Ebola: The Hoax of an Epidemic to Promote Vaccines
In “WHO: 21,000 Ebola cases by November if no changes” (AP/USA Today), 9/22, there is this: “CDC scientists…also predict that the two countries [Sierra Leone and Liberia] could have a staggering 550,000 to 1.4 million [Ebola] cases by late January.” CDC employees don’t know they’re alive unless they’re lying. And many of ... … Read entire article »
The individual vs. the monolithic State
“The operations of the Medical Cartel have an underlying theme: there are no individuals, there is only the great collective that obeys the Cartel’s dictates. So we see that this Cartel is really aiming to wipe out the individual.” (Ellis Medavoy, retired propaganda operative.) “We the People … ” Underneath that ... … Read entire article »
Now We Come to Vaccines and Depopulation Experiments
“When the State offers and even insists on giving everybody something, you know you’re in trouble. Well, that’s the whole point, isn’t it? Leaving the individual out of the equation. Treating the population like a single Blob.” (Jon Rappoport, The Underground.) Before we get to vaccines, I want to give ... … Read entire article »
Technology of the Dark
Technology is a left-brain force that seeks to establish miraculous powers—dark ones for the most part. It’s the left-brain mimicking and striving for the transcendence of the right brain. For example, imaging systems that spy on us from satellites above attempt to replicate remote viewing and extra-sensory perception. The space-walk mimics ... … Read entire article »
And One By One They Too Shall Fall
Today I would like to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that can harness the power of prediction and premonition. Premonition rarely arrives on demand. It’s a curious and elusive phenomenon that seems to migrate from out of no-where and into the now-here. Profound and inexplicable, ... … Read entire article »
How Empires End
Once an empire has reached bankruptcy, it never reverses. At that point, the wiser choice might be to follow the cue of the Chinese, the Romans, and others, who instead chose to quietly exit for greener pastures elsewhere. “Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted ... … Read entire article »
37 Lies You Tell Yourself to Avoid Confronting Reality
Have you noticed the incredible detachment from reality exhibited by the masses these days? The continued operation of modern society, it seems, depends on people making sure they don’t acknowledge reality (or try to deal with it). “Denial” is what keeps every sector of civilization humming along: medicine, finance, government, ... … Read entire article »
Why Is Independence So Frightening to Some People?
As long as you are reliant on the system or its participating oligarchs to decide your future for you, you will never be anything more than a follower… As long as you are vying for approval from the system or the collective, you will never be free. In past articles I ... … Read entire article »
The Transhumanism Trap: Why Biohacking Chains Consciousness to the Material World
Can technology help humanity realise its full potential? Transhumanists see the merging of man and machine as a natural “next step” in human evolution, but where does consciousness fall in the equation? Instead of bringing freedom, merging ourselves with technology could chain consciousness to the physical body and material world, ... … Read entire article »
Social Media: The Schools of Conformity
For any number of reasons, more and more people are beginning to shun social media, but nevertheless, billions of people continue to depend on it for a “daily fix” of interaction, much of it done anonymously. Increasingly, we are finding that, while aspects of that interaction, such as reconnecting with old ... … Read entire article »
The Phony Cell Towers and the Mind Control Grid
What are the “phony” cell phone towers all about? Are they only for the purpose of “stealing” data from the electronic devices of unsuspecting people? The answer to this question may surprise you. Paul Watson’s recent report, chronicled in the video listed below, accurately portrays 50% of the operational functioning of ... … Read entire article »
Truth Psyops and the Awakening
Once we understand that everything is an illusion we’re home free. Knowing we’re eternal consciousness having this in-body experience is the greatest gift anyone can possibly have. It’s wonderful, it’s free and it’s forever…and it’s for everyone! People just need to wake up to it. That would seem to be fairly simple, ... … Read entire article »
Cancer Can Heal On Its Own
For years, doctors and researchers relentlessly claimed that cancer could not regress on its own. Although some cases were regularly reported, the public was never informed about them. For this reason, cancer was stamped with a death sentence in the public’s mind if left untreated. On November 26th, 2008, the New-York ... … Read entire article »
The Material Junkies in the Spiritual Marketplace
The law of attraction is a wildly-popular modern mystical belief hyped as the secret to fulfilling your every desire. It has big celebrity endorsements, and commercial products rehashing its claims sell in abundance. But beneath the glossy facade there’s often an agenda pushing egocentrism and greed in metaphysical garb, which ... … Read entire article »
The Perfect Slave
Overwhelming evidence that we can no longer ignore, or even question any more, points directly out to the fact that, in this plane of existence, we are being held captive by a power vastly greater than ours, whose motives and goals may not have exactly considered our well-being but rather ... … Read entire article »
Magic and Depression
“The function of the artist is to provide what life does not.” — Tom Robbins, Another Roadside Attraction. “Those people who recognize that imagination is reality’s master we call ‘sages,’ and those who act upon it, we call ‘artists.’” — Tom Robbins, Skinny Legs and All. In the human psyche, from the ... … Read entire article »
CIA MKULTRA: Drugs for Everything
Drugs to transform individuals…and even, by implication, society. Drug research going far beyond the usual brief descriptions of MKULTRA. The intention is there, in the record. A CIA document was included in the transcript of the 1977 US Senate Hearings on MKULTRA, the CIA’s mind-control program. The document is found in Appendix C, starting ... … Read entire article »
The Four Levels of Intuition
Learning to develop and trust our intuitive intelligence is more important now than it ever has been before. According to a recent UCLA study, we are exposed to a tsunami of information that amounts to over 174 newspapers full of data per day. That is more than 5 times the ... … Read entire article »
Realize Who You Are: The Universe Itself
We are yet again facing another battle in the never ending war against humanity. Every one of these increasingly savage onslaughts are engineered to place fear into our very being, to possess us with this fear, to keep us there with the threat of our own death and ultimately the annihilation of ... … Read entire article »
Transcending the Parasitic Fear Agenda
Everyone experiences fear. It’s a jarring emotion that gets amplified by the reptilian fight or flight side of our human make up. The problem comes when the prompt is deliberately manufactured and therefore non-authentic, which is why the manipulators use it so frequently and to such an extent. Fear interferes ... … Read entire article »