War Is Crime » Articles

A Conscious Jump Out of the Fishbowl

A Conscious Jump Out of the Fishbowl

What is Consciousness? The evolution of species on Earth was the means to achieve an evolution of consciousness inside matter. The increasing complexity of forms — from rock to plant to ant to bird to mammal to man — allowed consciousness to evolve inside new bodies that could do more and ... … Read entire article »

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The No Smoking Totalitarianism

The No Smoking Totalitarianism

Recently the fates wafted me upon a cloud of second-hand smoke onto a national television show. Let me explain. I grew up during the time when smoking was very common and occurred everywhere. I spent my first eighteen years enveloped in tobacco smoke as my father smoked constantly – only a pipe ... … Read entire article »

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Uncanny ‘Running Man’ Runs Into Elite Gloom

Uncanny ‘Running Man’ Runs Into Elite Gloom

Directed by former Starsky and Hutch TV star Paul Michael Glaser, this post-apocalyptic science fiction yarn satirized American entertainment, mocking pro wrestling, game shows, and law-and-order reality programming. Arnold Schwarzenegger stars as Ben Richards, a cop in the totalitarian America of 2019, framed for massacring rioting civilians during a famine. ... … Read entire article »

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How to Be Free When You’re Not

How to Be Free When You’re Not

It’s not hard for any moderately observant person to see the oppressiveness of the state all around us. We are taxed, regulated, coerced, controlled, patted down, pulled over, censored, cited, and sued anytime we step outside of the ever-changing boundaries prescribed by the political and bureaucratic classes. Many take umbrage ... … Read entire article »

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Porn in the T.S.A.

Porn in the T.S.A.

When flying cross-country recently, I stood in line like everyone else for the TSA “security” check and thought about Judge Andrew Napolitano’s recent book, A Nation of Sheep. How did Americans, once known for their independence and fierce devotion to their rights, become people who easily are herded, abused, and ... … Read entire article »

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Bringing America to Breaking Point

Bringing America to Breaking Point

I heard someone say, “At least we don’t have suicide bombers in America.” Oh, yeah? I hate to break it to you but we sure do have suicide bombers in America. Ours are the ones using assault rifles to kill innocent people in movie theaters and places of worship. ... … Read entire article »

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Shitty People

Shitty People

I want to ask you for your thoughts on something. While the subject is one that affects me directly, it is also one that affects everyone on a greater scale. This is a kind of problem that can be personal, familial, national, international and global. I am going to come ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles

You Don’t Have To Be A Victim

You Don’t Have To Be A Victim

Some people apparently think there are no fake victims, only real ones. They believe that if all the oppression in the world were magically lifted tomorrow, people would suddenly become independent. I don’t believe that. I raise these issues because I think it’s time for some honest input. When I went to ... … Read entire article »

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Hurricane Draws Out Political and Economic Fallacies

Hurricane Draws Out Political and Economic Fallacies

Throughout the next few days in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy you will repeatedly hear two great untruths: We need government to protect us from natural disasters. Natural disasters are good for the economy. Regarding the first fallacy, let us consider today’s New York Times op-ed commentary, which is predictably fawning about centralized ... … Read entire article »

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There is Nothing We Can Do about Climate Change

There is Nothing We Can Do about Climate Change

Physicist and meteorologist Klaus-Eckart Puls was interviewed by Bettina Hahne-Waldscheck of the Swiss magazine Factum. I’ve translated and summarized the interview, paraphrasing for brevity. Factum: You’ve been criticizing the theory of man-made global warming for years. How did you become skeptical? Puls: Ten years ago I simply parroted what the IPCC (Intergovernmental ... … Read entire article »

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Us vs. Them

Us vs. Them

Morpheus: 'The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around. What do you see? Business people, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of ... … Read entire article »

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The Tyranny of “What Already Exists”

The Tyranny of “What Already Exists”

We want to know what exists. We want to know it at the bottom of the sea and out in the stars and within our own minds and in realms outside the normal channels of perception. Of course we want to journey to those places and find out what’s there. We ... … Read entire article »

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UN Calls for Global Internet Surveillance

UN Calls for Global Internet Surveillance

“u.n. calls for ‘anti-terror’ internet surveillance. – United Nations report calls for Internet surveillance, saying lack of ‘internationally agreed framework for retention of data’ is a problem, as are open Wi-Fi networks in airports, cafes, and libraries. The United Nations is calling for more surveillance of Internet users, saying it ... … Read entire article »

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Movies and Politics: Truth is Fiction Anyway

Movies and Politics: Truth is Fiction Anyway

“Political language … is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectful, and give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” — George Orwell. With Election Day right around the corner, the propaganda machines are busily spinning political webs with which the candidates can lure voters. However, no matter how ... … Read entire article »

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Television: Brainwashing You Softly

Television: Brainwashing You Softly

Hey buddy, I’m talking to you. Yes, you, the guy sitting in front of the television. Turn down the sound a bit, so that you can hear what I am saying. Now, try to concentrate on what I am going to say. I want to talk to you about your ... … Read entire article »

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The Sports Conspiracy: Brainwashed From Birth

The Sports Conspiracy: Brainwashed From Birth

Nothing is so permeating in American culture as sports. We are exposed to competition based physical struggles for dominance (a.k.a. athletics) from the cradle to the grave. Is this phenomena a manifestation of normal evolutionary needs for hierarchy, alpha males, and social order, or a skillfully crafted campaign of control ... … Read entire article »

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Awake, and Falling Back to Sleep

Awake, and Falling Back to Sleep

An old professor of mine once told me that the purpose of learning was to “escape.” He said that insight was the experience which would lead you beyond a system that was trapping your mind. He gave a very interesting informal lecture to a group of us about the dawning age of ... … Read entire article »

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Once When We Were Free

Once When We Were Free

We’re so much more sensible now. We don’t live our lives as much as we arrange them and organize them. B follows A. D follows C. We take our medicine and our shots because the doctor says so. We’re careful, because accidents happen. We don’t say what’s on our minds a lot ... … Read entire article »

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The Most Radical Social Movement in America

The Most Radical Social Movement in America

It’s homeschooling, and it terrifies the establishment I have just read the best article in National Review that I can remember in the last 40 years. Of course, this is not saying a great deal, because I stopped reading National Review about 40 years ago. I used to write for it ... … Read entire article »

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I Wonder If …

I Wonder If …

I wonder if there would ever be another war, if, instead of mass slaughtering civilians, civilian homes, schools, and critical infrastructure… only heads of state would be bombed. If the innocent civilian populations of all countries were strictly off limits in times of war, not to be touched by violence ... … Read entire article »

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