and vibrations. In fact, the universe and everything in it is made up of different levels of vibration.” — Dr. John ... … Read entire article »

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To Change the World, Change the Mind

To Change the World, Change the Mind

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. — Rumi. There has been some discussion lately regarding Russell Brand’s interview with Jeremy Paxman. There was nothing new in what Russell was saying. The points of view he put forth ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News, Video

The Helplessness Agenda

The Helplessness Agenda

If it’s not obvious enough already, the world is being stealthily submersed into a fishbowl mentality. Apparently we are all being watched. Or so they say. Pretty clever meme if you ask me, further imposing an even deeper subconscious relinquishing of privacy and personal freedom. The more they pound on ... … Read entire article »

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The Death Wish Agenda

The Death Wish Agenda

I recently wrote a good friend and fellow activist/writer/researcher a hot headed note about the assault we’re witnessing: We’re so full-spectrum fucked I’m getting seriously tempted to move into nature and just cut the fuck out….but you know I won’t unless my body just quits on me…funny how these bastards have ... … Read entire article »

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The paranormal as an object of ridicule, scorn and fear

The paranormal as an object of ridicule, scorn and fear

If you want evidence that paranormal abilities exist, Dean Radin’s groundbreaking book, The Conscious Universe, will supply it. Radin examined hundreds of well-formed lab studies and concluded that the performance of human volunteers demonstrated, statistically, such abilities. But this article is not about that. Nor is it about woo-woo people who ... … Read entire article »

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