The Canadian Holocaust: Hidden No Longer
Excerpts from the book: Hidden No Longer: Genocide in Canada, Past and Present, by Kevin D. Annett, M.A., M.Div. An Updated New Edition of Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust (3rd edition). Published by The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State and The Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared.
If James Joyce is right, and history is a nightmare from which we are trying to awaken, then it is also true that victory belongs to those who can remember.
Twenty years ago, soon after my ordination as a clergyman in the United Church of Canada, I first began to hear stories of what my church had done to innocent children in its Indian residential schools. Like most people, I didn’t believe the accounts of murder and torture I was hearing. And if I had have kept my ears and heart closed to these tales, I would have been spared an enormous personal loss and liberation.
But fate, and choice, forced me not only to listen, but give voice and a platform to hundreds, and then thousands of indigenous men and women whose stories you will read in these pages. And as a result, the face of Canada has been changed forever.
But the ones you won’t hear from are the more than 50,000 children who died from beatings, starvation, rape and torture, or being deliberately exposed to tuberculosis and left to cough their lives away in squalor and terror: all at the hands of Christian men and women who have never been prosecuted for their crimes.
These murdered children lie in nearly-forgotten graves across Canada, or their ashes are scattered on sea and land after they were incinerated in residential school furnaces, to hide the crime that killed them. But they have not vanished, and their day is coming, thanks in part to the work and campaigns associated with this book.
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I’m Irene Favel. I’m seventy five. I went to residential school in Muscowequan from 1944 to 1949, and I had a rough life. I was mistreated in every way. There was a young girl, and she was pregnant from a priest there. And what they did, she had her baby, and they took the baby, and wrapped it up in a nice pink outfit, and they took it downstairs where I was cooking dinner with the nun. And they took the baby into the furnace room, and they threw that little baby in there and burned it alive. All you could hear was this little cry, like “Uuh!”, and that was it. You could smell that flesh cooking… |
I wrote the first version of this book ten years ago now, at a time when nobody in Canada, or anywhere else, was publicly talking about murdered children at Indian residential schools. Now, if not respectable, at least the issue has become a matter of some discourse, even in the cloistered and censoring halls of academia and government.
But what’s most remarkable about the revelation of this “little matter of genocide” is that it’s occurred in the face of enormous opposition and repression: the kind that, until now, has ensured that those slaughtered children would remain out of sight and mind.
I thank my own persistence for this miracle, and the courage of survivors who have stepped forward to tell the truth and indict the guilty, despite the efforts of all the King’s Men and their self-appointed “truth and reconciliation commissions” to protect the perpetrators and silence the witnesses.
But the miracle hasn’t stayed confined to Canada. This past year, the truth of the Canadian Holocaust has finally won a hearing among politicians and media in Europe, and men and women in America, Ireland, England, Australia and elsewhere who have suffered identical tortures from the Roman Catholic Church and others, and who have faced the same obstacles to justice and full disclosure.
The truth is that the same culture of religious conquest that caused the residential school inferno in Canada swept across Europe centuries before Columbus ever set foot in the Americas – and only now is the world tearing the mask off the lie that murdered so many millions of people in the name of Jesus Christ.
Protesting recently with survivors of brutal Catholic orphanages and sweatshops outside the Irish Parliament, or in vigil for the disappeared at the Vatican under the harassing stare of the Italian state police, I finally began to realize the enormity of what I have been uncovering since 1995 – and how many souls now look to this work and to my efforts.
What I am part of now is a centuries old epic battle to recover the soul of my own people, and overturn the lie in Christian garb that has caused more suffering and death than any institution in human history. For the genocide of native people in Canada and the Americas is part of the same mad sickness that destroyed traditional peoples across Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia – and which now threatens the life of our planet, and our species.
At the risk of being misunderstood, I would venture to call this battle a spiritual one, for behind the beguiling appearance of things lies an older and untold story about how it is that we came to conquer, mutilate and destroy one another, again and again: and the unseen forces that are responsible.
