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The Basis of Mass Mind Control

The Basis of Mass Mind Control

“Aliens visiting Earth would report back to their superiors: ‘It’s quite amazing, those people worship images. They know it and they pretend not to know it.’” — Hypnotherapist Jack True. This is a backgrounder for my mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, which contains many exercises designed to liberate an individual from ... … Read entire article »

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Slipping Into The Cosmos

Slipping Into The Cosmos

You might be feeling a strange sensation lately – like slipping into other realms of thought, perspective or consciousness. It can be manifest in very mundane incidents, and it can be very perceptually profound. It’s not easy to identify, never mind classify. Nevertheless, the shift is on and it’s hitting people ... … Read entire article »

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We all get angry. Even if we are aware of the harm it can cause, we often can’t help feeling it and in so many different ways — outbursts, irritation, frustration, forcefulness in opinions, glares, raised tones, curt responses, hurtful words, negative moods, and on and on it goes. We ... … Read entire article »

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Loyalty to the Enslaving Field of Reality

Loyalty to the Enslaving Field of Reality

Let us say there are two levels of What Is: surface reality, and what lies under the surface — aka what’s behind the curtain. Living and working in either venue, a person is, to a significant degree, immersed in What Is. He doesn’t particularly notice this. But if, one day, he ... … Read entire article »

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The Inner Poverty

The Inner Poverty

One way or another, most of us are beggars, feel good junkies, addicted to the world to make us happy… “They are but beggars that can’t count their own worth.” ― with apologies to William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet. Thorough records are kept for poverty. For example, the US poverty level for ... … Read entire article »

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The Coming Magnetic Pole Reversal

The Coming Magnetic Pole Reversal

Over the past four months, the Mount Ida (British Columbia) magnetic vortex has expanded from a radius of nineteen miles to twenty-six miles. Many times people in the area have felt weary and needed to lie down. On May 3, 2014 between 5:00 and 6:00 PM, I felt extremely tired. ... … Read entire article »

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Most Politicians and CEO’s Are Certifiably Insane

Most Politicians and CEO’s Are Certifiably Insane

After writing one of my most recent articles with regard to what typically happens when a currency collapse occurs, due to a currency devaluation, takes down a country’s economy as the Chinese are gobbling up all of our important economic assets, many people wrote to me asking me when is ... … Read entire article »

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16 Signs You’re a Slave to the Matrix

16 Signs You’re a Slave to the Matrix

Today’s world is a strange place. We are inundated with signals from early on in life, encouraging each of us to walk a particular path, establishing blinders on us along the way to discourage us from looking for alternatives to what the herd is doing or thinking. Life is so ... … Read entire article »

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The Social Tipping Point

The Social Tipping Point

We have often suggested that, if we wish to know what is coming politically, socially, and economically in jurisdictions such as the EU and US, we might have a look at countries like Argentina and Venezuela, as they are in a similar state of near-collapse (for the very same reasons ... … Read entire article »

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Power Outside The Matrix: A Different Consciousness

Power Outside The Matrix: A Different Consciousness

People are fixated on rules and boundaries and systems. They are waiting and hoping for some kind of salvation, which will be delivered through a system. This is a form of mind control. It’s ultimately self-imposed. The person who lives a creative life finds another aspect of his own mind. This different consciousness ... … Read entire article »

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The Creative Center of the World

The Creative Center of the World

“After the final no there comes a yes and on that yes the future of the world hangs.” — Wallace Stevens. What would happen if the world were enveloped by art? And if we were the artists? And if we owed nothing to any hierarchy or external authority? Is it ... … Read entire article »

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It is easy to believe in the things that we see. We live in a visual reality. It isn’t that our eyes “can” deceive us. It is that they “do.” Perhaps more accurately put, we allow our eyes to mislead us by where we cast them and with what we occupy ... … Read entire article »

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Mass Murder of Canadian Children Admitted

Mass Murder of Canadian Children Admitted

As the rest of the world continues to try to sort out endless wars, color revolutions, uprisings, economic disasters and a hundred other mind-numbingly regular red flag operations one man and the incredibly dedicated and courageous team he has fathered persist. They are largely unsung and certainly ignored by all ... … Read entire article »

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The Ghosts of Reality

The Ghosts of Reality

The universe seems to be impersonal, it has to be. It doesn’t play favorites and is unimpressed with things that captivate our weak mortal minds. Still I’m sure it has magic, there is a great deal we don’t know, and even more we’re not even remotely aware of or can ... … Read entire article »

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It’s Not An Alien Invasion, It’s Operation Blue Beam

It’s Not An Alien Invasion, It’s Operation Blue Beam

The world is 30-60 days away from a potential Armageddon. With scheduled NATO war games to be held in countries like Moldova and Ukraine this summer, Putin’s hand is being forced. If Putin does not act and move against Ukraine, and he allows NATO to fortify his neighbors against a ... … Read entire article »

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Why the Law of Attraction fails

Why the Law of Attraction fails

The law is stated in two ways. First, positive thoughts attract positive results in life, and negative thoughts attract negative results. This is mainly a descriptive overview. It doesn’t apply to people who consciously do something to change their own thoughts. It’s a “philosophic” basis for understanding why people get ... … Read entire article »

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A Time to Focus

A Time to Focus

So many things are trying to pull us apart, individually and collectively. Never mind fear of everything manufactured or imaginary tearing at people’s psyches, but actual realities that are accosting everyone on this planet in some form or another. Their effects are subtle yet they’re in our faces, and are ... … Read entire article »

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The Invisible Realm

The Invisible Realm

Our bodies are formed from the elements of the Earth, we literally come into physical existence out of the Earth. Where does our consciousness come from? We know that everything that exists comes from something else that exists. Living things come from other living things each according to its kind. Consciousness ... … Read entire article »

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Question Everything

Question Everything

The average person in the First World receives more information than he would if he lived in a Second or Third World country. In many countries of the world, the very idea of twenty-four hour television news coverage would be unthinkable, yet many Westerners feel that, without this constant input, ... … Read entire article »

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Putin Is Encircling the United States Red Dawn Style

Putin Is Encircling the United States Red Dawn Style

The year is 1942 and America finds itself cutoff from its allies, yet, America persevered through the harnessing of its vast manufacturing capacity. As America finds itself increasingly isolated by a devastatingly effective Putin foreign policy, the United States does not have the industrial capacity to respond to the economic ... … Read entire article »

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