NASA Promotional Videos Don’t Fit the Bill
Stresses the testing of the Lunar Module, the spacecraft that will land men on the Moon. Featured are sequences of launch, successful rendezvous, EVA, and the Earth’s terrain … Launch date: March 3, 1969 … This film has been made available thanks to NASA / courtesy of … Note: any comments stating the moon landings were a hoax will be removed and user blocked.
— wdtvlive42’s YouTube channel.
Dominant Social Theme: The best and brightest went to the moon.
Free-Market Analysis: This is a video for man’s ascent to the moon but, in our view, NASA is not doing itself any favors by releasing these films. What seems to us cheesy narrative, trite scoring and ginned-up images will only incite moon-landing doubters and add vitriol to the ongoing argument over the US’s greatest 20th century achievement.
Here at The Daily Bell, we’ve tried as best we can not to be definitive about this most prominent of 20th century elite dominant social themes (though we are increasingly skeptical). After all, the idea that man went to the moon is the state’s definitive triumph, justifying US empire, in our view, and validating the efficacy of the military-industrial complex.
The reason that the legions of moon-landing doubters continue to grow has doubtless more to do with the expansion of what we call the Internet Reformation than anything else, in our view.
The information on the ‘Net seems to show that in the 20th century especially Western citizens were subject to a steady stream of government lies about everything from the cause of major wars to the availability of technology to the non-existent scarcity of resources, especially energy.
Those who doubt now that NASA put a man on the moon are probably expressing skepticism about government narratives in general. If so many other parts of “official” 20th century history now seem untrue, then why should the moon-landing narrative be any different?
One can actually see this sentiment being expressed on many videos that either debunk the moon landings, or debunk the debunkers. And the passions being aroused by these arguments seem to be rising not dying as they might have in the 20th century before the Internet.
We can see even in the short narrative above introducing this NASA movie, that the poster has taken care to warn individuals that claims of a moon-hoax will not be tolerated. Even so, someone has left the following posting:
Cut the silver cord of earths gravity… why are the using occult overtones. Are they leaving the astral plane.
This is a cynical reference implying that a secret society — the Illuminati — helped orchestrate a moon hoax and subsequent narratives.
In fact, the short documentary is not convincing on many levels, in our view, especially if someone approaches it skeptically. It has the same overtones and narrative style of much US produced World War II propaganda.
Having these narratives available on YouTube is a contribution to history but they do not bear witness to history so much as to the ability of NASA to produce rather ponderous promotions. As history, they fall flat, in our view.
This particular short film only has several thousand views. Those who believe the government narrative and are determined to promote it should be happy for that.
Conclusion: This sort of presentation is not one that will change any minds and may actually make things worse from a NASA credibility standpoint.
Video from wdtvlive42’s YouTube user channel: