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11 Ways to Enslave People

11 Ways to Enslave People

Be it drugs, alcohol, porn, overeating or whatever your personal addiction, put an abuser in a playground and see what happens. You’ve probably heard about those addiction studies with caged lab rats, in which the rats compulsively press the heroin dispensing lever again and again, even to the point of choosing ... … Read entire article »

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5 Keys to Being the Master of Your Own Manifestation

5 Keys to Being the Master of Your Own Manifestation

We have all heard the phrase “You are the Master of your own Destiny”. What this means in Law of Attraction terms is that you create your reality and attract into your life circumstances that align to your current state of thinking. We all want to have the most amazing ... … Read entire article »

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The Awakening: Clash of Civilizations

The Awakening: Clash of Civilizations

Despite the furious efforts of the world’s Machiavellian destroyers, humanity is waking up. We’re seeing significant progress in exposing the ongoing brutal Gaza extermination, the mass revelation of chemtrails and other neo-scientific incursions, the disastrous effects of EMFs of every source, GMO food manipulation, tectronic surveillance and monitoring, and the ... … Read entire article »

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12 Facts About Microwaves That Should Forever Terminate Their Use

12 Facts About Microwaves That Should Forever Terminate Their Use

Are microwaves a benign bastion of convenience or a sinister contributor to biological and nutritional damage? A growing percentage of people are now heeding the advice of holistic health experts and disposing of their microwaves due to the dangers of microwaved food. Regardless of where you stand, humans are ... … Read entire article »

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A Colossal Hoax within Science and Religion

A Colossal Hoax within Science and Religion

“The Destiny of Man is to unite, not to divide. If you keep on dividing you end up as a collection of monkeys throwing nuts at each other out of separate trees.” — T.H. White Let me assure you — I do believe in God. I believe in the Divine, with ... … Read entire article »

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“We” isn’t an advanced form of “I”

“We” isn’t an advanced form of “I”

In a BBC documentary, Google and the World Brain, the issue of author copyright is explored. Google has scanned and published out-of-print books that are still covered by copyright. Interviewed, Kevin Kelly, the co-founder of Wired, makes a startling remark. In his view the whole issue of copyright is archaic. He ... … Read entire article »

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All Fear Is a Deception of Perception

All Fear Is a Deception of Perception

“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite.” — William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. Reality is virtually a symbolic representation of patterns of information. Notice the patterns and come explore the connections with the interlocking grids of consciousness that ... … Read entire article »

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The Church of Programmed Perception

The Church of Programmed Perception

“Consider something you take for granted, something everyone takes for granted. Now back up from it, back up far enough and you begin to realize it’s arbitrary—it doesn’t have to be that way. It could be another way, or it could vanish and not exist at all.” — ... … Read entire article »

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The Ten Percent Factor

The Ten Percent Factor

Is it a waste of time to try and warn humanity about the satanic nature of the world’s leadership? Is humanity doomed? Is there no hope to overcome the endless attacks upon humanity by the globalists? Are we a nation under judgment? Should we just lie down and take our ... … Read entire article »

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Observations on Enlightenment

Observations on Enlightenment

“Enlightenment must come little by little-otherwise it would overwhelm.” — Idries Shah. In spiritual literature, have you ever wondered why there are few straight forward discussions concerning outcomes of enlightenment; or said another way, once you have traveled a spiritual path, and gained inner capacity, for you personally, what will spiritual ... … Read entire article »

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So, Your Spiritual Awakening Cost You Some Friends

So, Your Spiritual Awakening Cost You Some Friends

Have you noticed a change in your relationships with other people lately? Is it sometimes difficult or awkward to talk to others about spiritual topics? Do you, at times, feel alone in your beliefs? Have you lost contact with any long time friends recently? You are not alone! I’m fortunate to ... … Read entire article »

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Secret Space

Secret Space

“Space can be mapped and crossed and occupied without definable limit; but it can never be conquered.” — Arthur C Clarke “I dream with open eyes,” he answered, looking around at the door, “and others see my dreams. That is all.” — David Lindsay, A Voyage to Arcturus “That night, at the ... … Read entire article »

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Imagination: As Real As Life Itself

Imagination: As Real As Life Itself

It’s amazing how our imagination has been minimalized into an idea implying almost random superficial options when it contains the secrets of the Universe. What we appear to imagine is what makes our world the reality it is. It’s not “apart” from anything as they would have us to think. ... … Read entire article »

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The Solution to Everything: Slavery to the State

The Solution to Everything: Slavery to the State

Let me clarify that. Slavery to the corporate State. Government and mega-corporations work hand in hand. The incurably naïve believe the State is beneficent. The government is kind. The government knows what to do. The government will solve society’s ills if we let it. Of course, the government, in the form of ... … Read entire article »

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The Turning Point

The Turning Point

Years from now, we may well look back on this period as being the turning point. For over a decade, we’ve predicted that the Great Unravelling would take place in phases: there would be initial crashes followed by a false recovery, then a series of major crashes followed by a long, ... … Read entire article »

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Enlightenment, Ascension and The Illusion of Matter

Enlightenment, Ascension and The Illusion of Matter

Since the Galactic Central Sun alignment in December 2012, many human beings are experiencing a powerful and profound awakening to their true nature as Multi-Dimensional Immortal Beings of Light incarnating in physical form. The convergence of the 3rd and 5th dimensional frequencies is causing all kinds of shifts in consciousness ... … Read entire article »

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Saving Yourself From Government

Saving Yourself From Government

The experience of humanity is driven and defined by our own consciousness, which is a product of our sophisticated brain functions. We are consciousness in every way shape and form. Control of this miracle of consciousness is sought by a few individuals who are actually suffering from a mental (disconnect) ... … Read entire article »

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The Composition of Human Life

The Composition of Human Life

I’m going to give you the shorthand version of this. We’re looking at three tiers: Consciousness. Imagination. Energy. Consciousness deploys imagination, and imagination creates, among other things, energy. This isn’t esoteric at all. It’s only strange to people who have shut themselves off from consciousness and imagination. The world is embroiled in the third tier: energy. ... … Read entire article »

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Secret Space Program Conference 2014

Secret Space Program Conference 2014

I’ll be speaking at the Secret Space Program Conference 2014, in San Mateo, California, the weekend of June 28-29. I hope to see some of you there. The speaker list: Joseph Farrell, Catherine Austin Fitts, Richard Dolan, Carol Rosin, Michael Schratt, Robert Morningstar, and Mark McCandlish. For information and tickets: secretspaceprogram.org. In the ... … Read entire article »

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How Effective is Thought Substitution?

How Effective is Thought Substitution?

The number of methods of mind control has proliferated as funding for research has expanded. Here, I want to consider what could be called thought substitution, one ongoing facet of this research. My conclusions on this subject come from accounts of modern mind control research, which utilize forms of signal-broadcasting aimed ... … Read entire article »

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