Metaphysical Reasons of 20 Health Problems
Exerpts from the book Your body's telling you: Love yourself! 8,903 views
September 23, 2012
These definitions may help you find emotional and mental problems behind a physical problem.
An abscess is a localized mass of pus that can erupt anywhere on the surface of the body. In the case of a warm abscess (by far the most common), the purulent gathering develops quickly and is accompanied by the four signs of inflammation: cyst, redness, warmth and pain. The slow formation of liquid and no apparent sign of inflammation, on the other hand, characterize a cold abscess.
Presence of an abscess indicates repressed anger that is brought to the surface during moments of despair, feelings of powerlessness and lack of success. The pleasure of living is being drowned in sadness and anger. Abscesses are also painful, indicating that guilt is felt in the face of the anger. To determine the root of the anger, note the location of the abscess. If it’s on a leg, the anger can be interpreted as frustration about the direction your life is taking, anxiety about the future or about going forward. Read the following and also refer to the relevant location.
Just as the physical body must be kept clean to avoid infection, so must your thoughts be cleansed. Is it possible that you have unhealthy thoughts about yourself or about someone else? Are you angry with someone about something that happened in the past and have wanted to express this anger, but suppressed it instead to the point where you can no longer control yourself? There is probably some shame related to a fear that’s festering inside you.
Tinnitus is a ringing, whistling or buzzing inside the ear that is not audible to anyone else. The sounds are not a hallucination, but are directly linked to one’s center of balance.
Tinnitus occurs when there is too much noise going on in your mind. Have you allowed yourself to become so distracted with what is rattling around in your head that you are unable to hear what is really going on around you? Those suffering from tinnitus often feel a loss of balance and fear losing self-control. They are capable of hiding their fears and want to give the impression that they are well balanced. Tinnitus often occurs in people who berate themselves for not “walking their talk” or “practicing what they preach.”
It is imperative that you realize that you are confused between your intellect and your intuition. What you believe to be your intuition is merely a trick being played on you by your ego. You want so much to present yourself as courageous and well balanced that you fool yourself into thinking you are in control, rather than trusting enough to surrender to your intuitive self. Instead, you lose your balance, tripping through the cacophony of your tangled thoughts. Allow yourself to listen to criticism about yourself, knowing you have the freedom to do with them as you wish.
Make a conscious effort to listen to what is coming from outside, even the opinions of others, so that you can make informed decisions and communicate effectively. Remember, you don’t always have to practice what you preach, but if you want to, you’ll find a way that will suit you.
An allergy is defined as the body’s overreaction to a foreign substance, usually after previous contact with this substance. The reaction can be acute and dissimilar to the reaction that was observed on first contact. The body has developed an immunological hypersensitivity that can be either localized to a specific area of the body or systemic, affecting the entire body.
If you are allergic, you may have a strong dislike for someone else and can no longer tolerate that person. You have difficulty adapting to a person or situation and are far too easily influenced by others, especially by those you want to impress. You are frequently over-sensitive, defensive and easily intimidated.
Know that you are dealing with internal conflict. Part of you loves something or someone while another part of you forbids it. You may feel love for someone but are uncomfortable that you’ve become emotionally dependent on him or her. One part of you wants to be in their presence and another part of you says you should do without. You find yourself finding fault with them. Often, those with allergies had two parents that held opposing views in a number of areas, which caused conflict in the child. Allergies can easily become an attention-getting device, especially if the allergy is severe or life threatening and requires a great deal of attention to keep it in check.
If you suffer from allergies, figure out what the situation is or for whom you feel enmity and yet seek his or her approval. Generally, this is a person to whom you feel very close. You think if you behave according to their expectations you will be truly loved. Realize that you have allowed yourself to become dependent upon the approval or acknowledgment of this person. It is important to remember that being submissive will not bring you love.
It is interesting to note that we often become allergic to foods we enjoy, for example, dairy products. We love ice cream but can’t eat it because we are allergic to dairy. If you are allergic to a certain food, is it possible that you have difficulty allowing yourself to savor the pleasure that comes from the good things in life?
