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Money and reality are only shadows of what truly IS

Money and reality are only shadows of what truly IS

I started questioning life far before I began questioning economics. In both, I began my inquiry with an open mind and am fortunate in that I found answers to the questions responsible for my inquiry. There is an interconnectedness that runs though all of life, including spirituality and economics. The economic ... … Read entire article »

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Are you sick of hearing the name-callers saying “Leaker”. It seems they all got the memo the same day. Leaker? Call the plumber, or perhaps call a Urologist, but don’t call a Whistle Blower a Leaker. Leaker wasn’t a word until this past week, it’s newspeak. A Whistle Blower has rights and ... … Read entire article »

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Gerald Celente: The Greatest Depression Ahead

Gerald Celente: The Greatest Depression Ahead

Top trends forecaster Gerald Celente says NSA leaker Edward Snowden is a non-event. Celente charges, “What did Snowden say that we didn’t write about over a year ago?” Celente says the real stories are the imploding economy and coming war. Another crash is coming, and Celente predicts, “It will be worse ... … Read entire article »

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Stop Worrying About Edward Snowden, And Start Worrying About War

Stop Worrying About Edward Snowden, And Start Worrying About War

As we all should know by now, the criminals in the United States government routinely lie to maintain or gain power and control over people and resources domestically and abroad. Edward Snowden helped reveal vital information to us so we can better understand the loss of Liberty we are facing ... … Read entire article »

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The Active Voice

The Active Voice

The simplest and cheapest of all reforms within institutional science is to switch from the passive to the active voice in writing about science. Many people have already made this change, but some teachers in schools and universities do not realise that they and their students are free to write ... … Read entire article »

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The Draconian Arm of the New World ‘Rule of Law’

The Draconian Arm of the New World ‘Rule of Law’

Get this: A senior U.S. official delivered a terse statement to Hong Kong on Saturday about Snowden, saying, “If Hong Kong doesn’t act soon, it will complicate our bilateral relations and raise questions about Hong Kong’s commitment to the rule of law.” (Source) You can’t possibly read that any other way than ... … Read entire article »

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The Land of the Blind: The Illusion of Freedom in America

The Land of the Blind: The Illusion of Freedom in America

“How far does a man have to go to be thought so dangerous that he needs to be locked away, physically separated from the rest of the world, behind stone walls and iron bars? Clearly, it is a last resort.” — Joe, Land of the Blind. In the Wachowskis’ iconic 1999 ... … Read entire article »

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An Honorable Failure

An Honorable Failure

As with most humans, i have failed at most things in my life. What seems to set me apart from others, besides a curious lack of attachment to my ‘identity’, is that i count each failure as a personal badge of honor. Many of these badges are worn for all the ... … Read entire article »

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For Every Door That Closes, Another Opens

For Every Door That Closes, Another Opens

Many in the First World are predicting that we are on the verge of an economic collapse that will bring about the destruction of wealth, but this is not so – or at least the second part is not so. Yes, there will most certainly be a collapse, but, historically, ... … Read entire article »

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The Six Principles of Global Manipulation

The Six Principles of Global Manipulation

What is Globalization? In the 20th century the human race was confronted with such a natural phenomenon as globalization. Globalization can be defined as the process of concentration of power over all the mankind in one person or a small group. This process has been under way throughout the whole human ... … Read entire article »

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The Drone Spotting App by Cia – JoyCamp

The Drone Spotting App by Cia – JoyCamp

Humor is one of our most important resources, especially for the awake and aware who see what’s going all too clearly. One of the best tonics is humor. A world without humor would be like a world without bees. I wax profound… It heals while delivering its potent message. Kuddos ... … Read entire article »

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Mind and Body are Mutually Independent

Mind and Body are Mutually Independent

As is well-known a dualism of mind (thinking substance) and body (extended substance) was proposed by René Descartes in his Principia philosophiae (published in 1644), and became the basis of what is today known as the philosophical problem of the relation of mind to body. Descartes’ dualism has been criticized ... … Read entire article »

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The Fight Against Usury

The Fight Against Usury

Lending money at interest has been condemned by men such as Plato, Aristotle, Plutarch, Seneca and Cicero, early fathers of the Christian church; the majority of popes and councils up to 1983; likewise modern authors such as Goethe and Wagner. The fight against usury goes back to the earliest known beginnings ... … Read entire article »

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Death By Fear

Death By Fear

In a span of nearly half a century, I’ve said a number of goodbyes. Some to friends I never saw beyond kindergarten and to others when my extended stay in England was complete. There were the polite goodbyes with employers for whom I, or they, were no longer needed and farewells ... … Read entire article »

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The Pro-Liberty Message in Man of Steel

The Pro-Liberty Message in Man of Steel

I have pretty low expectations for Superman movies, so I was both impressed and pleasantly surprised to find myself entertained as well as see an important pro-liberty theme embedded in the movie Man of Steel. Leaving aside problems of excessively long special effects and a few plot holes, the 2013 ... … Read entire article »

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The Secret Behind the CIA Operation Ed Snowden

The Secret Behind the CIA Operation Ed Snowden

Everyone wants to see a hero. When that hero emerges from the shadows and says all the right things, and when he exposes a monolithic monster, he’s irresistible. However, that doesn’t automatically make him who he says he is. That doesn’t automatically exempt him from doubts. Because he’s doing the right ... … Read entire article »

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Orwell Revisited: Privacy in the Age of Surveillance

Orwell Revisited: Privacy in the Age of Surveillance

“You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.” — George Orwell, 1984. There’s a reason George Orwell’s 1984 is a predominant theme in my new book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police ... … Read entire article »

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The Most Giving and Sharing People are the Poor

The Most Giving and Sharing People are the Poor

I met a man today. Ever so briefly. He was tired. His work boots grounded his humble, yet impressive frame. As he gathered his rudimentary supplies from the small shopping basket He placed them on the checkout counter. Slowly. Deliberately. I dropped the tug of any angst to get home soon. A world was unfolding ... … Read entire article »

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High Crimes

High Crimes

It is standard operating procedure for police, FBI, and all sorts of private corps. and military orgs. to work with criminals to achieve their own criminal goals. We all remember how our Pure President Ike Eisenhower set up a CIA assassination black ops. unit to work with the Mafia to ... … Read entire article »

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Cannabis Provides Dramatic Benefit for Chronic Diseases

Cannabis Provides Dramatic Benefit for Chronic Diseases

Marijuana research is not new; nor is the research finding a link between marijuana use and improved health. And while users of the plant have been doing their own “case studies” for centuries (or more), I’m referring to the lab research that the scientific and medical communities seem to opt ... … Read entire article »

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