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CIA’s Amateur Hour

CIA’s Amateur Hour

America owes Russia a big apology for the embarrassing case of bumbling CIA spy Ryan Fogel caught red-handed in Moscow trying to recruit a Russian agent. Shame on the US. What ever happened to professional respect? Russia has always been the grand master of espionage. In Russia, spying is a high ... … Read entire article »

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Distrust the Government

Distrust the Government

It should come as no surprise that President Obama told Ohio State students at graduation ceremonies last week that they should not question authority and they should reject the calls of those who do. He argued that “our brave, creative, unique experiment in self-rule” has been so successful that trusting ... … Read entire article »

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Imagine and Never Get Old

Imagine and Never Get Old

There is a point at which a life becomes unsatisfying. Regardless of the reasons, a person begins to place too much emphasis on: what already exists; and what he believes. That may sound like a strange thing to say. There is nothing automatically wrong with what exists or with what he believes, but the ... … Read entire article »

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Releasing the Grip of Anxiety

Releasing the Grip of Anxiety

Recently I received a question from a reader asking about anxiety: “This world and all of the bad news daily, has stressed me to the point of having anxiety on a regular basis. How can I heal? What do I do to stop it? Can you write a posting on ... … Read entire article »

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The New Babbleon

The New Babbleon

Political language … is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. ~ George Orwell. Events in Boston this past week are a reminder of the failures of intelligence that have infected this country in recent years. I am not ... … Read entire article »

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Project Walrus and the Murder of John Lennon

Project Walrus and the Murder of John Lennon

“At the morgue, the entrance was sealed shut with a lock and chain. Attendants with green mortuary masks moved around in a dumb show, their words inaudible, or typed out forms on grim civil-service type-writers. Behind them, in a refrigerator, lay the sixties.” — Pete Hamill, New York Magazine, “John ... … Read entire article »

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All Terror Attacks are Psyops

All Terror Attacks are Psyops

Whether the Boston Marathon murders were staged as a false flag, and if so, by whom, there are certainly contradictions in the media story line so far. Mike Adams, at Natural News, has pointed out several key absurdities in the official scenario, including the apparent controlled demolition of a bomb at ... … Read entire article »

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War Heroes, Fake Heroes

War Heroes, Fake Heroes

Throughout American history, soldiers have always been held in high esteem. It doesn’t matter where or why a particular war was fought – current and former members of the military have always been put on a pedestal. We are expected to heap glory, laud, and honor upon them. We are expected ... … Read entire article »

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Mind Control, Collectivism, and the Stealth Gods

Mind Control, Collectivism, and the Stealth Gods

Of the many definitions of collectivism, this simple one is my favorite: “The practice or principle of giving a group priority over each individual in it.” When I was starting out as a reporter 30 years ago, one of my first editors sat down with me and said, “In America, collectivism ... … Read entire article »

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Psycho-Therapeutic Schools: Pathologizing Childhood

Psycho-Therapeutic Schools: Pathologizing Childhood

“There’s a tremendous push where if the kid’s behavior is thought to be quote-unquote abnormal — if they’re not sitting quietly at their desk — that’s pathological, instead of just childhood.” — Dr. Jerome Groopman, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. According to a recent report by the Centers for Disease ... … Read entire article »

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North Korea: US Action Prelude to Global Warfare

North Korea: US Action Prelude to Global Warfare

The real threat of the escalation of hostilities on the Korean peninsular — and consequently the world — comes not from North Korea, but from the United States itself, political analyst Michel Chossudovsky told RT. The director of the Centre for Research on Globalization and professor of economics at the University ... … Read entire article »

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Whistleblowers: The Silenced Heroes

Whistleblowers: The Silenced Heroes

When faced with the overwhelming evidence of the widespread, systemic conspiracies that take place at the very highest levels of government, the general public has been pre-programmed to respond with the all-too-familiar retort: “But someone would have talked.” This reasoning is sufficient for most people to return to their day-to-day lives. ... … Read entire article »

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Big Government: An Unnecessary Evil

Big Government: An Unnecessary Evil

There are two types of people in this world; those who worship the ideal of centralized command authority, and those who do not. Those who value freedom regardless of risk or pain, and those who value slavery in a desperate bid to avoid risk and pain. When I consider the ... … Read entire article »

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Rupert Sheldrake: Banned TED Talk

Rupert Sheldrake: Banned TED Talk

Video re-uploaded as TED have decided to censor Rupert Sheldrake and remove this video from the TEDx YouTube channel. Follow this link for TED’s statement on the matter. Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D. (born 28 June 1942) is a biologist and author of more than 80 scientific papers and ten books. A former ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, Books, News, Video

New Zealand Plans Cyprus-Style Confiscations

New Zealand Plans Cyprus-Style Confiscations

National planning Cyprus-style solution for New Zealand …The National Government are pushing a Cyprus-style solution to bank failure in New Zealand which will see small depositors lose some of their savings to fund big bank bailouts, the Green Party said today. Open Bank Resolution (OBR) is Finance Minister Bill English’s ... … Read entire article »

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Why the US Banking System Would Make Lenin Proud

Why the US Banking System Would Make Lenin Proud

“Without big banks, socialism would be impossible.” – Vladimir Lenin. Socialism is not crafted solely on the backs of standing human or robotic armies, police, and bureaucracy. The modern state must also possess an apparatus of big banks, as Lenin wrote at the onset of the Bolshevik Revolution, for it is banks ... … Read entire article »

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The CIA, MKULTRA, and Truth Serum Torture

The CIA, MKULTRA, and Truth Serum Torture

In 2002, author Martin Lee wrote an article for Common Dreams: “Truth Serum and Torture.” It could have been written yesterday, because now a Colorado judge has stated that, if James Holmes pleads not guilty by reason of insanity to the Aurora murders, state psychiatrists can subject him to drugs that ... … Read entire article »

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The Disaster of Manufacturing Consent in the Matrix

The Disaster of Manufacturing Consent in the Matrix

This article may seem to be about abstract theory, but it isn’t. It’s about how populations are viewed by psychological-operations specialists. More importantly, it’s about how people are led to accept substitutes for their own highest ideals. The substitutes look like the real thing, but they’re actually very well drawn cartoons. The ... … Read entire article »

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The Economic Zombie Apocalypse

The Economic Zombie Apocalypse

The end of civilization is already here. Most of humanity has been turned into an unthinking mass of economic zombies that are looking to feast on the still living flesh of the few survivors. This may explain the increasing popularity or obsession with all things zombie. From fiction to pub ... … Read entire article »

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Sympathy for President Chavez

Sympathy for President Chavez

As millions of grief-stricken Venezuelans thronged the streets of Caracas after the untimely death of 58-year-old President Hugo Chavez, memories flooded back of Sept. 1970, when an equally flamboyant, controversial leader, Egypt’s Col. Gamal Abdel Nasser, suddenly died of a heart attack, aged only 52. Nasser’s death convulsed Egypt in grief. ... … Read entire article »

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