Transhumanism Will Be the End of Humanity
Yesterday, I wrote an article in which I detailed how the undermining of traditional, heterosexual human beings having children was being undermined by the so-called global elite.
To quickly recap, the first salvo was the militant gay agenda. The agenda did not just wish to have political equality, they demanded that children be indoctrinated and everyone must glorify the lifestyle (e.g., wedding cake law suits). Secondly, came the transgender bathroom issue. Canada is actually planning to jail people for two years for insults against transgenders. This issue, with the transgender pejorative teams (e.g., not male or females, but terms like Ze’s and Hir’s) serve to undermine traditional society. It will erode any semblance of traditional human values. If the lines are blurred between men and women, the lines will become blurred against things “age of consent”, thus making pedophilia acceptable by bootstrapping the issue to the sexual revolution being forced down the throat of the average American.
As bad as this sexual revolution is, the worst is yet to come. The sexual revolution will not stop with what is being described here. It will quickly morph into changing human beings into something other than a human being. The underworld sexual revolution is being used to usher in transhumanism.
Vance Davis of the NSA

Vance Davis and I met frequently in his Mesa, Arizona home from the early to the late 1990’s. Davis revealed to me that the Satanic forces that rule this planet have largely given up on their their attempts to steal the soul from every individual. Therefore, these forces of evil have resorted to changing the human species to a level where we are no longer recognizable as the human beings. In short, 20 years ago, Vance Davis was teaching me the NSA’s version of transhumanism and its inevitability.
I have interviewed Steve Quayle, Daniel Estulin, Barb Peterson and Patrick Wood on this subject of transhumanism. In short, if we ever allow the globalists to establish their kingdom, humanity many not survive in its present form and there will be nothing left to save.
My FEMA Contact
In the 1990’s, I was a Maricopa County volunteer first responder. This meant that if there was a pandemic or a chemical/biological attack, I would be expected to help dispense treatment. This also meant that my family would be first in line for any treatments. The program was eventually absorbed by FEMA. From the absorption, I began a friendship with a FEMA employee, his expertise was bioterrorism-based pandemics.
In 2012, he “early” retired as did many of his colleagues. Unknown to me, he and several of his colleagues had been preparing a “bug out” at location in a remote area.
My friendship with this person became a part of my awakening process. In the course of the last couple of decades, I learned, firsthand, how many of our alphabet soup agencies are not about protecting the public interest. In effect, they are fascist in nature and serve to protect the interests of Big Pharma, other major corporations and the eventual imposition of martial law. Today, this is not a stunning revelation. Nearly 20 years ago, these notions were considered to be on the extreme fringe.
From several intense conversations I had with this individual, I can now clearly see the unfolding of the collapse of this nation, step by step. In the following paragraphs, I will detail how various false flag attacks will fit together like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle in order to achieve this aim.
This individual spoke often of potential false flag events ranging from nuclear attack, artificially created pandemics, the release of new viruses unknown to the world at that time. He said other false flag events would likely take place in order to have the government more control. However, he was especially concerned about the poisoning of our food (e.g., GMO’s), the poisoning of our air (e.g., chemtrails with their deadly chemicals descending from the atmosphere), and the poisoning of our water through neglect and the creation of artificial shortages. He told that FEMA had practiced all of these scenarios. However, what he most feared was the morphing of humanity into a nonhuman existence. Today, we call this transhumanism.
The Endgame
Many now expect that brutal martial law will be ushered in through the use of a series of false flag cocktails, with each event designed to peel back the onion that was once the United States.
Although this is a different topic for a different article, if one wonders what life will be like for those who survive the imposition of martial law and the coming World War III, I would suggest reading everything you can get your hands on with regard to Agenda 21, for phase one, and transhumanism, for phase two of the New World Order which could be only a matter of years away. A good place to start reading is Steve Quayle’s work entitled Xenogensis. This book writes the ending of where this entire scenario is ultimately headed.
In short, the globalists want to escape their bodies, take advantage of human spare parts technology and attain immortality. There was actually an episode on the original Star Trek series in which the crew of the Enterprise encountered a race who did exactly what I am describing here. Remember, the original series aired in the 1960’s, Gene Roddenberry was certainly ahead of his time when it came to predictive programming
What about the rest of us? There is massive amounts of literature which clearly states that globalists have a depopulation agenda of 95% of humanity. Those who are allowed to survive will barely be recognizable as human beings.