If you are allergic to dust or to an animal, is it possible that you feel easily attacked by others? Why do you think people want to attack you? I suggest you examine your own thoughts about aggression. In general, the fears we have regarding others are a reflection of what’s going on inside of us.
Wouldn’t your life be simpler and much more pleasurable if you could get the attention of those you love without making yourself sick? It is your belief system that is locking you into this pattern. Instead of believing your allergy is triggered by outside influences, I suggest you think about what happened in the 24 hours prior to the allergic reaction. It’s in your best interest to find out which person you are finding intolerable. Since you can’t change others, your only option is to see them through the eyes of love and accept them as they are. You will find they will accept you as you are in return and you will receive the attention you seek in a healthy manner.
Rheumatoid arthritis, unlike the more common osteoarthritis, is not the natural result of time and normal wear and tear or due to a build-up of calcification in the joint. Rather, it is an autoimmune disease in which your body’s immune system attacks itself, causing painful joint inflammation and swelling even during sleep.
The degree of seriousness is relative to the degree of emotional, mental, and spiritual blockage. Generally, if you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, you are very self-critical; you have difficulty doing what you enjoy and asking others for help. Although you seem amenable enough, you let resentment build up while you wait for others to figure out telepathically what you need. You may even have thoughts of vengeance when others don’t figure it out. Just as this disease is paralyzing physically, it also indicates emotional paralysis.
Pay attention to the location of your symptoms. If the inflammation is in your hands, for example, you need to examine your attitude while working with your hands. Do you need help with the work you are doing? Then say so.
Why do you think it is so difficult for you to express your needs to others? Do you feel that you will be viewed as selfish if you do what you enjoy? Is that really true? What is “being selfish” for you? Listen to your own body and learn to say no when you are asked to do something that you do not feel like doing. But if you decide to say yes, experience greater enjoyment of the things you are doing without criticizing yourself.
Heaping responsibility on yourself simply to gain the recognition of others is OK, if you accept the fact that you’re doing it only for yourself and not because someone is forcing you. If you want and need recognition, acknowledge and accept this in yourself without judgment or criticism.
The arms are constantly in use — to help us get around, to reach out and touch, pick up and hold onto anything and anyone. They are used in work and play, in taking care of others and ourselves and, generally, as an extension of ourselves. Therefore, a problem occurring in the arm can affect one or many of these functions.
Pain in the arms signals that you feel you are no longer useful and you doubt your capacities. Or it could be that you have difficulty holding someone close to you. You may be feeling some guilt surrounding this issue. You should take a close look at why you can’t take a loved one in your arms. What could happen?
Which arm is causing you pain? Be aware that the right arm signifies giving and the left, receiving or acquiring. Perhaps you don’t feel worthy of being someone’s right arm?
It may be that you feel you have all that you need to embrace a new situation but you’ve been influenced by others or by your thoughts and you’re preventing yourself from grasping the situation fully.
Since the arms are an extension of the heart region, they are used to express love. Rather than feeling the weight of obligation, embrace the person or opportunity with open arms, as this is the natural reaction of the heart. It is not by chance that the arms were placed at this precise spot on the body.
If you doubt your ability or your usefulness, realize that this mindset is the result of listening to a little voice in your head that is bred by the ego. Trust that the Universe only gives you what you can handle and that you will reach your goals with a quiet confidence and capability. Discard painful ways of thinking and energize yourself by embracing your life fully.
If, for example, you are afraid of being someone’s “right arm,” examine your fears and determine if they are really justified. Doubt and fear are your only obstacles to reaching out and touching your goals. If you would observe someone like you, what are the traits you would admire? Admire them in yourself and you will discover you are energized far more than when you are filled with self-doubt.
If you find it difficult to show affection and there is a resulting ache or pain in your arms, your body is giving you a signal to reach out and demonstrate how you really feel. This doesn’t mean you always have to but give yourself the right to change your way of expressing love to others. It is not your nature to be a cold, unfeeling person.
