War Is Crime » News

The Psychotropic Drugs: Driving a Nation Mad

The Psychotropic Drugs: Driving a Nation Mad

As a young marine stationed in Twenty Nine Palms California in the 1990’s, I became certified in the Marine Corps chemical decontamination procedures. All service members go through a certain amount of chemical training, they have to demonstrate an ability to don and clear their gas mask while exposed to ... … Read entire article »

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The Intelligence of the Heart

The Intelligence of the Heart

The word “heart” is an anagram for the word “earth”. Hence, the phrase “home is where the heart is”. Did you know that the human heart is the organ that generates the strongest electromagnetic field of any organ of the human body? In fact, the electromagnetic field of your heart can ... … Read entire article »

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Dangerous Speech

Dangerous Speech

“If you can’t say ‘Fuck’ you can’t say, ‘Fuck the government.’” ― Lenny Bruce. Not only has free speech become a four-letter word—profane, obscene, uncouth, not to be uttered in so-called public places—but in more and more cases, the government deems free speech to be downright dangerous and in some instances ... … Read entire article »

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The Fear of Individuality

The Fear of Individuality

Let’s start with this bit of background: The fear of individuality comes from the apprehension that a human, unchained and alive, might create something that would expose the titanic hoax of the collective and the group; the apprehension that an individual might create something undeniably great and different; and, therefore, put ... … Read entire article »

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How Humans are Used as Batteries

How Humans are Used as Batteries

When we think of a battery, we often think of an object that stores electrical energy for powering electronic devices. This common definition of battery only shows us the overt meaning of battery. To find its deeper meanings, you need to know how the word battery is used in other ... … Read entire article »

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How Words Can Be Used as Magic Spells

How Words Can Be Used as Magic Spells

Words are not just elements of speech or writing, because they can be used to strengthen the effects of magic, which is the art of directing and controlling energy. When spoken out loud, words transform into frequencies and vibrations that can be used to direct energy. This is one of ... … Read entire article »

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Collective Consciousness Propaganda: The Individual is Gone

Collective Consciousness Propaganda: The Individual is Gone

“In the middle of all the brain-research going on, from one end of the planet to the other, there is the assumption that the individual doesn’t really exist. He’s a fiction. There is only the motion of particles in the brain. Therefore, nothing is inviolate, nothing is protected. Make the ... … Read entire article »

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Television: A Dream Come True for the Police State

Television: A Dream Come True for the Police State

Big Brother does not watch us, by his choice. We watch him, by ours. There is no need for wardens or gates or Ministries of Truth. When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a ... … Read entire article »

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Every Scientific Law Will Be Rewritten in the Next 50 Years

Every Scientific Law Will Be Rewritten in the Next 50 Years

There is a simple reason why science has a very naive understanding of ourselves and our universe. It can only discover correlations, not causation. It does not have a concept of quantum measurements. It has no tools to measure quantum fields. Since everything in the universe happens at a quantum ... … Read entire article »

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Smart Phones, Stupid People

Smart Phones, Stupid People

Surely no one can have failed to notice: engineered electronic intelligence in pocket sized parameters is a formidable little weapon of potential mass destruction. However, one must not make assumptions, since most of humanity has so far failed to notice that atmospheric aerosol geoengineering is a weapon of mass destruction, I ... … Read entire article »

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Why the Government is Your Deadliest Enemy

Why the Government is Your Deadliest Enemy

The word government is a word that we hear on all the time on the news, so we are well aware of what this word means. However, at the deeper levels, most of us have no clue as to what the word government means. To find the deeper meanings of ... … Read entire article »

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Conventional Psychiatry: Investigative Report

Conventional Psychiatry: Investigative Report

The Agenda If you believe that psychiatrists are kind people who help you solve personal problems by talking to you, prepare to be surprised. At one time some psychiatrists actually did this. It was called “psychoanalysis” and was quite time consuming and also quite expensive. However, Dr. Peter Breggin [1] notes that ... … Read entire article »

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Use the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Manifest!

Use the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Manifest!

Do you know what your consciousness is? Your consciousness is simply your thoughts and awareness. As a conscious being, you are capable of observing and having thought, and as we’ve discussed many times in this blog, your thoughts and awareness are responsible for creating your reality with the Law of ... … Read entire article »

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Manifesto of the Awakened: We Are Aware!

Manifesto of the Awakened: We Are Aware!

To the Few Whom This Concerns: Re: The deliberate subjugation of our people and planet While you continue to hypocritically blame humanity for the dire plight of our world, we hereby put you on notice that we are well aware that it is you, the financial, corporate, military, scientific and governmental agents ... … Read entire article »

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Who I Write For (updated)

Who I Write For (updated)

I have published this piece before. It stands as my best description of why I do what I do. And now I’m adding a new introduction: When I began writing seriously, in the summer of 1959, the idea that I would focus on The Individual was the farthest thing from my ... … Read entire article »

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The New Age Conspiracy

The New Age Conspiracy

Human beings behave like fish swimming in a double fishbowl of lies. They believe that the first fishbowl, the concrete world of matter, has been fully explored — minerals, plants, animals, etc. With this partial knowledge, they invented new technologies that allow them to live longer and comfortably. Yet, physical ... … Read entire article »

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Be Mindful of Your Self-Talk, It’s a Conversation with the Universe

Be Mindful of Your Self-Talk, It’s a Conversation with the Universe

A lady from Montreal recently contacted us on Facebook and sent us a picture of her tattoo of one of our Wu Wei Wisdom quotes: Be mindful of your self-talk it’s a conversation with the Universe. She wrote: ‘Needless to say that your words really resonated with me…enough to put ... … Read entire article »

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Physicist Finds Computer Code in the Fabric of Space

Physicist Finds Computer Code in the Fabric of Space

The idea that we live in a holographic universe that uses a form of quantum “computer code” to create the physical reality is not a new idea. In the 1940s, some physicists suggested that we live in a “computer generated” universe. In the video at the end of this article, ... … Read entire article »

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Are History and Astronomy Incompatible?

Are History and Astronomy Incompatible?

History: Fiction or Science? is a most unusual book series, one that undermines the very foundations of History. According to the author and his team of researchers, History as it has been taught in Europe ever since the Renaissance is fundamentally false, verified history beginning around 1250 A.D. the earliest. ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, Books, News

The Collapse of Europe

The Collapse of Europe

“For a long time, we’ve lived with the delusion that prosperous nations were going to raise the standard of living of poor nations. That was a piece of infernal propaganda. The objective was always the exploitation of those poverty-stricken nations. Their land, their resources, their labor.” (Jon Rappoport, The Underground) Let’s ... … Read entire article »

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