War Is Crime » News

The Best Ways to Help Ukraine

The Best Ways to Help Ukraine

Scrap the Minsk agreement, hold the line on sanctions on Russia, and keep pressuring Ukraine’s leaders to clean up corruption. The Ukrainian people have made tremendous sacrifices over the past two years, including more than a hundred killed during the Maidan revolution in 2014 and nearly 10,000 killed fending off Vladimir ... … Read entire article »

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UN Confirms Chemtrail and Geoengineering Programs

UN Confirms Chemtrail and Geoengineering Programs

The grand experiment to alter weather for the benefit of the agricultural industry and the military industrial complex can be ignored no longer. After watching the following video, any sane person will have proof that chemtrails not only exist, but that they are being used to manipulate weather, and for ... … Read entire article »

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Attributes of the Paths

Attributes of the Paths

Attributes of the Creation This discussion covers the attributes of the Creation in greater detail. It assumed that you have already read our book “Essentials of Mysticism” which is a prerequisite to comprehending what will be covered here. To begin, you may want to consider the “quality assurance statement” in the ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, Books, News

PART 1. The Importance of Child Alters for Helping Trauma Based Mind Control

PART 1. The Importance of Child Alters for Helping Trauma Based Mind Control

In 1995, I began writing 3 major books on trauma-based mind control because the subject had never been well-explained. The first (which is now out of print) was based on 100 pieces of Cisco’s extraordinary art work showing internal programming images. The second was based on my extensive files on ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Global Mind: Transhumanism, Freemasonry and the Internet as God

Global Mind: Transhumanism, Freemasonry and the Internet as God

Pseudoscience It could be said that transhumanism is Freemasonry for the technological age. But Freemasonry forged the technological age. In effect, the history of modern times is the efforts of an occult underground led by Freemasons and other occult secret societies, who represented their agenda as “science” pitted against “religion.” Freemasonry ... … Read entire article »

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Spirituality Vs. Dogmatic Religiosity

Spirituality Vs. Dogmatic Religiosity

“The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It will have to transcend a personal god and avoid dogma and theology. Encompassing both the natural and the spiritual, it will have to be based on a sense of intelligence arising from the spirit of all things, natural and ... … Read entire article »

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The Individual and the Covert Op

The Individual and the Covert Op

“The mind has no obligation to be a container.” (Jon Rappoport, The Underground) ONE: The elite men who manipulate the masses do stand outside The Collective, but they’re not free. Their only power comes from diminishing the power of others. They don’t know any other kind of power. The idea that, within themselves, ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

From the Christian Cross to the Mobile Phone Tower

From the Christian Cross to the Mobile Phone Tower

A Brief History of Mind Control For a long time now, some force alien to the spiritual and humanistic evolution of humanity has been working hard to subvert, and then reverse, the true awakening of human consciousness. This force, working with both words and symbols, has effectively side-tracked humanity for its ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Anarchy is Order Without Government

Anarchy is Order Without Government

Most people think that anarchy promotes chaos. This belief is not accurate. In a society where people are irresponsible and lack spiritual maturity, anarchy may not be the best social system. However, if a society wants to truly be free, the people of that society need to become “leaders” themselves ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

The Science of 666: Is It the Number of the Beast?

The Science of 666: Is It the Number of the Beast?

We are the gods of the atoms that make up ourselves, but we are also the atoms of the gods that make up the universe. — Manly P. Hall The number 666 relates to the carbon atom, and man. Carbon-12; one of 5 elements in the human DNA is composed of 6 ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Using Heinz Ketchup? You Won’t After Reading This

Using Heinz Ketchup? You Won’t After Reading This

People living in North America usually associate ketchup with the Heinz brand, and it’s no surprise: more than 650 million bottles of Heinz ketchup are sold in over 140 countries! The company even manages to sell 11 billion single serve packets annually! CBS Money Watch has branded this ketchup as “America’s ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

The Threefold Stranglehold of Humanity’s Enslavement

The Threefold Stranglehold of Humanity’s Enslavement

“It is just as difficult and dangerous to try to free a people who want to live in slavery as it is to try to enslave a people who want to live in freedom.” —Niccolo Machiavelli Have you noticed the thick layer of Stockholm syndrome enclosing the current zeitgeist? Can you ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Why Most Humans are Domesticated Animals

Why Most Humans are Domesticated Animals

Most adults of today think that they are civilized and educated enough to make informed and responsible decisions. The real truth is that they are far from being responsible. Today, most adults are very irresponsible and so ignorant (lacking in knowledge) that they can barely tell the difference between what ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News, Video

Are You Awake? Or Just Informed

Are You Awake? Or Just Informed

This is a very interesting question, and perhaps a provocative one. With the information explosion drastically influencing so many lives there appear to be many strata of awakening levels arising. Once people start connecting the dots of now available facts and formerly unavailable research, whole new paradigms through which to ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

The Revolution of Freedom is Taking Place in Your Mind

The Revolution of Freedom is Taking Place in Your Mind

The revolution of freedom is happening. It’s well underway. It’s not a fake revolution like Obama’s “hope and change” pretense. It’s fueled by an awakening and a rising of consciousness that is earnestly dissolving old mental structures that no longer serve us. This rising consciousness, which is flowing and expressing itself ... … Read entire article »

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The Free Thinker’s Manifesto

The Free Thinker’s Manifesto

“Man, whether he likes it or not, is a being forced by his nature to seek some higher authority. If he succeeds in finding it of himself then he is a superior man; if not, he is a mass-man and must receive it from his superiors.” — Jose Ortega y ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

What are the Most Addictive Foods in the World?

What are the Most Addictive Foods in the World?

Most of us wake up every morning with a commitment to getting healthy and losing some extra pounds. We all promise ourselves that we’ll have a salad instead of a pizza, some fruit instead of chocolate, and a nice piece of salmon for dinner. Our resolve is normally fine for ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Top 10 Methods Used to Reduce the Human Population

Top 10 Methods Used to Reduce the Human Population

“The Elite” with their infinite generational wealth feel obligated to proclaim themselves as protectors of the earth and “guardians” of human society. They take their access to resources to mean infinite knowledge and wisdom, so of course they know best what is good for the rest of us. Some of ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Doctor Robot: The Dark Future of Medicine

Doctor Robot: The Dark Future of Medicine

Before long, your pill-pushing doctor will be replaced by a pill-pushing AI toilet that’s tag-teamed with a Terminator-style compliance android or drone. Why? Because today’s pharma-bribed doctors do almost nothing that can’t be done by a sophisticated drug vending machine owned and operated by the pharmaceutical industry. Modern doctors, in other ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Article V: A New Constitution for the United Socialist States of America

Article V: A New Constitution for the United Socialist States of America

The idea of an Article V convention seems to be gaining momentum across the country. According to the constitution, an Article V convention is the process by which both houses of Congress propose amendments which then must be ratified by three fourths of the states legislatures in order for them ... … Read entire article »

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