PART 1. The Importance of Child Alters for Helping Trauma Based Mind Control
In 1995, I began writing 3 major books on trauma-based mind control because the subject had never been well-explained. The first (which is now out of print) was based on 100 pieces of Cisco’s extraordinary art work showing internal programming images. The second was based on my extensive files on tbmc, and the third was based in part by collaboration with ex-Illuminati programmers. Recently, while working with another survivor, it was mentioned how important child alters are in the healing process. I had observed this already, but had never explicitly said it. When the topic was brought to my conscious attention, I realized that the literature on DID/MPD/TBMC is very weak on the subject. Once again I write to fill in a gap in our understanding.
ROLE OF ADULT v. CHILD ALTERS. The host alter (the main front alter that holds the body for the outside world) ages day-in day-out like the rest of humanity. (There may actually be more than one adult front alter in a system.) The programmers also take strong alters & hypnotically age progress them to have late teen or adult ages, so that they can function in their internal & external cult jobs as adults. But the majority of alters in an MPD system will be child alters, and they are the ones holding the programming, as well as having some of the key roles—such as being the reporting alters. They will often be the age of the trauma that created them. Dealing with child alters is very similar to dealing with abused non-DID children. Dealing with child alters is different from dealing with adult alters. 99% of the alters are children. 99% of the important alters that hold the key to deprogramming and successful therapy are child alters…and yet child alters are fundamentally overlooked by many therapists & deprogrammers, who typically spend most time with the host alter (which at times they mistake as the “core”).
OVERLOOKING CHILDREN IS A COMMON THREAD. The “neglect” of the important role children play is quite widespread. Christ’s disciples tried to keep children from him, which upset Christ because children were a high priority to him.(A) “Let the children come to me”, Christ said. (B) Then Yahshua said that “Whosoever receives one such child in my name receives me…” (C) Studies show that 85% of people who give their lives to Christ do it between age 4 to 14. But adult evangelism still gets the most attention. Yet the Satanists are not neglecting the children; most victims of t.b.m.c. receive it while children. Very few adults get adult-initiated mind control. I like what Pearl S. Buck said, “If our American way of life fails the child, it fails us all.” A study of 1,000 American children (ages 2-14…those critical ages for receiving Christ) revealed that about 90% had specific phobias & fears. We are failing when such a high % of the children have phobias. People are acknowledging that children are our future—but they are also important people right now. Therapists seem to feel more comfortable speaking to a coherent front host alter that is an adult, than a difficult child alter that may have obsessive-compulsive behavior, be aggressive, appear to think purely programming thoughts, be suicidal, be sadly depressed, afraid of intimacy, and need lots of approval. If you think therapists should do better, think a moment—would you like to deal with a two yr. old throwing a temper tantrum or a rational adult. Yes, child alters are where the problems are, and also where the answers are. The host alter generally does not realize the MPD to begin with. The child alters may be totally hip to it.
PERVASIVE ABUSE OF CHILDREN. The little lambs who are so vulnerable and who Christ took in his arms & blessed (D), and of whom he said were so important…are unfortunately widely abused by the adult world. It is estimated that globally 10 million children are used in the global sex industry. Nepal, where I grew up, has a problem with the poor villages selling their children to Bombay, India’s brothels. Once bought, they are traumatized by their masters to make them obedient. Thailand & Sri Lanka have been pedophile paradises, with an est. 90,000 children used in Thai child prostitution. Brazil reportedly has ½ a million child prostitutes. Therapists report little success in helping people who began with an abusive life as a child prostitute. Now carry that over to the t.b.m.c., where sexual abuse occurs 100% of the time as part of the trauma programming. The child alters within a system carry the worst abuse. The adult alters have little awareness of how damaged these child alters are. What needs to happen is for the host alters to develop rapport & understanding for their small hurting parts. Therapists should be teaching these host alters how to talk with these internal little ones. The little ones will be afraid of adult therapists…so the place for them to begin to heal is for the host alter to take them under his or her wing.
HOW HOST ALTERS CAN WORK WITH HURTING CHILD ALTERS. Let’s begin with a host alter working with his or her child alters. The child alters have had their thinking warped by the abuse. See my book Deeper Insights (esp. pgs. 405-410) for the damage caused to the little child by abuse. Child alters are fearful, they need to be introduced to new situations gradually. They need to be pampered & listened to—and when the host listens, the host needs to listen without judgment. Assign small tasks that they can succeed at to build their self-esteem. A child’s thinking includes having good imagination but being poor at analyzing different possibilities. Their self-esteem is rock bottom. They still feel the same helplessness as when they were created by abuse for more abuse. They fumble for words, and will be cautious at what they say. Hopefully, the host can begin to share new ways of looking at things and replace their destructive beliefs. Listen to the child alters for what is not said also. If I could describe my experience with successful host alters, the hosts have had to realize the child may be in filth and be willing to go down into that filth to pull the child alter out, to take them and clean them up. The host alter needs to discover ways to soothe them…perhaps give them the lollipop they never got. Take them places…let them see the positives of life they haven’t experienced.
HOW THE THERAPIST CAN WORK WITH HURTING CHILD ALTERS. The therapist can work with the host to provide safety and safe-place imagery for the child alters. If the therapist wants to talk to child alters, therapists need to be aware it will take time to build trust. They can talk through the host and inside child alters may be listening. But don’t assume that all parts are aware of what is going on. Some will if interested, and others won’t. Certain words and things will attract certain alters. Counsellors need to be safe & stable people for the child alters. Stories & art work well for child alters just as other children. When a child alter serves the handler & owner as a reporting alter, the child is merely doing its job. Don’t condemn it for doing its job. Tell the child it has done a good job, but now it is time to have a different job. Have lots of sympathy that the mind of the child was abused to the point it became dysfunctional and only functioned because the programmer rebuilt it with mind control to operate. It was never intended to operate on its own.
FINAL THOUGHTS. Hopefully I will write more on this topic to do it better justice. In review, I have detailed how the abuse of children is widespread, and how our focus on helping children has been poor. The importance of child alters to healing MPD survivors has been poorly understood. The first place for MPD work is for the host alter to begin to develop awareness of & rapport with the host system’s child alters. Therapists will have to work slowly & steadily to develop trust with the child alters. When these children are comfortable they can contribute a great deal in the healing & deprogramming, as they are the ones who carry most of the pain & programming.
(A) @ MK 10:13-14 the disciples were trying to prevent children coming to Christ, but he talked about their importance as recorded in MK chapt. 9 (B) MK 10:14a (C) LK 9:48 (D) MK 10:16