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Democracy is Destroying Your Wealth and Freedom

Democracy is Destroying Your Wealth and Freedom

Although almost every democratic country suffers from bloated government, over-regulation, heavy taxation and enormous public debts, few people see a causal connection between these problems and the democratic system itself. For many, the solution to these problems is more democracy, not less. Democracy tends to be equated by many people with ... … Read full article »

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Voting is an Exercise in Futility

Voting is an Exercise in Futility

“A people should know when they are conquered.” Maximus responds, “Would you, would I?” – From the movie Gladiator. One hundred years ago the American republic was overthrown and captured by financial elites and money power during the Taft and Wilson administrations, the first Republican and the second Democrat. Both the ... … Read full article »

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Lakota Sioux Nation Leaves America

Lakota Sioux Nation Leaves America

America betrayed them and all Native Peoples. Throughout US history and earlier, genocide was policy. Historian Ward Churchill explained four centuries of systematic slaughter. It went on from 1492-1892. It continues today against Native culture. Churchill estimated around 100 million Native People throughout the Americas “hacked apart with axes and swords, ... … Read full article »

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Killed For Exposing Truth

Killed For Exposing Truth

He knew what was at stake. “My people are dying and I am waiting my turn,” he wrote. Maya knew that powerful forces were at work maligning his country. The 33-year-old journalist placed his own life in danger on several occasions because he wanted the world to know the truth about ... … Read full article »

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G. Edward Griffin: We Should Not Worry How to Save the System

G. Edward Griffin: We Should Not Worry How to Save the System

G. Edward Griffin is a film producer, author and political lecturer. He is the founder of Freedom Force International, a libertarian-oriented activist network focused on advancing individual freedom. First released in 1994, Mr. Griffin’s best-selling financial book, The Creature from Jekyll Island, is a no-holds-barred look into the inner workings ... … Read full article »

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Science Set Free: Good News for Lumbering Robots

Science Set Free: Good News for Lumbering Robots

Three decades ago, few scientists were courageous enough to break ranks and question their own belief system. Even calling science a belief system sounded outrageous — religion is a matter of belief, science a matter of facts. The most far-seeing scientist who was willing to break ranks then, as now, ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, Books, News

Zombie Planet

Zombie Planet

“The average man is a conformist, accepting miseries and disasters with the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain.” — Colin Wilson. Society, it seems, has become less filled with life. Humanity as a whole is becoming more impotent and brain-dead by the minute, people finding meaning only in the most ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

13 Major Myths of Our Time

13 Major Myths of Our Time

The universe is alive and aware throughout – consisting of countless planes and species of consciousness – of which our own physical planet and species is but one manifestation… Truth is ‘objectivity’. Wrong. For the most self-evident truth of all is not the ‘objective’ existence of a universe of things or ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, Books, News

Herd Mentality is the Name of the Game

Herd Mentality is the Name of the Game

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man’s original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde. All governments, no matter how they might appear, are made up by nothing but thieves and crooks — poisonous snakes who ... … Read full article »

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Guantanamo: The Model for an American Police State

Guantanamo: The Model for an American Police State

“The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home.” ~ James Madison For most Americans, the detention center at Guantanamo Bay — once the topic of heated political debate by presidential hopeful Barack Obama but rarely talked about by the incumbent President Obama — ... … Read full article »

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Level 2

Level 2

Definitions Level 2 is the name we have chosen to describe that strata of our society which exists but which remains totally unknown to ordinary people who we designate as living on Level 1. Some groups and technologies span both levels and we call them Crossover Groups and Crossover Technologies. Examples of ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

First Big Brother Airship Delivered And Flying

First Big Brother Airship Delivered And Flying

Hybrid Air Vehicles Ltd. and Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) have announced the successful completion of the first flight of the U.S. Army’s Long Endurance Multi-Intelligence Vehicle (LEMV) [PDF]. They have designed a 400ft (122m) long “lighter-than-air” hybrid vehicle for the US Army, in a contract worth half a billion pounds. The ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News, Video

Metaphysical Reasons of 20 Health Problems

Metaphysical Reasons of 20 Health Problems

These definitions may help you find emotional and mental problems behind a physical problem. ABSCESS PHYSICAL BLOCK An abscess is a localized mass of pus that can erupt anywhere on the surface of the body. In the case of a warm abscess (by far the most common), the purulent gathering develops quickly ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, Books, News

Physicalism: A False View of the World

Physicalism: A False View of the World

Physicalism is the philosophical claim that only what is physical is real, where physical means: To be found or inferred by measurement and reason as existing in the world observable by the outer senses (mainly sight, hearing and touch). Physicalism is distinct from physics. Physics is (a) an activity based ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Unplugging from the Matrix

Unplugging from the Matrix

The Matrix is one of my all time favorite movies. What it symbolizes is a message that is desperately needed by our species at this point in our evolution and its communicated with a masterful use of symbolism. That message is quite simply: What we normally take to be reality ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, DVD, News

USAF Video Compares Facebook and iPhone to Atom Bombs

USAF Video Compares Facebook and iPhone to Atom Bombs

The world of tomorrow is going to be a dark and sinister place, according to a group of Air Force futurists. One reason why it’ll be so scary: Facebook. In an foreboding web video entitled “Welcome to 2035…the Age of Surprise,” produced by the U.S. Air Force’s Center for Strategy and ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News, Video

Propaganda (full English version, 2012)

Propaganda (full English version, 2012)

This is a film about psychological warfare; a specific type of warfare designed to distract, misinform and anesthetize the brain. It has many disguises, and is used against every one of us. On a trip to visit family in Seoul in April, I was approached by a man and a woman ... … Read full article »

Filed under: News, Video

The Invisible Fence Works As Well As A Real One

The Invisible Fence Works As Well As A Real One

You know how they say history does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme? Well, it’s absolutely true, especially in the case of governments. States pull the same nonsense repeatedly throughout history, but they don’t do it in exactly the same way, so most of the history-challenged populace never catches ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Conspiracy Theories? You Bet!

Conspiracy Theories? You Bet!

I am going to tell you some stories. To make it interesting, I will begin with one which could make one of my readers the deal of a lifetime. It ends on September 30. He who hesitates is lost. I begin with the obvious: the falling cost of Internet communications is ... … Read full article »

Filed under: Articles, News

The Bible Mandates Free Market Capitalism

The Bible Mandates Free Market Capitalism

The essence of democratic socialism is this re-written version of God’s commandment: “Thou shalt not steal, except by majority vote.” “Economic democracy” is the system whereby two wolves and a sheep vote on what to have for dinner. Christian socialists and defenders of economic planning by state bureaucrats deeply resent this interpretation ... … Read full article »

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