War Is Crime » Entries tagged with "science"
Every Scientific Law Will Be Rewritten in the Next 50 Years

There is a simple reason why science has a very naive understanding of ourselves and our universe. It can only discover correlations, not causation. It does not have a concept of quantum measurements. It has no tools to measure quantum fields. Since everything in the universe happens at a quantum ... … Read entire article »
The Higgs Fake: How Con Scientists Fooled the World

“… In holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.” (President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Farewell Address (1961). Dr. Alexander Unzicker is a German theoretical physicist and ... … Read entire article »
Lynne McTaggart: The Field

Science has recently begun to prove what ancient myth and religion have always espoused: there IS such a thing as a Life Force. “One of the most powerful and enlightening books I have ever read. A magnificent job of presenting the hard evidence for what spiritual masters have been telling us ... … Read entire article »
Filed under: Books
Science: 100 million animals a year are killed after being experimented upon

When people think of an animal researcher the image of a well trained, highly skilled scientist surrounded by test tubes and flasks and wearing an immaculately clean, white coat often comes to mind. Looking up from a microscope he, or she, strokes a plump, white rat and converses about the ... … Read entire article »