In 1987, a defrocked priest named Fidel who labored among Mayan refugees, and who was eventually killed by a landowner’s gunman in Chiapas, Mexico, told me that, like him, I would one day have to choose between Christ and the church; and that in that choice, whenever I was confused, I should simply go to the poorest child and ask her what I should do.
I’ve tried to do so, and honor the fallen and the still suffering children whom we call aboriginal, in preparing this book. But my effort will mean but a struggling seed unless it finds soil in the minds and will of you, the readers, who must act on the responsibility given to you by what you will learn in these pages.
It isn’t an easy task, to peer beneath the appearance of things into the awful truth, and be changed by what you encounter. It’s simply a necessary one. And I hope that the knowledge in these pages will equip and inspire you to engage in this battle to stop the slaughter of the innocents, and bring an end to the reign of those and that which is causing these crimes.
Carry it on.
Kevin Annett,
Caoimhin Bochanan Ui Niall on Occupied indigenous land.
September 1, 2010.
A Chronology of the Crime:
Genocide in Canada in the Modern Era
1850: The indigenous nations of eastern Canada have been decimated by smallpox and other diseases deliberately introduced by Europeans to barely ten percent of their pre-contact numbers. Indian tribes west of the Great Lakes remain mostly untouched by this plague, except on the west coast, where Europeans are beginning to settle.
1857: The Gradual Civilization Act is passed in the Legislature of Upper Canada, designed to legally eradicate all indigenous nations through “enfranchisement”, in which land title and nationhood are abolished.
1859: Roman Catholic missions are established at Mission, British Columbia (B.C.) and in the Okanagan by Oblate Bishop Paul Durieu, who with Jesuit helps craft a plan to exterminate non-Christian Indian chiefs and replace them with Catholic-controlled leaders. This “Durieu Plan” will serve as the model for later Indian residential schools.
1862-3: A major smallpox epidemic among B.C. interior Indian tribes is introduced by Anglican missionary (and future Bishop of Norwich and member of the House of Lords) Rev. John Sheepshanks, who inoculates hundreds of Indians with the disease. Sheepshanks is acting under the direction of the provincial government and the fur trading Hudson’s Bay Company, which sponsors the first Protestant missions among Indians. More than 90% of Interior Salish and Chilcotin Indians – some 8000 or more people – will die as a result of this germ warfare.
1869-70: The failed uprising by the Metis (mixed blood) of the Red River basin in the central plains under Louis Riel prompts the newly-established Canadian government to establish its sovereignty “from sea to sea” through a national railway system and massive European immigration onto Indian lands in the west.
1870: The Crown of England establishes a “clergy reserve” system whereby Catholic and Anglican missionaries are given hundreds of acres of land stolen from indigenous nations, especially in western Canada.
1873: The Royal North West Mounted Police, the forerunner of the modern day Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), is established as a national paramilitary force with absolute jurisdiction across Canada. Its mandate includes removing all native people onto reservations and clearing a swath of “Indian free” land fifty miles on either side of the westward-expanding Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR).
1876: Under the influence of former Prime Minister, and CPR lawyer, John A. MacDonald, Canada establishes the Indian Act, which reduces all Indians and Metis to the status of non-citizens and legal wards of the Canadian state. Henceforth, natives are imprisoned on “reserve land”, denied any legal status or civil rights, and cannot vote, sue in court, own property or conduct any actions on their own behalf. Their status as legal wards of the state remains unchanged to the present day.
1886: The CPR is completed, linking Canada from coast to coast and opening the door to massive European immigration. The same year, all west coast traditional native ceremonies are outlawed, including the potlatch system and indigenous languages.
1889: The federal Department of Indian Affairs is established. Indian “industrial schools” are sanctioned by the federal government, which, in partnership with Catholic and Protestant churches, jointly funds and establishes internment camps for all native children across Canada.
1891: The first medical report of massive deaths in these schools caused by rampant and untreated tuberculosis is issued to the federal government by Dr. George Orton in Alberta. Orton’s report is ignored.
