Money and reality are only shadows of what truly IS
I started questioning life far before I began questioning economics. In both, I began my inquiry with an open mind and am fortunate in that I found answers to the questions responsible for my inquiry.
There is an interconnectedness that runs though all of life, including spirituality and economics. The economic collapse we are experiencing is not separate from spiritual issues. Indeed, they are intertwined at levels far deeper than imagined.
Just as ‘money’ is not what we believe it to be, neither is ‘reality’. Both ‘money’ and ‘reality’ are derivatives. Today, money is a form of debt instead of savings and reality is only a shadow of what truly IS.
The ancient Greeks, Plato and Socrates, understood this. Plato’s allegory of The Cave explains the difference between reality and what we believe it to be. The ancient Sanskit word, maya (illusion) also reflects this truth, that what we believe to be ‘reality’ is, in fact, a derivative of a greater state.
Religion is the term used to describe humanity’s path to God. [War Is Crime comment: The word ‘religion’ originates from the Latin verb re-ligare — ‘to reconnect’, i.e. to restore the lost connection between the human and the divine.]
An excellent description of that path is that given by Cerithous, a description called, “The One True Religion”.
The One True Religion
I believe in one God
who is within all creation.
God is within all things
and all people.Since God is within all people
no person is without God.
Since God is within each person,
no person can be
or will be denied God.Each person is entitled
to know God
according to their
own personal preference.Each person’s path is
no less or more valid
than another’s path.The only religion which can
embrace these tenets
is the religion which accepts
all men and all paths equally.
For God created a path
for each soul to follow.
To judge another’s path
is to judge God.
For God gave each man
Himself to find.Each man must find his path
to find his God.
For each path is sacred
because each path
is created by God.
To judge or condemn
another man’s path
is therefore sacrilegious.Because each man’s path
is created by God,
the number of religions
on this earth is equal
to the number of people
on this earth.© 1992 Michael T. Bucci, Rose Book: Cerithous (The Cerithous Material).
Love is the context of our collective experience. That we do not experience it to be so is a result of our state of consciousness—or, rather, unconsciousness. “And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept.” (Genesis 2:21).
We’re still sleeping, but we’re about to wake up. Get ready.