How the Sun Affects Our Minds
More than three-quarters of all instances of human unrest—battles, upheavals, riots, revolutions, and wars—occur during the periods of the maximum number of sunspots in the Sun… So powerful is this cosmic zeitgeber that it may even influence our physical size, our longevity, our mental stability, our propensity to violence, and ... … Read entire article »
Cultural Prison
“There is one significant difference between the inmates of your criminal prisons and the inmates of your cultural prison: The former understand that the distribution of wealth and power inside the prison has nothing to do with justice.” I blinked at him for a while, then asked him to explain. “In your ... … Read entire article »
The Bolshevik Conspiracy
In identifying the Russian Bolsheviks, who are the masters of the Soviet Union, as the enemy, we do no more than take at face value their own declarations. The declared aim of the Bolsheviks is to achieve what they call Communism throughout the world by encouraging internal revolutions against established ... … Read entire article »
Slave Labor
In hundreds of Red prisons and forced-labor camps throughout Eastern Europe, as in thousands of other prisons and camps throughout the Soviet Union, starvation is universal, torture a commonplace. Whole volumes could be devoted to the personal testimony of those who have miraculously survived and escaped from captive Europe. What ... … Read entire article »
The World’s Greatest Plot
How to Enslave Everybody is a contemporary tragedy, written in Moscow, produced and directed by Soviet Russians, and now being played throughout Eastern and captive Europe—with a cast of 90 million persons. Its trial runs are rapidly nearing completion. The performance will be close to letter-perfect, by Kremlin standards, within a ... … Read entire article »
1939: The Outbreak of the War in Europe
1. Confusion in Moscow As far as Russia was concerned, everything hinged on the one question: Would the Western Powers enter the war? Moscow, as a matter of fact, even more than Berlin, anticipated a new appeasement move on the part of England and France. In spite of its vast intelligence ... … Read entire article »
The Nature of Communism
THE MOST COMMON source of errors about the nature of social and political movements is the idea that the words used by adherents of the movements, in alleged explanation of their aims and activities, can be taken at face value. The words are not unimportant, and sometimes they tell the ... … Read entire article »
Sleeper Apparatus
It is very hard to detect a well-run conspiracy. It is hard for common sense to grasp the reality of an “underground,” which seems to fit more naturally into fiction or movies rather than fact. It is harder still to assemble legally acceptable proof concerning its members and activities. The Communist ... … Read entire article »
Spiders or Flies?
During the 1930’s and ’40’s an invisible web was spun over Washington. Its interlaced threads were extended to nearly every executive department and agency, to the military establishment, the White House itself, and to many of the committees of Congress. Through the records of the Congressional investigating committees and through ... … Read entire article »
Communism and Fascism
When World War I was at its height, it must have seemed probable that the victor would be either the Kaiser or the leaders of the western powers. But the true political winners from that terrific holocaust were three men who were little known, even in their own countries, when ... … Read entire article »
The Secret of the Zodiac: The Debacle
Early in the following year Lady Dare died of influenza, and Rosamund being left alone, Kavanagh urged that they should be married without further delay. After a quiet wedding, with only a few friends present in the church and a brief honeymoon in Portugal, they settled down in Kavanagh’s rooms ... … Read entire article »
The Lessons of Hungary
The present stalemate [in Russia] is so tense on both sides that it is unlikely to endure indefinitely. At some point the Kremlin will be driven to act. Either it must carry reform far beyond the present half-measures, to the degree of diluting its political monopoly, or it must again ... … Read entire article »
House of Trump, House of Putin
House of Trump, House of Putin offers the first comprehensive investigation into the decades-long relationship between Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and the Russian Mafia that ultimately helped win Trump the White House. It is a chilling story that begins in the 1970s, when Trump made his first splash in the booming, ... … Read entire article »
Chains in the Baltics
Only a handful of men in the entire world had access to the material that passed through Albert Konrad Herling’s hands. He was Director of Research for the United Nations’ Commission of Inquiry into Forced Labor. Albert Herling had interviewed hundreds of former inmates of Soviet labor camps and had ... … Read entire article »
Inventions According to Russian Textbooks
WARisCRIME Note: The following article had been published in 1955, but, having lived and worked in Russia for 38 years, I can confirm: all this fake information had kept on staying in Russian school and university textbooks during the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and today, in 2018, is is still there, ... … Read entire article »
Democracies: Short in Their Lives, Violent in Their Deaths
A compelling reason for the long hesitation of these men—Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, John Adams, Madison, Monroe—was their fear of democracy. They were educated men. Excepting Franklin (self-educated), each one had the education of an English gentleman. That is, the philosophy and the history of the whole European past had been pounded ... … Read entire article »
Orders to Kill: The Putin Regime and Political Murder
On February 28, 2015, shortly after I had returned from London, where I attended hearings of the British High Court into the 2006 murder there of ex-KGB officer Alexander Litvinenko, I woke up to terrible news. Late on the previous night, Boris Nemtsov, Russia’s leading democratic oppositionist, had been gunned ... … Read entire article »
The Crimes of Communism
Life cannot withstand death, but memory is gaining in its struggle against nothingness. — Tzvetan Todorov, Les abus de la mémoire. It has been written that “history is the science of human misfortune.”[1] Our bloodstained century of violence amply confirms this statement. In previous centuries few people and countries were spared ... … Read entire article »
Democracy on Trial
The advent of the “Labour Party” to office in 1924 was a deep humiliation to every patriotic citizen. At first it seemed almost unbelievable that only five years after the War had ended the Government of this country should be actually in the hands of men who had failed her ... … Read entire article »
Open Subversive Movements
Although the sceptical reader who has reached this stage of the present work will perhaps be willing to admit that some connexion may be traced between hidden forces and open subversive movements, the objection he will still raise against the general thesis here set forth will probably be expressed somewhat ... … Read entire article »