The coccyx, or tailbone, is actually the “tail end” of the spinal column. It is comprised of five primary coccycal vertebrae fused into one. If the coccyx has been traumatized due to bruising or fracture, it can be very sensitive — especially in a seated position.
The coccyx represents fundamental needs. If you suffer from pain in this region, you lack confidence in the Universal Intelligence and its ability to help you with your fundamental needs. You want to be taken care of but don’t want to admit that to others or to yourself. If you feel pain in the tailbone while in a sitting position, it is likely you feel guilty about sitting around, waiting for someone else to take charge of your life. You feign independence by appearing active.
It may be that you feel guilty for parking yourself near others who are busy, or for sitting idly as you have fun (at the movies, taking a class, etc.). Because you have a dependent mindset, you assume others are depending on you as well.
First, get in touch with your thoughts and acknowledge the fact that you want someone else to take care of you because you have no confidence in your own abilities or in the guidance of the Universe. Is there something wrong in admitting it? It’s OK to need someone’s support. Don’t judge yourself so harshly. This does not mean that you will be dependent forever. Perhaps the Universe has given you this person to lean on for a while until you regain your strength and confidence. Denial of your dependence will only increase it. Allow yourself to be dependent in the moment, for it’s only temporary. Such self-love will help you develop more autonomy.
Secondly, check with your loved ones before deciding that others depend on you and that you can’t have fun without their consent. See if that’s true. In the process, you will allow everyone involved to express their own needs and desires.
Constipation refers to the difficulty or infrequency in the passage of stools due to sluggish action of the bowels. Although “normal” bowel rhythm may vary from person to person, one thing is agreed: the condition is present when the passage of stools is difficult and the stools are dry and hard.
The primary function of the bowel is to evacuate what is no longer useful to the body. In metaphysical terms, optimal health hinges on the release of old ideas that are being carried around. Constipation also indicates lack of expression of one’s ideas or feelings for fear of displeasing others, being “wrong,” or risking the loss of something or someone.
If you are stingy or attached to material things, you probably have difficulty letting go physically as well. Constipation can occur when you feel you are being forced to part with your coveted time or money. When you do give of these things (out of guilt), it is not willingly and you would have preferred to hold on to them.
Constipation can result from the stress brought on by an inability to let go of a past incident, which importance has since been exaggerated by dark thoughts or feelings of anger, frustration, suspicion, humiliation or jealousy.
If you suffer from constipation, your body is giving you a powerful message that it’s time to let go! Stale ideas and old belief systems will accumulate and eventually poison you, so “out with the old and in with the new!” Feed your mind with fresh thoughts and ideas. Don’t restrain yourself any longer with fear of losing someone or something. It would be worth it to find out if you would truly be a loser if you expressed yourself or did what you want. Now, isn’t that a better attitude to have?
Itching is a skin sensation prompting a desire to scratch. It can be more or less irritating.
A physical itch can appear when you want something but you won’t let yourself have it. You believe someone is in your way or life circumstances make it impossible for you to fulfill your desire. This preoccupies and exasperates you.
Pay attention to what part of your body is itchy and what that part is used for. The location of the itch will have a direct metaphysical correlation. As the skin is representative of the outer self, or personality, you may be afraid of what people might think of you if you take what you want. Or maybe you’re afraid of hurting someone’s feelings.
Make sure that what you’re itching to do is not simply a whim and that it’s something you desperately want. If it’s just a whim, let go without wanting to control everything and put it off for a while. If you really want this, identify your fears and take action to face them.
The back is made up of many muscles, but when we speak of back pain, we usually speak about the spine. The spinal column is a stacking of 33 vertebrae, distributed as follows: cervical, dorsal, lumbar and sacral. The following description of back pain covers the areas dorsal, lumbar and sacral. Refer to COCCYX and NECK problems elsewhere in this book.
Pain or disability in the lower back (sacral region) at the base of the spine indicates fear of losing your freedom when others need your help. Your freedom is “sacred.” Often enough, you fear for your own survival.
Pain and discomfort from the fifth lumbar vertebra (the lower back) to the eleventh DORSAL vertebra (waist) denotes fear of material loss. The back provides the greatest support for the physical body; therefore, any back problem indicates that you don’t feel enough support. The lower back is connected to the having in your life (having a home, money, a spouse, children, a good job, a diploma, etc.). You believe you must have it all in order to feel supported, but you don’t want to admit this to yourself or others. You want to do everything by yourself. You also tend to be very active because you think that it is the best way to have things.
Upper back pain (from the tenth dorsal vertebra (the waist) to the cervical, or neck area) represents emotional insecurity. Doing is very important to you. It’s your way of showing and giving love to others. If someone does something for you, you feel loved and secure. However, your back pain might provide you the perfect excuse not to do everything for others, as you may fear that by doing too much, others won’t help you anymore.
You expect a lot from others and when your expectations are not met you may feel you have a lot on your back. You have difficulty asking for help or support from others. When you do finally decide to do so and don’t receive the help, you feel ‘stuck’ and your back worsens.
Upper back pain could also mean that you feel somebody is watching you, that they’re on your back all the time.
Pain in the lower back: stop believing that by helping others you will lose your freedom. Acknowledge your limitations and express them to others. Remember, you reap what you sow; if you want to reap help, you have to have sown it in the past. You may begin to realize that you are afraid that others will not be there for you or that they might take advantage of you as before. These fears keep you from giving, which consequently prevent you from receiving. If you feel your survival is at stake, realize that it is simply your emotional dependence that generates this fear and keeps you from believing that you can’t survive alone. You have all the tools to take care of yourself.
Pain in the lumbar region indicates a need to accept that it is all right to need and love material things or whatever it takes to feel secure and supported. You have to allow yourself these things if you one day want to feel secure without them.
Instead of feeling that no one cares about what you want, I suggest you start voicing your requests — knowing, however, that others are under no obligation to acquiesce. They might not understand your needs the way you do. What is important to you may be of no importance to them. If you give yourself the right to need certain things, it will be easier for you to explain these needs to others.
To relieve pain in your upper back and neck, stop believing that you need to expend your energies to ensure others’ happiness. When you want to give to others, give purely for the pleasure of giving. You don’t need to be the emotional support for anyone.
Realize, also, that others don’t have to do everything in order for you to be happy. It’s not that they don’t care about you they are merely focusing on what is important to them. Voice your needs by telling them that you realize you still need them to do things for you in order for you to feel their love but that one day you won’t need that kind of love anymore because you will love yourself enough.
Numbness refers to a tingling feeling of fleeting paralysis. It is seldom painful, usually experienced in the extremities.
Since numbness is usually felt in the legs, hands, or arms, it is emotionally linked with doing. You may experience numbness if you are anxious about something and refuse to acknowledge it, or if you are trying to hide your sensitivity. Numbness can be a physical manifestation of this suppression. You’re preventing yourself from being the sensitive person that you are and are letting your anxiety get the better of you.
Numbness is a direct and simple message from the body to acknowledge what you are feeling. It is telling you to stop deluding yourself, to confront your fears about admitting your feelings whether to yourself or someone else. Also, examine whether or not your anxiety is justified. Pay attention to the part of the body that is numb. If, for example, you experience numbness in your feet or legs, what is keeping you from moving forward, taking a step or taking a stand on a particular issue? If the numbness is in your hands or arms, what is it you are afraid to reach for? What is it you refuse to grasp? If the numbness occurs in another area of the body, determine what that particular area of the body is used for in order to understand the corresponding psychological blockage. Acknowledge your right to make decisions about what you need to do now (hands or arms) or what you are planning to do (feet or legs).
The stomach is one of the most important organs of digestion. Stomach acid breaks down ingested food and liquefies it so that its nutrients can be assimilated by the body. Some gastrointestinal disorders involving the stomach include INDIGESTION, VOMITING, STOMACH ULCER, HEARTBURN, GASTRITIS, HEMORRHAGE, and CANCER. Refer to your specific problem in this book and read the following paragraphs.
All stomach disorders are the manifestation of a failure or refusal to “stomach” a person or situation you fear or cannot tolerate. You resist new ideas, especially those of others. It is also difficult for you to deal with someone or something that contradicts your plans, habits or way of doing things. You criticize easily (inwardly) and this prevents you from letting go.
Your stomach is telling you to let go and allow things to unfold as they should. Accept that you cannot control others and stop resisting their ideas. Rather than wallowing in a sense of powerlessness because you can’t manipulate the people and situations around you, use your energies to create the life you want. Become more aware of your power to change your own life and have confidence in others to do the same. In doing so, you will understand that your body also knows what it is capable of and you will allow your stomach to do the job it was meant to do.
It is not necessary for you to instruct your body — it knows how to digest your food. The same holds true for your friends and family; they each have their own agenda and their own perspective on life. Note that the stomach is situated in close proximity to the heart. A heart that is lovingly accepting of others and of their differences will have a calming affect on the stomach, in turn facilitating healthy digestion, On the other hand, thoughts such as, “It’s not fair… It’s wrong… What an idiot,” and so on will block your spiritual growth, as your stomach blocks the digestion of your food. By becoming more tolerant of others and going with the flow, you will become more physically tolerant of the foods you ingest.
Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by muscle pain, stiffness and easy fatigue.
Fibromyalgia seems to occur more commonly in those who have felt chronic guilt from a very early age. They felt broken and guilty for being alive, for existing. For example, a sensitive little girl may imagine that her parents would be better off without her. As a result, she feels vulnerable and easily “broken.” She usually becomes very rigid in life.
Stop believing that others don’t care about you and they would be better off without you. There is no need to make yourself sick to gain the attention that you seek. Look, instead, outside yourself and you will realize that you are welcome and that you are getting more attention than you believe. It is your mindset that is distancing you from others and distorting your perception of the situation. Let go of this perception and become more flexible. This will allow you to become aware of the love that others have for you, even if they don’t seem to be expressing it in the way you had expected. See MUSCULAR DISORDERS.
The knee is the articulation point of the leg, responsible for mobility and flexibility. It carries the full weight of the body when standing, walking, running and bending; it plays a primary role in standing from a sitting position, going up and down stairs or simply lifting. The following reference pertains to any problems inhibiting the natural movement of the knee and to pain in the knee joint.
Knee pain, stiffness or inflexibility reflects inflexibility in your perception of the future. It occurs more often in those with an arrogant or stubborn personality, who are unable to bend to new ideas or to the ideas of others. An inflexible attitude keeps you from finding easier ways to face your future and guarantees dis-ease in going forward physically and psychologically. Refer to OSTEOARTHRITIS or RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS as appropriate.
Your body is providing a painful reminder that you are not as flexible as you want to believe. Remember that your body will warn you of things you are not conscious of. You don’t have to fear losing control by bending to the will of others or accepting new ideas. Allow yourself the flexibility to see things from another perspective. You have misinterpreted bending to mean “on your knees in submission.” You may have some latent fear of being too flexible related to one of your parents. Address this and realize that you are distinctly different from either of them and, although the apple may not fall far from the tree, your life is your own. It doesn’t hurt, however, to be a little flexible and accept some help once in awhile from those who care.
The throat is the section of the digestive tract forming a passage between the back of the mouth and the esophagus. It is also an aero-digestive crossroads in the form of a chimney, connecting the nasal opening with the larynx. The throat plays a number of essential roles during speaking, breathing and swallowing.
As mentioned, the throat is a psychologically multi-functional part of the body, as it is physically multi-functional. If you have pain in your throat, accompanied by difficulty in breathing, it is symbolic of having trouble breathing life in. See LUNG DISORDERS.
If pain in the throat causes you to lose your voice, see LARYNGITIS.
Tightening or constriction of the throat indicates you may be feeling restricted, under pressure, or grabbed by the throat to say or do something.
Pain upon swallowing is the body’s way of asking you outright, “What person or situation can’t you swallow?” Perhaps there is some specific emotional trauma that you are having difficulty in getting past or are simply unable to swallow an attitude of a certain person or the outcome of a situation. Inflammation of the tissues of the throat indicates repressed anger and self-directed aggression. Do you find yourself playing the part of the victim?
As the throat is the center of creativity, it is imperative that you give yourself permission to design your own life the way you need to live it. Experience life without guilt, retribution, or fear you are a trouble to others. Learn to accept openly and with love all that you create, including any decisions you generate. You will then be able to connect with your individuality.
Here is an example taken from my own life. I developed a sore throat at the most inopportune time: I was just beginning a series of public appearances that was to last for five days. This was quite a workload, considering that it was over and above my other engagements. I assumed my body was telling me that I had taken on too much and that I was simply feeling sorry for myself. In reality, my body was reminding me that I was the one who had planned this itinerary and that I had to take full responsibility. I decided to forge ahead to conduct the seminars from a perspective of love and acceptance. Even though there were a lot of them in a short period of time, I had no further problem. The sore throat disappeared.
It is interesting to note that the throat forms a passage between the heart and the head. In metaphysical terms, between self-love and the I AM. When you create your life in accordance with your true needs, you connect with your I AM and open the channel for abundance. Giving yourself permission to live your life in alignment with your true nature lights a fire under your creativity. Disregard what you consider “abnormal” when you decide something that might be inconvenient to others.
If you feel strangled, it is only by your own perception. Detach yourself from the influence of others and from your need to control them. Save your energy for creating a delicious life for yourself. You’ll find it easy to swallow!
BAD BREATH, or halitosis, is an unpleasant odor emanating from the mouth. Normally our breath is odorless. If INDIGESTION or GUM PROBLEMS causes bad breath, refer to the pertinent listing. The following definition is for bad breath that is not caused by a pathological disorder.
When bad breath seems to float from the depths of the body, it indicates the presence of tremendous internal pain, thoughts of hatred, vengeance or extreme anger that seethe below the surface and are directed toward those who have hurt you. You find such toxic thoughts to be shameful and prefer to stay unaware, but you must realize that you are killing yourself slowly in the process. The reality of the situation is this: your bad breath is pushing away the people you want most to be close to.
If you wonder whether you have bad breath, ask those you trust for their honesty. If they confirm your suspicions, it’s important that you determine whether it has a pathological cause. If your halitosis proves to have no physical cause, your body is sending you a dire message that you must adjust a very unhealthy attitude. There is no wound so deep it cannot be healed by true forgiveness. Let go of the brooding shame and sense of powerlessness fermenting inside you and accept that you are worthy of love. Rediscover your capacity for giving and receiving love. See the steps to forgiveness explained at the end of this book.
Hemorrhoids are simply the uncomfortable swelling of a blood vessel in the rectum or anus. Constipation and the resulting strain during bowel movements are the primary cause.
Hemorrhoids reveal a build-up of emotional pressure caused by stress and fear that you would rather not discuss and show. The result is burdensome. Hemorrhoids may occur if you pressure or force yourself to have more; perhaps you are enduring a job that you do not like. Since hemorrhoids are located in the rectum (the terminal portion of the large intestine), you are constantly pushing yourself to finish things. Do you ask too much of yourself? Have you created undue tension trying to have something or someone because of material insecurity and difficulty in making decisions?
The more pronounced your inner sense of insecurity, the more you may suffer from hemorrhoids. In order to mitigate this insecurity, you push yourself to do in order to have. When you feel that things are not moving along as quickly as you want, do you burn with impatience? It is essential that you develop a consistent faith in the Universe, an unfailing trust that everything is as it should be and that all of God’s children will be provided for. Learn to let go and to express your feelings openly and honestly while acknowledging your fear of material deprivation.