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Mass killing of native Indians, Wounded Knee, 1890. |
1905: Over one hundred Indian boarding schools are in operation across Canada, two thirds of them run by the Roman Catholic church. Massive European immigration and germ warfare have reduced the indigenous populations in the west to less than five percent of their original number.
1907: Dr. Peter Bryce, Chief Medical Officer for the federal government’s Department of Indian Affairs (DIA), conducts a national tour of Indian boarding schools to study health conditions. Bryce’s subsequent report to DIA Assistant Superintendent Duncan Campbell Scott documents that over one-half of all the children in these schools are dying because of tuberculosis being deliberately introduced among them by staff. Bryce also claims that the churches running the schools are deliberately suppressing evidence and statistics of these murderous practices.
November 15, 1907: Dr. Bryce’s report is quoted in The Ottawa Citizen and The Montreal Gazette.
1908-9: Duncan Campbell Scott suppresses Dr. Bryce’s report and refuses to act on its recommendations, which include removing the churches from their operating the Indian schools. Bryce issues a more complete report of the enormous death rates in the schools, and Scott commences a smear campaign against Bryce which eventually causes him to be barred from the civil service.
November 1910: Despite Bryce’s findings, Scott institutionalizes church control over the Indian boarding schools through a contract between the federal government and the Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian and Methodist churches (the latter two being the forerunners of the United Church of Canada). This contract authorizes the schools and provides government funding and protection for them, including the use of the RCMP as the police arm for the schools.
March 1919: Despite soaring death rates in the Indian boarding schools (now called “residential schools”), under church pressure, D.C. Scott abolishes all federal medical inspection of these schools by terminating the position of Head Medical Inspector.
April 1920: A federal law is passed making it legally mandatory for every Indian child across Canada seven years and older to be incarcerated in Indian residential schools. Non-cooperative native parents face imprisonment and heavy fines. The number of deaths due to tuberculosis among aboriginal people will triple in the following decade.
Spring, 1925: The United Church of Canada is established by a federal Act of Parliament to “Canadianize and Christianize &133; the foreign born and heathens”. The church is a financially supported arm of the English Crown, and inherits all the residential schools and stolen native land held by the Methodist and Presbyterian churches.
1927: A British Columbia law strips all aboriginal people of the right to hire or consult a lawyer, or represent themselves in court. The same law makes it illegal for any lawyer to assume aboriginal clients.
1928: The Sexual Sterilization Act is passed in the Alberta legislature, allowing any inmate of an Indian residential school to be involuntarily sterilized at the decision of the Principal: a church employee. At least 2800 aboriginal men and women will be made infertile under this law.
1929-30: The government of Canada relinquishes legal guardianship over Indian children in residential schools to the church-appointed school Principal.
1933: An identical Sexual Sterilization Act is passed in the British Columbia legislature. Three sterilization centers are established in heavily-populated native communities: at the R.W. Large (United Church) hospital in Bella Bella; at the Nanaimo Indian Hospital; and at the Charles Camsell (United Church) Indian Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta. Thousands of Indians will be sterilized at these facilities until the 1980’s.
February 1934: An attempt by the Canadian government to abolish residential schools is defeated as a result of public pressure brought by Catholic and Protestant church officials.
January 1939: Cowichan native children are used in medical experiments conducted by German speaking doctors at the Catholic Kuper Island residential school on Vancouver Island. Several children die as a result. The RCMP suppresses inquiries into the deaths and the German Catholic order running the school, the Montforts, is replaced by the Oblates.
1947-8: Canadian diplomat (and future Prime Minister) Lester Pearson helps to redefine the United Nation’s Genocide Convention to make it inapplicable to Canadian Indian residential schools. Enabling legislation to allow its use within Canada is blocked in Canada’s Parliament.
1946-52: Hundreds of Nazi and SS doctors are granted citizenship and immigration to Canada under Project Paperclip, and work at Indian hospitals and other facilities under CIA and military sponsorship, including the Allen Memorial Institute in Montreal. Their research includes trauma-based mind control programs, sterilization techniques and pharmacological drug testing on native children, orphans, and many others.
