Putin Is Encircling the United States Red Dawn Style
The year is 1942 and America finds itself cutoff from its allies, yet, America persevered through the harnessing of its vast manufacturing capacity. As America finds itself increasingly isolated by a devastatingly effective Putin foreign policy, the United States does not have the industrial capacity to respond to the economic and military threats which are challenging our very existence.
Putin has set up a scenario in which he will harness the collective forces in Latin America, who will one day invade the United States. Latin America has forsaken the United States both economically and militarily.
According to a March 2014 report by the Strategic Culture Foundation, a progressive, pro-Russian think tank, Nicaragua’s quoted former Sandista leader, Daniel Ortega, who reinstalled himself in 2007 as the Nicaraguan leader stated that, “We are very grateful and very much appreciate the Russian people’s support of our country.”
Ortega has accepted the arrival of two Russian strategic bombers and added that more will be on the way as Russia announced that Nicaragua has announced that it will accept routine Russian patrols in both its Caribbean and Pacific ports as well as participating in the joint training of military personnel.
Russia and Nicaragua have moved in the direction of a strategic economic and military relationship. In October 2013, for example, Nicaragua and Russia signed a memorandum of international security cooperation. Russia’s Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev noted during his visit to Nicaragua that “Nicaragua is an important partner and friend of Russia in Latin America,” pointing to the coincidence of views of the two countries’ authorities on many issues.”
Argentinean President, Cristina Fernández is determined to develop close economic relations with Russia as the left-wing liberal Argentinean leader has invited Russia to invest in fuel projects in an obvious attack upon the Petrodollar.
Fernandez also cut a deal with Putin which supports Russia’s grab of Crimea in exchange for Russia’s support of Argentina’s quest to annex the Falkland Islands. If this is followed through with, this would be a direct act of war. Fernandez’s statement is most certainly a direct Russian slap in the face of our closest ally, England, and should be viewed as an attack upon NATO. Further, Cristina Fernández added that the Crimean referendum was “one of the famous referendums of self-determination.”
Equador, Venezuela and Bolivia
Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa praised Russia as a “great nation”, while visiting Moscow in October of 2013. Putin was indeed praise-worthy because he promised to invest $1.5 billion into new domestic energy projects in Ecuador. Correa also stated that his country was planning on buying Russian military equipment.
Russia has signed several billion dollars contract with Venezuela and supplies Bolivia, among other countries from the region with military weapons. The military package includes attack aircraft and helicopters.
Brazilian Defense Minister Celso Amorim, stated that “More than buying military equipment, what we are seeking with Russia is a strategic partnership based on the joint development of technology”.
Amorim’s statement is consistent with the fact that Brazil, South America’s most populous nation, has announced that it is planning to purchase short-to-medium-range surface-to-air Pantsir S1 missile batteries and Igla-S shoulder-held missiles from Russia. Previously, Brazil has purchased 12 Mi-35 attack helicopters. Russia and Brazil have also signed an agreement for Brazil to acquire 36 attack aircraft.
Amorim said Russia and Brazil would also look at working together on space technology and on defense against cyber attacks, an area that has become a Brazilian priority since disclosures that the NSA has spied on Brazilians, their president and the country’s largest oil company. If this means what I believe it means, with regard to the development of space technology, we are speaking about the possible intention of the Russian militarizing of near Earth orbit with space based weapons.
Brazil is also one of the BRIC nations who is actively participating with Russia in the demise of the Petrodollar by purchasing oil for gold instead of the time-honored practice of the Petrodollar.
El Salvador and All of Latin America
Newly elected El Salvadorian President, Sanchez Ceren, has signed an agreement with Putin entitled “Federal Law On Ratification of the Agreement on the Foundations of Relations” which pledges economic and military cooperation. Ceren, is a self-declared Marxist-Leninist and is considered to be very-anti American.
Leaders from the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and Russia declared their intention to establish a means of continuous dialogue “to discuss and synchronize positions on international issues.” CELAC includes thirty-three countries in the Americas, but the United States and Canada are excluded. This is the breeding ground of a “Red Dawn Scenario”.
Cuba and the Rebirth of the Cuban Missile Crisis
Pravda quotes Putin as stating that Russia had obtained the consent of the Cuban leadership to place “the latest mobile strategic nuclear missiles on the Island…” Recently, the Russians surprisingly docked a Russian spy ship in Havana. This is the Cuban Missile Crisis revisited!
Yesterday, Zero Hedge is reporting that even Japan is now undermining the Petrodollar by beginning to horde gold. The economic and military encirclement of the United States continues and what does Obama do? Obama is reducing the size of our military. We should be tearing up CAFTA and charing all Latin American imports a significant tariff. Instead, Obama’s inaction speaks to the fact that he is part of the plot designed to bring this country to down.
The world is running from the dollar and our dollar is on the verge of collapse which would result in a total economic collapse inside of the United States.

This article needs to read by so many people that will refuse to read it because it is a reality Americans want desperately to deny. I will share it regardless. Keep up the good coverage and insight.