The United Nations Never United Nations
The United Nations never united nations.
It always did and does unite States.
National ‘representatives’ there
have never represented their respective nations.
None of them has ever been elected.
Nobody in their countries even know who they are.
They don’t represent anybody
if it’s not the shadowy world government body,
the elite dynasties that compose
the very top of the infamous pyramid
on the one dollar bill –
that triangle, you know, with the all-seeing eye
that flies over the rest of the pyramid
without touching it,
meaning it has nothing in common with it,
pretending it has nothing to do with it,
but doing everything and anything to it,
just like an all-mighty
self-proclaimed god.
They have nothing in common with us the people,
they don’t represent any one of us,
and yet they decide our present and future;
they even decide our past.
Every single day they decide the fate of humanity
and of every single person that happen to live
in a region that happen to attract their inhumanely cold attention.
They decide who of us should live
and who should die.
Last Tuesday, the so-called International Criminal Court in The Hague
has rejected Palestinian bid to investigate
Israeli war crimes during the 2009 ‘Cast Lead’ Gaza operation.
The Court did so because, I quote, “the current status
granted (!) to Palestine by the United Nations General Assembly
is that of ‘observer’, not as a ‘Non-member State’.”
This means: if you’re not a ‘State’,
you are nothing in the eyes of the United Nations.
This means: if you’re not a ‘State’,
anything can be done to you.
Your entire nation can be exterminated,
and the United Nations will just approve it,
because you are not a ‘State’.
Israel loved the decision
“professionally, discreetly and quietly” influenced
from behind the scenes by Israel itself
(here I quite the Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Liebermann).
You see, they don’t even hide any more.
You are a disgrace, the United Nations,
a disgrace to everything you claim, mendaciously, to stand for.
You are nothing.
The Palestinian State existed before it’s partition, nor Balfour’s Declaration nor U.N.’s Charter could legally destroy this statehood ! It existed before the existence of Israel !
The over forty/sixty years’ of persistent Veto of USA about the legal rights proclaimed by The Palestinian State Authorities’ legal demands are open violation of The Charter of U.N. ! Since this veto power was never meant to mean systematic refusal of obvious demands and status of any people demanding only the respect of international laws accepted by U.N. Charter since 1946 and other older accepted International laws since 1918 or older ones in power, or refusal of adherence of any nation, people or states to U.N. Charter ! The U.S.A. and Israel are illegally barring Palestine from U.N. in order to continue the Genocide of The Palestinians and conquest of all Palestine, which is an obvious Colonialist-Apartheid policy condemned by T.P.P.P. (Tribunal of People’s Permanent Power ) and other people’s Tribunal recently in S. Africa and by all 99% percent majority of other members in U.N. consistently vetoed or abused by veto power of USA !
The Palestinian State has always existed since 1920’s and can gather petition of 99% members to over-rule the illegal persistent veto abused by USA and Israel since 1967 !