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Victoria Stewart (1949-1958). Murdered April 9, 1958 by Ann Knizky, Supervisor, United Church residential school in Edmonton, Alberta. |
1956-8: Survivors of one such program at the Lincoln Park Royal Canadian Air Force base in Calgary, Alberta describe a doctor with an SS tattoo number on his arm torturing children to death, including aboriginal children brought by RCMP officers from local reserves and residential schools. Similar crimes are described by survivors of programs at military bases at Suffield, Alberta, Nanaimo, BC, and at the Lakehead Psychiatric Hospital at Thunder Bay, Ontario.
1962-71: Thousands of aboriginal children are deliberately stolen from their families under a government-sponsored “sixties scoop” program of aggressively destroying native families and continuing the cultural genocide found in residential schools. Many children die in foster homes and in Indian hospitals where they are secretly sent and experimented on, and their cause of death is concealed.
1969: Indian Affairs Minister Jean Chretien affirms a genocidal “assimilationist” policy of cultural and legal extinguishment of native nations in a federal “White Paper” tabled in Parliament.
1970: Widespread aboriginal resistance to the White Paper, and a revolt of native parents at the Bluequills Catholic Indian residential school in St. Paul’s, Alberta – where they take the Indian Agent hostage and demand the removal of nuns and priests from the school – forces the government to begin turning over Indian education to local band councils.
1972: In anticipation of the ending of the residential schools, the Indian Affairs department orders the destruction of all personal files of Indian people, including original land and property deeds. As a result, the written evidence of land holdings and genealogy of countless native families is destroyed, disrupting Indian land claims.
1975: A majority of Indian residential schools have been closed or turned over to band councils to operate. Nevertheless, many of the abuses and crimes against children in these native-run schools continue, at the hands of aboriginal staff. (The last residential school will close in 1996.)
Summer 1978: Red Power, an affiliate of the American Indian Movement (AIM), occupies Indian Affairs offices in Vancouver and publishes records of sterilizations at west coast Indian hospitals. Red Power calls for an abolition of the Indian Act, reservations and the puppet Indian band councils.
1980: In response, the federal government establishes the so-called Assembly of First Nations (AFN) as a state-funded collaborating body consisting of selfappointed and unelected “chiefs” from across Canada. The AFN refuses to support indigenous sovereignty or any call to investigate deaths and crimes in Indian residential schools.
October, 1989: Nora Bernard, a residential school survivor from New Brunswick, commences the first lawsuit against the Catholic Church and government of Canada for harm she suffered at a school. Nora will be murdered in December, 2007, just prior to Canada’s “apology” for Indian residential schools.
1990: In response, Liberal party and government insider “Chief” Phil Fontaine of the AFN presents the first official “spin” on Indian residential schools by referring to “abuses” in the schools while avoiding mention of more serious crimes.
Spring 1993 – January 1995: Native eyewitnesses to murders at the United Church’s Alberni residential school speak publicly of the deaths of children at the school from the pulpit of Rev. Kevin Annett at St. Andrew’s United Church in Port Alberni, B.C. When Annett challenges a secret land deal in stolen native land between his church, the provincial government and church-funder, MacMillan-Bloedel Ltd., he is fired without cause and eventually expelled from the church without due process.
December 18, 1995: The murder of Indian children at the Alberni residential school receives press coverage for the first time, at a protest organized by Rev. Kevin Annett, in The Vancouver Sun. Eyewitness Harriett Nahanee tells reporters how she witnessed Rev. Alfred Caldwell kick Maisie Shaw, age 14, to her death in 1946.
December 20, 1995: Another eyewitness to murders in United Church Indian schools goes public: Archie Frank from Ahousaht describes Rev. Alfred Caldwell beating a child, Albert Gray, to death. The RCMP refuses to investigate either incident.
February 1, 1996: The first lawsuit by Alberni Indian residential school survivors is brought against the United Church and federal government.
February 3, 1996: The United Church begins internal proceedings to permanently expel Rev. Kevin Annett from church ministry and his livelihood. Annett will be finally expelled in March, 1997, at the only public delisting of a minister in church history, at a cost of $250,000.