Hypoglycemia is often referred to as low blood sugar, but also applies to abnormal fluctuations of blood sugar (glucose) levels, secondary to an over-secretion of insulin by the pancreas. Symptoms of hypoglycemia may vary from mild to severe, from occasionally to after every meal. They include: anxiety, weakness, cold sweat, rapid heart rate, dizziness, cramps and hunger.
Metaphysically, the pancreas is closely linked with emotion, desire and intellect. If you are hypoglycemic, you probably have a very sweet disposition to place the needs and desires of others above your own. Consequently, you may feel trapped. You need to indulge yourself more without feeling guilty about it. You are much too busy serving others. I have observed over the years that hypoglycemics are often agoraphobic as well. See AGORAPHOBIA.
Your body is clearly telling you that it’s time to partake in what you’ve been dishing out for others. Save some of that wonderful energy for yourself! You don’t have to parent everyone. Play a little, enjoy yourself and befriend the small, sweet child inside you. You probably experienced a childhood in which you were told that self-love is selfish; because you’ve never loved yourself, you always sought love outside yourself. Even though you may have been well loved, it probably wasn’t enough for you. In your mind, therefore, you came to the conclusion that love equals suffering. Circumstances in your life may have forced you to grow up too quickly. It’s time to let go, live a little, love a lot and have some fun! It’s never too late to enjoy your life!
Taking care of yourself is not selfish. A selfish person is one who uses others for their own gain — someone who thinks, “What’s in it for me?” People who love themselves consider their own needs before responding to the needs of others, but from a balanced, win/win perspective. Learn to love yourself honestly and you will radiate and attract love. Remember that you reap what you sow.
Impotence is defined as the inability to sustain a satisfactory erection to perform intercourse and ejaculation. Although impotence is common, the cause is rarely pathological. See also PENILE DISORDERS.
Every man will experience impotence at some time or another in his life. An erection is a very fragile phenomenon. When impotence occurs, it should never be dramatized or ridiculed. On the contrary, simply ascertain what situation rendered you psychologically impotent or powerless prior to the sexual impotence.
Chronic impotence experienced with the same sexual partner is usually an indication that you have changed your perception of the partner or of the relationship. Either you feel you don’t want to defile her, or perhaps the relationship has become platonic and you see her more as a maternal figure or as a friend. Perhaps you are subconsciously refusing to satisfy her and want to deprive her of pleasure.
If you are experiencing sexual impotence, it is an indication that you are feeling powerless in some other area of your life. Obviously, this is an unhealthy attitude that carries over into your physical life. Determine whether there is a specific situation in another area of your life causing this feeling of powerlessness and if so, put it in perspective. Let others solve their own problems and don’t let these issues preoccupy you.
If you are experiencing impotence because of a previous negative sexual experience, distance yourself from that and understand that it is your belief system that is the obstacle to your satisfaction. Remember: you are what you think you are.
If you are subconsciously using your sexual impotence to deprive your partner, keep in mind that you are also depriving yourself and blocking a healthy creative energy. The destructive attitude you are exhibiting will only feed your ego, not your relationship.
If you are experiencing sexual impotence because you see your partner more as a mother figure, you are having a mother/father relationship. This happens when each partner is trying to have power over the other. This type of relationship is very unhealthy. Your sexual impotence is telling you to get back in touch with your internal strength and stop believing that you are powerful only when you have power over the opposite sex.
Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx, which is the organ that facilitates speech. It may also include swelling of the vocal chords, hoarseness, loss of voice and, sometimes a harsh cough. For dipthereal laryngitis, see CROUP.
Since laryngitis usually results in partial or total loss of voice, it is a message from the body that you fear communicating vocally. You want to say something, but you’re afraid you won’t be heard or will displease someone. Instead, you choke back your words and they remain stuck in your throat (which can lead to a sore throat!). These words are struggling to get out.
