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Nation: Shaping Individuals into a Crowd

Nation: Shaping Individuals into a Crowd

One device of leadership is to control individual behavior by psychological means. Gustave Le Bon’s 1895 book “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind” outlines this phenomenon. The leader uses events to short-circuit rational thought and regress people to their unconscious and ancient fears, drives and instincts. I don’t ... … Read entire article »

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Illusory Money and the Economic System Construct

Illusory Money and the Economic System Construct

The name ‘Rothschild’ first appeared in the 18th century when Mayer Amschel Bauer established his banking empire in Frankfurt, Germany, and changed the family name. The Bauers were a notorious satanic family in Middle Ages Germany and the major Rothschilds remain master black magicians to this day. Mayer Amschel’s father, ... … Read entire article »

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Stepping Stones

Stepping Stones

Today’s world is a bit of a trip, isn’t it? Everything’s gone mad and there is no moral compass anymore. Anything goes at whatever price, and the utter madness of the train of everything hurtles on along the express way to the cliff edge—and we are the helpless passengers, the impotent ... … Read entire article »

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The Military Industrial Sports Complex

The Military Industrial Sports Complex

Whether football, basketball, baseball, soccer, the Olympics, it’s the perfect stage to feature the occult program of personal sacrifice to the fascist State of Control. Well, it’s upon us again, and the world looks with anticipation to the big super display bowl, rife with military exercises of course. I’m not going ... … Read entire article »

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How Does The Pirate Bay Do It?

How Does The Pirate Bay Do It?

How does one of the Internet’s most notorious pirate websites stay online despite years of the best efforts of the US government to shut it down? Every now and then I get questions about The Pirate Bay, in particular, something like this: These guys are sticking their fingers in the eyes of ... … Read entire article »

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Electromagnetic Armageddon

Electromagnetic Armageddon

According to Wikipedia, the Schumann resonances are a set of spectrum peaks in the ELF portion of the earth’s electromagnetic field. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the earth’s surface and the ionosphere. Professor R. Wever from the Max Planck Institute was ... … Read entire article »

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People of #EuroMaydan

People of #EuroMaydan

Our peaceful faces are full of hope and love! This is the Ukrainian response to all of the Media that broadcast false news about activists of EuroMaydan, especially Russian News Agencies that lie constantly about EuroMaydan and the people of the Ukrainian Revolution. Russian Media has been forced to deliver false news ... … Read entire article »

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Not Without Our Consent

Not Without Our Consent

Nothing happens without our permission. In one way or another, consciously and/or subconsciously, we give our approval or disapproval by our actions, words and intentions. Over time our accountability increases. A mad world swirls around us in this manifestation with our inherent agreement. Without our complicit cooperation in support of this insane ... … Read entire article »

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Children and the State

Children and the State

What does the State do with children taken by force from their parents? The luckiest ones go in foster homes and the cost of their care increases the national debt. The unlucky ones enlarge the elite’s herd and serve as fresh meat. They are used for medical testing, snuff movies ... … Read entire article »

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Dangerous Freedom or Peaceful Slavery?

Dangerous Freedom or Peaceful Slavery?

“All governments are run by liars.” — Independent journalist I.F. “Izzy” Stone. President Obama has managed, with singular assistance from Congress and the courts, to mangle the Constitution through repeated abuses, attacks and evasions. This is nothing new, as I’ve documented in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police ... … Read entire article »

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The Matrix Refined

The Matrix Refined

Research on simulating the human brain is marching forward. Corporations are attempting to build devices that talk to their users in a “realistic” fashion. These computers would continuously update profiles of their owners, seeking to read their emotional states and preferences and respond to them. The old phrase, “the machine age,” takes ... … Read entire article »

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Social Sciences and the Destruction of Individuality

Social Sciences and the Destruction of Individuality

You may or not be interested in the sexual practices of Trobriand Islanders. You may or not be interested in what some tribe in the Amazon jungle is doing on a slow Thursday. But what sociologists and anthropologists have written about such subjects is as much science as you sitting in ... … Read entire article »

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Language: The War Behind All Wars

Language: The War Behind All Wars

The war behind all wars is a war on words; a war on language. For instance, in today’s world independence is overshadowed by “inter-dependence”, incessant talk of “democracy” overlooks our constitutional republic, “pooling” is now a substitute for sovereignty, “globalization” takes precedence over nation-states, economic growth has morphed into “sustainable ... … Read entire article »

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The Alchemical Force of Imagination

The Alchemical Force of Imagination

One of the best questions a person asks himself is, “What if…?” People do ask themselves that question all the time, but they rarely take it seriously. They prefer to keep the answers at arm’s length. They prefer to assign someone else the task of putting answers into action. “What if…” ... … Read entire article »

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Truth is The Enemy of the State

Truth is The Enemy of the State

It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the Truth and expose lies. — Noam Chomsky. My book, The Wizards of Ozymandias, was dedicated “To the memory and spirit of Sophie and Hans Scholl and the White Rose, who reminded us what it means to be civilized.” These wonderful young people ... … Read entire article »

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Space-time and Imagination

Space-time and Imagination

In space, time passes. If you put a clock in a room, it will tick. Time is associated with change. In that room, a person walks around. A moth circles. Another person enters, then leaves. The shadows move. If you wait long enough, a light bulb will burn out. In space, ... … Read entire article »

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Gerald Celente: Top Ten Trends 2014

Gerald Celente: Top Ten Trends 2014

In 33 years of forecasting trends, the Trends Research Institute has never seen a new year that will witness severe economic hardship and social unrest on one hand, and deep philosophic enlightenment and personal enrichment on the other. A series of dynamic socioeconomic and transformative geopolitical trend points are aligning ... … Read entire article »

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Christmas: The Celebration of a Horror Story

Christmas: The Celebration of a Horror Story

As I’m writing this blog, it is Christmas Eve. Most of the people living around me are gathering with their family, busy preparing the meal and all that comes with the celebration. Lately, a lot of people wished me a Merry Christmas and asked what my plans were for the occasion. ... … Read entire article »

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There is No Such Thing as a Safe Vaccine

There is No Such Thing as a Safe Vaccine

Making vaccines safe by removing their toxins (greening), or telling people they have a right to look at vaccine ingredients before deciding whether to vaccinate or not may be the politically correct form of vaccination resistance. It does help avoid some of the wrath from vaccination high priests. However, the ... … Read entire article »

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Rejoining the Matrix

Rejoining the Matrix

Untold millions (billions?) of people across the world are waking up to official lies, cover stories, and conspiracies. These people are crossing the bridge, so to speak, to see what’s on the other side. The question is, do they stay there once they’ve crossed over, or do they try to retreat back ... … Read entire article »

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