1996 – 1998: Kevin Annett begins documenting and making public hundreds of eyewitness accounts of crimes in Indian residential schools, combining first hand testimonies with archival documentation from the University of BC (UBC) library. He begins a doctoral degree at UBC, but sees the breakup of his family, and loses his children in a divorce and custody battle initiated and funded by United Church lawyers.
June 12-14, 1998: Kevin Annett organizes the first independent Tribunal into Canadian Indian residential schools, under the auspices of the United Nations affiliate IHRAAM (International Human Rights Association of American Minorities). The Vancouver event documents that every act defined as genocide by the UN Convention of 1948 occurred in Canadian residential schools. None of the thirty four church and state officials subpoenaed by IHRAAM attend or respond. The Tribunal recommends to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, that a full inquiry into Canadian residential schools be launched, but Robinson does not respond.
June 20, 1998: The Globe and Mail is the only Canadian media to report on the IHRAAM Tribunal.
Autumn 1998: IHRAAM official Rudy James states that the Tribunal was internally sabotaged by operatives, including Jim Craven, Amy Tallio, Kelly White, Dean Wilson and others in the pay of the RCMP and native chiefs linked to the United Church. IHRAAM judges are silenced, and only Kevin Annett and judges Royce and Lydia White Calf issue reports about the findings of the Tribunal.
September 1998: BC Supreme Court Justice Brenner rules that the United Church and government of Canada are equally liable for harm caused by their employees at the Alberni Indian residential schools. The Brenner decision sparks thousands of lawsuits by aboriginal survivors against the government and Catholic, Anglican and United Church.
October 27, 1998: After the sudden deaths of two natives suing the United Church, lawyers for the church admit that the latter has engaged with the government in a joint cover-up of crimes at the Alberni Indian residential school since at least 1960, and that church officials and staff kidnapped children into that school. (The Vancouver Province)
January 1999: The IHRAAM Tribunal and murders in Canadian residential schools are reported for the first time outside Canada, in the pages of the British magazine The New Internationalist. The magazine’s coverage of these crimes and Kevin Annett is silenced the same year by legal threats from United Church lawyers. A general public smear campaign against Kevin Annett is launched, under the direction of United Church officers David Iverson and Brian Thorpe, and Sgt. Paul Willms and Inspector Peter Montague of “E” Division of the RCMP.
March 1999: In response to the IHRAAM Tribunal and growing lawsuits by survivors, the Canadian government announces an “Aboriginal Healing Fund” (AHF) of $350 million. The AHF, however, does not aid survivors but statefavored native chiefs, and is used as a hush fund. Recipients of the fund must agree never to sue the government or churches. More than half of it is consumed in administrative costs.
April 26, 2000: Health Canada officials admit that their department conducted involuntary medical and dental experiments on children in Indian residential schools during the 1940’s and ‘50’s, including deliberately denying them dental care and essential food and vitamins. (The Vancouver Sun)
Autumn 2000: Facing more than 10,000 lawsuits from survivors, the churches successfully lobby the government to enact legislation to limit the scope of lawsuits and assume primary liability for residential school damages. Courts in Alberta and the Maritimes deny survivors the right to sue the churches for violation of their civil rights and for genocide.
September 3, 2000: Kevin Annett and native people form the non-governmental Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada. The Commission’s mandate is to continue the investigative work of the IHRAAM Tribunal into residential schools, publicize the evidence of genocide in Canada, and launch political actions to bring Canada and its churches to justice.
February 1, 2001: Kevin Annett publishes his first book on the Indian residential schools, entitled Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust, containing testimonies from survivors and documentary evidence of intentional genocide in the schools and adjoining Indian hospitals. Efforts by the United Church to prevent its publication fail, and over 1,000 copies are circulated throughout the world, mostly to residential school survivors.