Perhaps you are afraid you won’t live up to someone’s expectations if you allow these words to come out; or you may fear being judged as inept by others who are more well-versed on the subject at hand. It may be that you’ve already said something you regret, or have spoken out-of-turn and are determined to shut up in case something else inappropriate slips out.
Is there some important request you are afraid to make because you think it will be rejected? Are you avoiding speaking to someone specific for some reason?
Whatever your fear, it is counter-productive when it causes you to stifle self-expression. If you persist in believing it is better that you don’t express yourself, what you repress will build up and surface elsewhere in your body. The throat is the energy center relating to creativity and it must be kept open for creativity to flow through every area of your life.
Accept that not everyone will agree or even be pleased with everything you have to say. Acknowledge your right to freedom of speech and others will acknowledge it as well. Your opinion is valid and important and you have as much right to express it as any one else. When you have a request to make of someone, understand that the worst that can happen is that they will say no. If they respond with a no, don’t take it personally — it is no reflection on who you are, but simply a refusal of your particular request.
Motion sickness manifests in some individuals while traveling or acceleration and deceleration by car, train, sea and air. Symptoms may include headache, nausea, vomiting, weakness, cold sweat, pallor, and torpor.
Often, motion sickness is caused by an underlying fear of death or loss of control. Symptoms parallel those of mild panic or anxiety. You want to take control in order to avoid being caught in a new situation from which you wouldn’t know how to escape. This keeps you from fully experiencing the joy and exhilaration of the present moment. Motion sickness is very common in agoraphobics. See AGORAPHOBIA.
If you experience motion sickness, your body is telling you to let go and stop trying to control everything. Allow yourself to openly express your fears. It’s interesting to note that motion sickness is rarely experienced when traveling alone. Determine what is going on in your head prior to the motion sickness. In whom do you lack confidence? Are they not capable of having the answers and solutions you need? Your body is telling you to let go and trust others, especially to trust in the Universe. You’ll find that, once you do, the Universe will take care of you and you’ll be able to go with the flow.
Menstruation is defined as discharging of the menses, or blood and dead cell debris from the uterus. Non-pregnant women release menses through the vagina at approximately monthly intervals (every 25 to 32 days) between puberty and menopause. Problems may include: amenorrhea (absence of monthly period), swelling, breast tenderness, pelvic pain, menorrhagia (heavy or prolonged menstruation) and metorrhagia (uterine bleeding that occurs outside of the menstrual cycle).
Menstrual disorders are an indication that you are having difficulty accepting your femaleness. Probably since adolescence you’ve been reacting negatively toward your mother, who was your first female role model. Because of your perception of your mother’s life, you may have decided that the female role is an unenviable role. It may be that, subconsciously, you would have preferred to be a man, to the point of feeling resentment toward men, because in your view, they can do things you can’t. You strive to lead your life according to the male’s model, but unconsciously feel guilty about it.
Through menstrual disorders, your body is telling you that your belief system concerning women in general is inaccurate. This is a prime example of what can happen in the body when you refuse to go with the flow. Your perception is unhealthy and is a stumbling block to your own happiness. You find that you are frequently emotionally reactive, which is disrupting your peace of mind. Understand that your femaleness is not the obstacle that you make it out to be. More women than ever are making choices in their lives that were previously reserved for men.
Society’s rules that once defined the roles of men and women are now considered archaic and no longer apply. Rather than envying men, enjoy them and allow yourself to want them as a complement to your own femininity. In this way you will achieve a healthy masculine/feminine balance. You may choose to adopt a man’s role; however, allow yourself the right to need men without becoming dependent. Relax, be yourself and this will make room for the right man to come into your life.
It is possible that your belief system has been culled from your own family. When you were younger, was there someone close to you who believed that menstruation was shameful, sinful, dirty, or simply an illness? Did you learn that it was normal to have menstrual problems (or pain) and thus come to expect them? Take responsibility now for your own mindset regarding menstruation and change those beliefs. Understand that menstruation is a necessary, natural, painless and healthy reproductive function.
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