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UN Calls for Global Internet Surveillance

UN Calls for Global Internet Surveillance

“u.n. calls for ‘anti-terror’ internet surveillance. – United Nations report calls for Internet surveillance, saying lack of ‘internationally agreed framework for retention of data’ is a problem, as are open Wi-Fi networks in airports, cafes, and libraries. The United Nations is calling for more surveillance of Internet users, saying it ... … Read entire article »

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Movies and Politics: Truth is Fiction Anyway

Movies and Politics: Truth is Fiction Anyway

“Political language … is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectful, and give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” — George Orwell. With Election Day right around the corner, the propaganda machines are busily spinning political webs with which the candidates can lure voters. However, no matter how ... … Read entire article »

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Television: Brainwashing You Softly

Television: Brainwashing You Softly

Hey buddy, I’m talking to you. Yes, you, the guy sitting in front of the television. Turn down the sound a bit, so that you can hear what I am saying. Now, try to concentrate on what I am going to say. I want to talk to you about your ... … Read entire article »

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The Sports Conspiracy: Brainwashed From Birth

The Sports Conspiracy: Brainwashed From Birth

Nothing is so permeating in American culture as sports. We are exposed to competition based physical struggles for dominance (a.k.a. athletics) from the cradle to the grave. Is this phenomena a manifestation of normal evolutionary needs for hierarchy, alpha males, and social order, or a skillfully crafted campaign of control ... … Read entire article »

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Awake, and Falling Back to Sleep

Awake, and Falling Back to Sleep

An old professor of mine once told me that the purpose of learning was to “escape.” He said that insight was the experience which would lead you beyond a system that was trapping your mind. He gave a very interesting informal lecture to a group of us about the dawning age of ... … Read entire article »

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Once When We Were Free

Once When We Were Free

We’re so much more sensible now. We don’t live our lives as much as we arrange them and organize them. B follows A. D follows C. We take our medicine and our shots because the doctor says so. We’re careful, because accidents happen. We don’t say what’s on our minds a lot ... … Read entire article »

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The Most Radical Social Movement in America

The Most Radical Social Movement in America

It’s homeschooling, and it terrifies the establishment I have just read the best article in National Review that I can remember in the last 40 years. Of course, this is not saying a great deal, because I stopped reading National Review about 40 years ago. I used to write for it ... … Read entire article »

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I Wonder If …

I Wonder If …

I wonder if there would ever be another war, if, instead of mass slaughtering civilians, civilian homes, schools, and critical infrastructure… only heads of state would be bombed. If the innocent civilian populations of all countries were strictly off limits in times of war, not to be touched by violence ... … Read entire article »

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US Election: Neither Candidate Will Solve the Problem

US Election: Neither Candidate Will Solve the Problem

“Anybody who wants the presidency so much that he’ll spend two years organizing and campaigning for it is not to be trusted with the office.” — David Broder “If voting could actually change anything, it would be illegal.” — Noam Chomsky Generally, I tend not to comment on elections, as I consider ... … Read entire article »

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Physicists Say We May Be Living in a Computer Simulation

Physicists Say We May Be Living in a Computer Simulation

Back in 2003, Oxford professor Nick Bostrom suggested that we may be living in a computer simulation. In his paper, Bostrom offered very little science to support his hypothesis — though he did calculate the computational requirements needed to pull off such a feat. And indeed, a philosophical claim is ... … Read entire article »

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If we were to pinpoint the one pervasive emotion in society today, it would be fear. People all around you are fearful of almost everything. They fear the police. They fear the IRS, ATF, TSA and all the other “alphabet police”. They fear losing their job. They fear losing their ... … Read entire article »

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Anonymous: Imagine we Leak it All

Anonymous: Imagine we Leak it All

Project Mayhem 2012: Dangerous Idea #1 Imagine we are Anonymous.Imagine you are Anonymous. Imagine we plant trees.Imagine we become Seed trees.Imagine we sow the world with seeds. Imagine we finally find the COURAGE needed.to BECOME THE CHANGE WE WISH TO SEE in the World. Imagine we are no longer afraid of Fear.Imagine we re ... … Read entire article »

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The Implosion of the U.S. is Impossible … Until the Day It Happens

The Implosion of the U.S. is Impossible … Until the Day It Happens

All Great Catastrophes seem impossible until the day they become reality. If people took them seriously, they would act to avoid them. Did Caesar think his friend Brutus would join others one lovely day in Rome to cut him up? Did Romans think the Empire could finally fall? Did the Greatest ... … Read entire article »

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John Lennon: The Last Great Anti-War Activist

John Lennon: The Last Great Anti-War Activist

“All we are saying is give peace a chance.” — John Lennon Despite the moving tributes that were paid to John Lennon’s lyrical vision of a world without war, racial or religious divisions or hunger at the conclusion of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, there’s really very little ... … Read entire article »

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The Sheep Go to the Polls

The Sheep Go to the Polls

The next United States presidential election is to be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. The sheep are invited to vote, that is to mark a check box next to the name of one of the shepherds designated by the sheepfold’s owner. What a privilege to be able to choose ... … Read entire article »

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True Prosperity: Becoming an employee of the Universe

True Prosperity: Becoming an employee of the Universe

I love the word prosperity. Prosperity represents a fulfilling life encompassing not only material wealth but happiness and genuine fulfillment. I think of it as a state where abundance is free to flow uninhibited through all areas of one’s life. I think you could say most people long to live in ... … Read entire article »

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The Politics of Fear in America: A Nation at War with Itself

The Politics of Fear in America: A Nation at War with Itself

“Fear is the foundation of most governments.” – John Adams. Turn on the TV or flip open the newspaper on any given day, and you will find yourself accosted by reports of government corruption, corporate malfeasance, militarized police and marauding SWAT teams. America is entering a new phase, one in which ... … Read entire article »

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I Was Fooled by the War-Makers

I Was Fooled by the War-Makers

Twenty years ago, as I was completing my freshman year in college, I was a full-blown neoconservative. Except I didn’t know it. Having concluded that I was not a leftist, I simply decided by process of elimination that I must be a Rush Limbaughian. Like most people, I was unaware that ... … Read entire article »

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Democracy is Destroying Your Wealth and Freedom

Democracy is Destroying Your Wealth and Freedom

Although almost every democratic country suffers from bloated government, over-regulation, heavy taxation and enormous public debts, few people see a causal connection between these problems and the democratic system itself. For many, the solution to these problems is more democracy, not less. Democracy tends to be equated by many people with ... … Read entire article »

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Voting is an Exercise in Futility

Voting is an Exercise in Futility

“A people should know when they are conquered.” Maximus responds, “Would you, would I?” – From the movie Gladiator. One hundred years ago the American republic was overthrown and captured by financial elites and money power during the Taft and Wilson administrations, the first Republican and the second Democrat. Both the ... … Read entire article »

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