Summer-Fall, 2001: Judicial decisions across Canada restrict the claims of survivors and prevent them from suing the churches for any issues beyond tort offenses of “physical and sexual abuse”. In Vancouver, Kevin Annett establishes a weekly program on Co-op radio called “Hidden from History”, where he and survivors begin airing the evidence of killings and other crimes in Canadian residential schools. (This program will be unilaterally cancelled and Kevin banned from the government-funded radio station in August, 2010, after Kevin airs evidence of government and police involvement in the murder of women in B.C.)
Spring 2002: After a massive and fraudulent public scare campaign by the churches that they face “bankruptcy” because of pending residential school lawsuits, the government assumes full liability for damages, including for compensation payments, despite rulings of Canadian courts that both church and state are equally liable. Many lawsuits are annulled or lumped into class action suits contained and limited by government-allied lawyers like those of the Merchant Law Group.
May 2002: Kevin Annett’s second book, Love and Death in the Valley, is published by Author House in the United States. Kevin and his network begin holding public vigils and protests outside churches in Vancouver. Kevin expands his lecturing and organizing into eastern Canada and the USA.
April 2004: After receiving a Spanish version of Kevin Annett’s book Hidden from History, five Mayan indigenous groups in Guatemala issue a “denuncia”, or public demand, to the Canadian government to answer charges of genocide. The government refuses to address genocide in its response, and the Mayans begin to lobby at the U.N. for an investigation into crimes in Canadian Indian residential schools.
April 15, 2005: Kevin Annett and The Truth Commission commence an annual “Aboriginal Holocaust Remembrance Day” in Vancouver outside downtown Catholic, Anglican and United churches, calling for these churches to repatriate for a proper burial the remains of children who died under their care. The churches do not respond.
Autumn 2005: Eyewitnesses disclose to Kevin Annett locations of mass burial sites near former Indian residential schools across B.C. In response, Annett and survivors form “Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared” (FRD), with supporters in Winnipeg and Toronto. Kevin Annett, Lori O’Rorke and Louie Lawless commence production of the documentary film “Unrepentant” with natives on Vancouver Island. The film is based on Kevin’s work and books, and is the first film ever to document genocide and murder in Canadian Indian residential schools.
October 2006: “Unrepentant” is released at Canadian and U.S. film festivals and on the internet. Thousands of DVD copies begin circulating throughout the world and among natives. The film wins Best Director of a Foreign Documentary at the New York Independent Film Festival.
January 2007: “Unrepentant” wins Best Documentary at the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival, and receives over 100,000 viewings on the internet. Kevin and the FRD network commence high profile occupations of government and church offices in Vancouver. Similar occupations spread to Toronto and Winnipeg. The Canadian media begin reporting Kevin’s work for the first time in years.
April 15, 2007: The FRD’s Third Aboriginal Holocaust Memorial Day is commemorated in seven Canadian cities. Native Member of Parliament Gary Merasty hears of the events and repeats the FRD demand by asking the federal Minister of Indian Affairs, Jim Prentice, to begin a repatriation program to return children who died in Indian residential schools.
April 19, 2007: Jim Prentice addresses the missing residential school children in a Parliamentary speech, and announces the creation of a “Missing Children’s’ Task Force”, which is never convened.
April 24, 2007: Based on interviews with Kevin Annett and his network of survivors, The Globe and Mail prints a front page article confirming the fifty percent death rate in residential schools and implies that murders occurred in the schools.
June 2007: Gary Merasty, M.P., retires from politics and begins working for Cameco, a uranium company in Saskatchewan tied to the Liberal party. Jim Prentice is removed as Minister of Indian Affairs.
September 2007: The government announces the creation of a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” (TRC) to investigate the residential school history, yet denies compensation to more than half of all survivors. Those eligible are entitled to minimal compensation, and in return are forced to indemnify the churches from any legal action or wrongdoing, and are bound by a legal gag order.
January – March 2008: Kevin Annett and the FRD mount escalating protests and church occupations, demanding that criminal charges be brought against the churches responsible for the deaths of residential school children. FRD elder and Squamish Nation chief Kiapilano issues a formal eviction notice to the Catholic, Anglican and United Churches on his traditional territory: all of the city of Vancouver.
