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In Memoriam Zecharia Sitchin

Zecharia Sitchin (1922-2010) was an author famous for The Earth Chronicles series of books about the writings of the ancient Sumerians (circa 5,000 years ago) as he interpreted them. He was one of perhaps 200 people in the world, if that many, who could translate cuneiform, the symbolic language of ... … Read full article »

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Morning Reflection

Morning Reflection

… While the preachers of enlightenment and the hoards that follow them dissolve one by one in the great maw of Oneness consciousness, we rebels march forth with the torch of hope for different kind of world. A world that moves by different laws, that operates on different principles, a ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

No Gold at Fort Knox

No Gold at Fort Knox

Gold reached a record high of $1,376 per ounce this Thursday morning but I’m writing about Fort Knox because of an unexpected conversation I had yesterday with a distant friend. We have known each other for 35 years but have only seen each other once over the last two decades ... … Read full article »

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Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and the Plot Behind It

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and the Plot Behind It

It occurred to me that the oil spill had to be engineered from higher levels and my only question was, why? What did they hope to gain? A source has contacted me to reveal the following: Apparently, a faulty gasket was installed and allowed to fail. The ultimate objective has to ... … Read full article »

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EU Is Collapsing Like Tower Of Babel

EU Is Collapsing Like Tower Of Babel

Monument Securities Chief Economist Stephen Lewis says the chaos in Greece could lead to collapse of the European Union, bringing down with it the dangerous assumption that structures of global governance provide stability in times of financial peril, but the World Bank and IMF vultures will be waiting as ever ... … Read full article »

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A must-see Wake-Up Call from Marcel Messing

A must-see Wake-Up Call from Marcel Messing

Today I was literally hypnotized by Bill Ryan’s video interview with Marcel Messing just published at Project Avalon website. The same reaction I had when I heard Marcel Messing’s presentation at the Groundcrew Conference in Brussels last October. Marcel Messing is a 21st century Renaissance Man. Trained in anthropology, philosophy, and ... … Read full article »

Filed under: News, Video

2012, The Disastrous Movie

2012, The Disastrous Movie

Last week I made a presentation at a conference on 2012 organized by the Foundation for the Study of Cycles in Albuquerque. Since this was held at the day of the release of Roland Emmerich’s movie 2012 (intentionally released at a Friday the thirteenth) most of the participants went to ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Stop MK ULTRA and all of its secret sub-projects!

Stop MK ULTRA and all of its secret sub-projects!

President of the United States Barack Obama Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon United States Congress United States Senate United States House of Representatives Respective Governments of Great Britain, Australia, Canada, France, Russian Federation, Amnesty International   Greetings from the Survivors of Project Talent. We, the survivors of MK ULTRA and all of its sub-projects — ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News, Video

Majority of Icelanders don’t want to join the EU

Majority of Icelanders don’t want to join the EU

The majority of Icelanders don’t want to adopt the euro or join the European Union, according to the results of a new opinion poll published yesterday. The poll was produced by the company Miðlun for the news website Pressan.is. The question asked was: “What currency arrangement do you think would ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Leaked UN report: just another Big Pharma scam

Leaked UN report: just another Big Pharma scam

A UN report leaked to The Observer claims that swine flu could “kill millions” of people in poor nations and cause a total breakdown of society unless wealthy nations come up with US$1.5 billion to pay for pandemic vaccines and anti-viral drugs. It warns that the fragile economies of developing ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

September 9, 2009 and the Mayan Calendar

September 9, 2009 and the Mayan Calendar

The number nine has been endowed with a special significance in many different spiritual and religious traditions. Nine was the number of muses in Greek mythology and Nine were the number of worlds in the Scandinavian. Nine was the number of doors to the holiest part of the temple in ... … Read full article »

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The Butterfly

The Butterfly

Inside its cramped, protective cocoon, a butterfly changes from a rotund, crawling caterpillar into a beautiful, graceful, colorful butterfly. It undergoes this metamorphosis in the dark, all alone, with no one to keep it company or calm its uneasy dreams. It sits there and changes, it lays there and sleeps, ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Historical facts about the dangers of vaccines

Historical facts about the dangers of vaccines

Vaccines are the quackery of modern medicine. Mass vaccination programs not only fail to protect the population from infectious disease, they actually accelerate the spread of disease in many cases. Many website have cropped up over the last few years to counter the pro-vaccine propaganda put out by drug companies (who ... … Read full article »

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One in two doctors will refuse swine flu vaccine

One in two doctors will refuse swine flu vaccine

Nearly half of general practitioners have decided to not be vaccinated against swine flu once a jab becomes available in the autumn. A snapshot survey of GPs conducted by Pulse found that 56 of the 115 GPs surveyed said they did not intend to receive the jab. Last week chief medical officer ... … Read full article »

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Fear is the Only Darkness

Fear is the Only Darkness

Young Caine: Of all things, to live in darkness must be worst.Master Po: Fear is the only darkness. (“Kung Fu.” 1972, TV.) At the root of all the world’s ills lies fear. Fear is the blanket that swathes our higher selves, smothers our true light. Fear is gifted to us as a ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

The Truth About the Flu Shot

The Truth About the Flu Shot

The absolute belief in the effectiveness of vaccines resulted in the disability of 532 people who contracted Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a life-threatening form of paralysis. While many recovered in the ensuing months, at least 33 died and up to 10 percent remained paralyzed to varying degrees for the rest of their ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

A Manifesto of Human Sovereignty

A Manifesto of Human Sovereignty

Everyone who has any awareness at all is very aware that there is a battle going on for this planet. There are essentially two groups, one that is peaceful and loves this planet and has no money (the majority of the people on this planet). The other group is killing ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Mind-Altering Drugs Prescribed to Children

Mind-Altering Drugs Prescribed to Children

Today an FDA advisory panel approved the prescribing of powerful mind-altering chemicals for children. Seroquel, Zyprexa and Goedon have now been approved by the advisory panel to be prescribed to children as young as 10 years old to treat a fictitious disease invented by psychiatrists and given the name “bipolar ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Vampires and Werewolves and Ghouls, Oh My!

Vampires and Werewolves and Ghouls, Oh My!

I’ve been living in a country where the northern half is rich and the southern half is poor. I’ve been in both but I live in the south. I don’t notice that people are poor. They are vibrant and alive. They appear to be thriving. There’s a movement among the ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles

Please Leave Your Message After the Gunshot

Please Leave Your Message After the Gunshot

In spite of all our morality, religious rules, austere laws, friendly pedagogies, and liberal policies, never have human beings been so cruel and corrupt. Withour barring an eye, we commit the worst atrocities, while showing the dignity of a saint. How can a bailiff seize, withour any remorse, the house of ... … Read full article »

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