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Historical facts about the dangers of vaccines

Historical facts about the dangers of vaccines

Vaccines are the quackery of modern medicine. Mass vaccination programs not only fail to protect the population from infectious disease, they actually accelerate the spread of disease in many cases. Many website have cropped up over the last few years to counter the pro-vaccine propaganda put out by drug companies (who ... … Read entire article »

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One in two doctors will refuse swine flu vaccine

One in two doctors will refuse swine flu vaccine

Nearly half of general practitioners have decided to not be vaccinated against swine flu once a jab becomes available in the autumn. A snapshot survey of GPs conducted by Pulse found that 56 of the 115 GPs surveyed said they did not intend to receive the jab. Last week chief medical officer ... … Read entire article »

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Fear is the Only Darkness

Fear is the Only Darkness

Young Caine: Of all things, to live in darkness must be worst.Master Po: Fear is the only darkness. (“Kung Fu.” 1972, TV.) At the root of all the world’s ills lies fear. Fear is the blanket that swathes our higher selves, smothers our true light. Fear is gifted to us as a ... … Read entire article »

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The Truth About the Flu Shot

The Truth About the Flu Shot

The absolute belief in the effectiveness of vaccines resulted in the disability of 532 people who contracted Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a life-threatening form of paralysis. While many recovered in the ensuing months, at least 33 died and up to 10 percent remained paralyzed to varying degrees for the rest of their ... … Read entire article »

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A Manifesto of Human Sovereignty

A Manifesto of Human Sovereignty

Everyone who has any awareness at all is very aware that there is a battle going on for this planet. There are essentially two groups, one that is peaceful and loves this planet and has no money (the majority of the people on this planet). The other group is killing ... … Read entire article »

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Mind-Altering Drugs Prescribed to Children

Mind-Altering Drugs Prescribed to Children

Today an FDA advisory panel approved the prescribing of powerful mind-altering chemicals for children. Seroquel, Zyprexa and Goedon have now been approved by the advisory panel to be prescribed to children as young as 10 years old to treat a fictitious disease invented by psychiatrists and given the name “bipolar ... … Read entire article »

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Vampires and Werewolves and Ghouls, Oh My!

Vampires and Werewolves and Ghouls, Oh My!

I’ve been living in a country where the northern half is rich and the southern half is poor. I’ve been in both but I live in the south. I don’t notice that people are poor. They are vibrant and alive. They appear to be thriving. There’s a movement among the ... … Read entire article »

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Please Leave Your Message After the Gunshot

Please Leave Your Message After the Gunshot

In spite of all our morality, religious rules, austere laws, friendly pedagogies, and liberal policies, never have human beings been so cruel and corrupt. Withour barring an eye, we commit the worst atrocities, while showing the dignity of a saint. How can a bailiff seize, withour any remorse, the house of ... … Read entire article »

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Crashing Economy Works Well For Private Prisons

Crashing Economy Works Well For Private Prisons

While the U.S. economy flounders, business is booming for The GEO Group Inc., a private prison firm that is paid millions by the U.S. government to detain undocumented immigrants and other federal inmates. In the last year and a half, GEO announced plans to add a total of at least ... … Read entire article »

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Who Sponsors the European Fascist Superstate

Who Sponsors the European Fascist Superstate

No one pays more to the EU than a citizen of Flanders, the Dutch-speaking northern half of Belgium. A Fleming pays twice as much as a Walloon, triple as much as a Briton and five times more than a Frenchman. It was already known that, from the 27 EU-member states, 15 ... … Read entire article »

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U.S. Testing New Weapons on Their Own Population

U.S. Testing New Weapons on Their Own Population

Their stories are a staple of conspiracy culture: broken men, suffering hallucinations and near-total amnesia, who say they are victims of secret government mind-control experiments. Think Liev Schreiber in The Manchurian Candidate or Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory. Journalists are a favorite target for the paranoid delusions of this population. ... … Read entire article »

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Natural alternative to expensive Tamiflu vaccine

Natural alternative to expensive Tamiflu vaccine

Concerned about using Tamiflu if the second, much worse swine flu breakout comes as promoted and promised? You should be. Besides the insufficient supply that is getting closer to its expiration date, Tamiflu is only partially effective. Furthermore, it’s very expensive, and the side effects are so harsh and dangerous ... … Read entire article »

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Scientist Frank Olson: Killed by the CIA

Scientist Frank Olson: Killed by the CIA

There are things in our history that most Americans don’t know because they haven’t been told, or what they have been told is not true. Unfortunately, some of the things are so disturbing that many of us would prefer to keep it that way. Such is the case of the ... … Read entire article »

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Soft Drinks Killing You Far From Softly

Soft Drinks Killing You Far From Softly

Do you have a drinking problem? I am not just talking about alcohol. So, before you say ‘NO’, think about the amount of soft drinks that you and your family consume. Whatever you call them, sodas, aerated water, pop or soft drinks are far from soft. In fact, they are deliberately ... … Read entire article »

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Think For Yourself, That’s What Makes Us Human

Think For Yourself, That’s What Makes Us Human

A meeting with Vladimir Bukovsky A few days ago, I met with a colleague and we took the train up to Cambridge, to visit Vladimir Bukovsky. One can read a great deal about the atrocities perpetrated in communist Russia, but nothing quite prepares one to an encounter with a real life ... … Read entire article »

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Electronic Police State 2008: National Rankings

Electronic Police State 2008: National Rankings

Most of us are aware that our governments monitor nearly every form of electronic communication. We are also aware of private companies doing the same. This strikes most of us as slightly troubling, but very few of us say or do much about it. There are two primary reasons for ... … Read entire article »

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The Never-Ending State and Church Crime Story

The Never-Ending State and Church Crime Story

Canadian Reverend Kevin Annett (53), who is presently on a lecture tour throughout cities in Canada lives dangerously. “I do believe that I am about to be arrested by the RCMP. My sources tell me there is a warrant being issued this week for my arrest,” he tells me in ... … Read entire article »

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The Swine Flu Does Not Kill, the Vaccines Do!

The Swine Flu Does Not Kill, the Vaccines Do!

I’ve sussed it all… all this nonsense about Avian Flu/Bird flu — and now Swine Flu — over the past few years. It was to condition the population that something big was bound to break out sooner or later. Then, when they decided the time was right — like in Mexico ... … Read entire article »

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Obama’s 100 Days: The Mad Men Did Well

Obama’s 100 Days: The Mad Men Did Well

In his latest column for the New Statesman, John Pilger describes the power of advertising — from the effects of smoking to politics — as he reaches behind the facade of the first 100 days of Barack Obama. The BBC’s American television soap Mad Men offers a rare glimpse of the ... … Read entire article »

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Swine Flu: Fever Cures Better!

Swine Flu: Fever Cures Better!

The epidemic is reaching crisis proportions. But this epidemic is one of medical meddling tied to commercial gain. The leading cause of all flu mortality is treatments which actually encourage avoidable acute respiratory complications. Only a small minority of people develop serious flu complications, such as pneumonia, which is the actual ... … Read entire article »

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