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Brave New Mind Control: Everyone Belongs to Everyone Else

Brave New Mind Control: Everyone Belongs to Everyone Else

From my work-in-progress, The Magician Awakes, here is a relevant quote: “The modern assumption is, each person’s consciousness is connected to every other person’s consciousness. And following from that, enlightenment comes from seeing the connection and surrendering to it. “The truth is, we are talking about theater. You can take on a ... … Read entire article »

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Putin Is Doing the Complete Bidding of the Rothschilds

Putin Is Doing the Complete Bidding of the Rothschilds

Being a former college basketball coach, I marvel at the skill of a good strategist who can carry out a game plan. Vladimir Putin would have been a great college basketball coach, a masterful poker player, a top used car salesman and he is an excellent leader of his country ... … Read entire article »

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So Free and Democratic n’shit

So Free and Democratic n’shit

A long long time ago before there were such things as politicians, people used to talk to each other and tell the truth. They simply spoke their thoughts and feelings and talked of their experiences and pondered life’s questions, sorrows and joys openly. They had nothing to hide and no ... … Read entire article »

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Putin’s Plans to Seize Eastern Europe and Alaska

Putin’s Plans to Seize Eastern Europe and Alaska

Was the coming WW III moment foretold on a mural at Denver International Airport near baggage pick-up? I have received highly credible accounts that if Putin invades any portion of Ukraine, exclusive of Crimea, that the United States is prepared to enact a no-fly zone over Syria in order to prevent ... … Read entire article »

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Putin’s Secret Weapons

Putin’s Secret Weapons

Putin is poised to run through Ukraine like a hot knife through butter. Short of launching ICBM’s with nuclear weapons, there is little that NATO can do to counter the Russian takeover of Ukraine. The 21st century has been widely touted as the Chinese century. That proclamation may be a bit ... … Read entire article »

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Ukraine and Syria Will Both Fall to Putin

Ukraine and Syria Will Both Fall to Putin

Why has Russia agreed to a cease fire until March 21st, just three days from now? Why has Putin been so audacious as to threaten to turn the United States into radioactive ash? The latter fact was reported by Dmitri Kiselyov, a television news broadcaster on state-owned station Russia One ... … Read entire article »

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War Is a Certainty

War Is a Certainty

Any country that is considering waging war against another country should first consider that the loser is almost always the country that runs out of money first. Recently, an associate offered the following observation with regard to the likelihood of war in the immediate future: “The big guys like to play chess ... … Read entire article »

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Freedom from Government

Freedom from Government

The first principle in dealing with government is: Don’t be awed by it. What little the government achieves is almost always due to the voluntary participation of its citizens. Those who don’t want to help the government can go their own ways without running into much trouble. The second principle is: Don’t ... … Read entire article »

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Rocks vs Tanks

Rocks vs Tanks

Is this what humanity has been reduced to? By its own permission and the imprimatur of our acceptance of our creeping, current global conditions? Were we designed for this fate, fleshly man against machine? Or is there another way? These are pretty serious considerations, especially if you’re starting to get the ... … Read entire article »

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The Grand Chessboard of WWIII (Part Two)

The Grand Chessboard of WWIII (Part Two)

America is busy fighting in Afghanistan and occupying Iraq. Crimea, a part of Ukraine, has been illegally seized by Russia. Obama has tried to engage Syria and Iran in a war in order to preserve the Petrodollar, but was outmaneuvered by Putin. To the average sheeple, the world is just ... … Read entire article »

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It Will Happen Suddenly

It Will Happen Suddenly

As the Great Unravelling progresses, we shall be seeing many negative developments, some of them unprecedented… Only a year ago, the average person was still hanging on to the belief that the world is in a state of recovery, that, however tentative, the economy was on the mend. And this is understandable. ... … Read entire article »

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Entertained to Sleep

Entertained to Sleep

With the growing interest and social buzz about consciousness, it is remarkable that we don’t see more people turning away from the seductive tides of the entertainment industry. Whether it is television, radio, Internet, online games, Facebook, Twitter, movies, magazines, advertisements, etc., entertainment has become one of the, if not ... … Read entire article »

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The Grand Chess Board of World War III

The Grand Chess Board of World War III

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” — William Shakespeare. Many times in the midst of a global crisis, it is easy to lose ... … Read entire article »

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What Happens To You Happens By You

What Happens To You Happens By You

Everyone and every experience comes into your life comes through your invitation. You are not at the mercy of outside forces and circumstances. We live in a universe of vibration and through your thoughts and emotions you draw to yourself events, people and circumstances. It is all an inside job ... … Read entire article »

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Who Controls Putin?

Who Controls Putin?

Look, up in the sky, is it a bird, is it a plane, no, it’s Super Putin. He is single handedly taking on the evil bankers and winning. According to some, Putin will singlehandedly rescue the world from the clutches of the Rothschild/Rockefeller criminal banking cartel. Putin is the modern day ... … Read entire article »

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Is the EU About to Break Up?

Is the EU About to Break Up?

Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland has apologized for her undiplomatic “(bleep) the EU!” remark intercepted on her phone call with the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine. Yet it appears that tens of millions of Europeans share her feelings about the European Union, which they believe has arisen to rule over them. And ... … Read entire article »

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The Anger Games

The Anger Games

How the “powers that be” play us is pretty much almost unbelievable. From election fraud to chemtrailed skies, pointless sports aggression and life stunting food, we are being had to such a degree it would make a conscious mind spit. And it does. The conscious are watching, observing, and unfortunately also absorbing ... … Read entire article »

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Mental Illness is the New Normal

Mental Illness is the New Normal

The strategy is as old as the hills. Show people an extreme example of something, and thereby convince them to accept a compromise. In this case, parade before the public—along with assured pronouncements from “mental health experts”—images of James Holmes, Aaron Alexis, Adam Lanza, etc.—and say: “Look, these are people who committed unspeakable ... … Read entire article »

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Will There Be An Intervention?

Will There Be An Intervention?

I hear this question often and it’s frequently a topic of alternative and otherwise spiritual discussion. After all, whole religions are built around some sort of rescue plan or salvation by a higher power based on either good works accompanied by repetitious prayers and ritual, or simply “believing” that some ... … Read entire article »

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Mind Control: The End-Game of Philosophic Materialism

Mind Control: The End-Game of Philosophic Materialism

There is a whole brand of mind control that is little more than torture. In other words, by inflicting duress, coercion, making threats, causing pain and disorientation, an “expert” can make a victim do and say many things. That’s no secret. There are obviously drugs and hypnotic techniques that will ... … Read entire article »

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