February 2008: The Harper government declares that, although “enormous numbers of deaths” occurred in Indian residential schools, no criminal charges will be laid against the churches responsible for the schools.
June 11, 2008: Under growing pressure, Prime Minister Steven Harper issues a formal “apology” for Indian residential schools, while seeming to belittle the extent of mortality in the schools by stating simply “some died”. But other party leaders refer to mass graves near the schools.
October 2008: Documents obtained by reporters through Freedom of Information show that the government’s supposed “Missing Children’s’ Task Force” has never convened, and never intended to publicize any of its research into burial sites or dead children at the residential schools.
January 2009: “Unrepentant” has received over a quarter of a million viewings on the internet and wins a third award, Best Canadian Documentary, at the Creation Aboriginal Film Festival in Edmonton. The government announces that TRC Commissioners will be appointed by the churches that ran residential schools, will have no power to subpoena or compel disclosure, cannot lay charges or allow names of wrongdoers to be named, and will not grant immunity to anyone who testifies before them!
March 2009: Kevin Annett and the FRD call on survivors to boycott the TRC and announce their plan to convene an independent inquiry to counter the TRC’s “official whitewash” of residential school crimes. Kevin is invited by European groups to commence a speaking tour in the fall.
October 2009: Kevin Annett speaks in a dozen cities in Ireland, England and Italy and airs his documentary “Unrepentant”, which has been translated into French, Italian and German. On October 11, Kevin conducts a memorial service and symbolic exorcism outside the Vatican in Rome, in honor of children killed in Catholic Indian residential schools. The event receives widespread media coverage. The next day, a tornado strikes the centre of Rome and the Vatican.
December 6, 2009: A leader of the FRD in Vancouver, school survivor Johnny “Bingo” Dawson, dies after a severe beating by police. A coroner’s report is issued five months later, and its stated cause of death does not match the accompanying toxicology report.
February 2010: Widespread exposures of child abuse and cover-up in the Roman Catholic church break into the news. Pope Joseph Ratzinger is found to have organized and ordered the concealment of these crimes and has aided and harbored known child raping priests, in a Vatican document known as “Criminales Solicitations” (see Appendix 9). Legal actions begin to have Ratzinger subpoenaed and even arrested.
April 2010: Kevin Annett conducts a second speaking tour of Europe and makes contact with church abuse survivors’ groups in Ireland, Germany, Italy and England. He conducts a second exorcism and protest outside the Vatican, and meets with Italian politicians in the Chamber of Deputies. His work is reported even more widely on national TV, radio and newspapers in each nation.
June 15, 2010: The FRD announces the launching of an international coalition to unite all victims of church torture: The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS). Eight organizations from Ireland, USA, Australia, Thailand and England affiliate to it. But since December, six members of the FRD have died suddenly, including two elders who led occupations against the Roman Catholic church in Vancouver.
August 1-3, 2010: “Unrepentant” is broadcast to over 10 million European viewers on German and Swiss television networks. Kevin Annett’s new book, “Unrepentant: Disrobing the Emperor” is released in London. But on August 9, Kevin’s nine-year long program “Hidden from History” on the governmentfunded Vancouver Co-op Radio is suddenly cancelled without cause or due process.
September-October 2010: Kevin Annett and ITCCS members speak and rally in London, Dublin, Geneva, Rome and elsewhere, demanding sanctions against the Vatican for its crimes against humanity. Upon his return to Canada, Kevin delivers a 2000 signature petition to the Canadian Parliament, demanding that the federal tax exempt status of the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada be revoked, and that these churches be legally dis-established.
Download the full book (searchable PDF) at: Hidden No
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Send a cheque or money order made out to: Lori O’Rorke 260 Kennedy St., Nanaimo, B.C. Canada V9R 2H8.
For more information contact Kevin Annett at: or by phone at 250-591-4573.
The Attawapiskat First Nation Peoples of northern Ontario are now in an extreme housing crisis situation. The DeBeers diamond mine is located approx. 90 kilometres away. Read here: