Please Leave Your Message After the Gunshot
In spite of all our morality, religious rules, austere laws, friendly pedagogies, and liberal policies, never have human beings been so cruel and corrupt. Withour barring an eye, we commit the worst atrocities, while showing the dignity of a saint.
How can a bailiff seize, withour any remorse, the house of a whole family?
How can high officials condemn benefacrors of humanity such as Hamer, Giordano Bruno, Galilee or Daniel X, while these are only exposing the deceitful dogmas of religious, scientific and medical mafias?
How can I continue to buy products from multinational companies, while these displace millions of environmental or political refugees?
How can a judge put in prison adults, or even children, for non-payment of a debt?
How can a man pay to look at child pornography on the Internet, where he sees, in real rime, kids being raped, dismembered alive, eaten, and their blood being drunk, right in front of a camera?
How can the employee of a company making landmines sleep at night, when she knows that she has been paid to kill innocents?
How can a doctor prescribe antidepressants to a person with suicidal tendencies, when she is aware that his chances of suicide double with their use?
How can a bank employee supply a mortgage to a young couple when she knows that they will pay three times the price of their house?
How can someone choose to rape and beat her own children?
How can a nurse inject a baby with vaccines that are ineffective and dangerous?
How can scientists continue their barbaric experimenrs on animal and human guinea pigs, when their tests only serve to make pharmaceutical companies wealthier?
How can doctors and patients participate in organ transplants when these are stolen from innocents: children raised in cages, political prisoners or victims of dubious accidents?
Why work for a multinational which steals and sells water in countries where people are already lacking in every way?
How can I vote for elected members who allow multinationals to control water and other natural resources in my own country?
Why do school principals encourage multinationals to sell their toxic products in schools?
How can Americans be so blind…? Their country owns 25% of the world population of prisoners: 2.25 million people in 5000 prisons.
In Africa, how is it possible not to make the connection between 1) massive vaccination campaigns, 2) the appearance of HIV, 3) the AIDS epidemic, 4) the death of millions, and 5) the presence of large and valuable natural resources that are presently being stolen by multinationals in many African countries?
Why do I continue to practice Christian, Islamic or Buddhist religions, when the three have been responsible for spiritual genocides for millennia?
How can I invest in the stock exchange market when I know that, to be quoted on it, a company needs to dramatically increase its profits by reducing 1) the quality of its products, 2) their life expectancy, 3) the number of their employees and 4) their working conditions, while 5) increasing their workload and 6) forcing them to excel at all costs?
Why buy in supermarkets when I know that it automatically ruins local storekeepers who are my neighbours, my friends and my family?
How can I lie face down before gurus who deceive their followers financially, sexually and psychologically?
Why do I continue to listen to the news, when I see innocents mutilated and killed in Iraq and piles of corpses in Afghanistan?
Why watch people be knocked out in boxing, hockey, rugby or in movies where blood flows in streams and brains explode while I continue eating buttered popcorn?
Have you seen pictures from landscapes in China, Bangladesh, India or Colombia recently? Not those used to lure tourists. Others, which show mines, garbage dumps, factories. They show you where all the gadgets that you buy for a ridiculous price are made. They show you children and adults working for a pitiful salary, in atrocious conditions, 7 days a week, 12 hours a day. In these countries, the environment is unbelievably polluted because no laws have yet been enforced to protect it. There, we find mountains of our own waste. What is not useful to them accumulates and forms grotesque and toxic landscapes. And I continue to hunt for low prices, to buy the cheapest possible products, as I try to suppress my inescapable fear of lack and my unquenchable desire for more.
If, right now, you are not yet screaming “That is enough!”, if you are not convinced that we live in a totally dissolute society, if you do not believe that the end of humanity is close, stop reading this and start checking around you. Consult books and sites or look at movies presenting the research of people such as David Icke, Alex Jones, Aaron Russo, Leonard Horowitz, Steven Greer, Nenki, Eric Jon Phelps and others. It is essential for you to become aware that the human species is in an advanced state of putrefaction.
Humanity can no longer be improved. It can only continue to rot and, eventually, to die…
Once your research is done, you will be able to click here and order the booklet this excerpt is taken from. Or, like the main actor in the movie Touch Me Someplace I Can Feel, you will leave the following message on your answering service: “This is John. I’m too depressed to take your call right now. Please leave your message after the gunshot.”
This is by far the best article I have seen on the demise of our species. We are a spiritually, mentally and emotionally bankrupt society, if not world.
It would only follow that we would manifest financial bankruptcy to drive home this very real point.
We are in our death throes as a species. You cannot get worse than what was written above.