Learned Helplessness
Americans have been brainwashed into believing that their government will care for them in their time of need. Has this time in American history been foretold? I believe that it has and that H. G. Wells was the prophetic messenger of the New World Order.
Wells actually understood a concept that modern day psychologists refer to as learned helplessness and he wrote about it in the novel The Time Machine (1895) which was later made into an American sci-fi movie (1960) starring Rod Taylor, as George, and Yvette Mimieux, as Weena. The book prophetically told of a time in the distant future where the “normal” inhabitants of the Earth would be docile, passive and suffer from the condition that modern day psychologists refer to as “learned helplessness.”
Learned Helplessness
Why won’t America stand up for herself? Why is the country, which once possessed courage and conviction, now sitting idly while allowing itself to be taken to the slaughter without so much as a whimper?
The answer to the above question lies in the psychological concept known as “learned helplessness” as discovered by Martin Seligman in the 1960s.
“Learned helplessness” occurs when an animal is repeatedly subjected to an aversive stimulus that it cannot escape. Eventually, the animal will stop trying to avoid the stimulus and behave as if it is utterly helpless to change the situation. Even when opportunities to escape are presented, this learned helplessness will prevent any action.
Phase One. In the first phase of the learned helplessness experiment, Seligman placed a dog on an electrical grid, shocked the dog and noted that the dog would demonstrate the ability to escape the aversive stimulus.
Phase Two. In the second phase, the dog was barricaded on the grid and was unable to escape the painful shocks. Eventually, the dog laid down and passively accepted the shock.
Phase Three. Seligman then removed the barricades and the dog could have easily escaped the shocks. However, the dog, conditioned by the prior set of events, simply laid down and accepted the shocks without mounting any resistance whatsoever.
Wells portrayed the experiences of a time-traveler in the year 802701 A.D. The novel demonstrated the complete and present day suicidal compliance of the American people.
When George arrived, in his time machine, to the distant future, he found an extremely passive race, called the Eloi, almost appearing to have been lobotomized. On the surface, this passive race lived a blissful life along an idyllic riverbank eating fruits and berries and engaged in meaningless conversation. Every need was “magically” provided for the Eloi by unseen benefactors. Upon his arrival, George thought the Eloi lived an enchanted life, but how they maintained their lifestyle remained a mystery. George took note that hard work and struggle had been replaced by a lifestyle which contained no cares, no anxieties, no responsibilities, and this race of people were devoid of any ambition as it appeared to have been bred out them.
In an early scene in the movie, Weena was being swept away by a swift river current and not one of the Eloi lifted a finger to rescue her. George rescued Weena. Isn’t that what America is doing today in that most are not expending any energy resisting the tidal wave of tyranny which is threatening to sweep away the members of our country?
George quickly realized that the Eloi had no real culture, no accomplishments, and were devoid of any knowledge of their history and mindlessly recreated with no cares, no worries, no responsibilities, and no ambition. They all looked alike, they all acted alike and lived happily together in their ignorant and blissful collectivist lifestyle. This is the third world country that America is quickly becoming in which we stand for nothing, excellence in accomplishment is not often sought after nor honored, and our people completely lack any demonstrable sense of courage.
Searching for answers to the question on why the Eloi were happily living in a state of arrested development, George visited the abandoned library of the Eloi and discovered that humanity had bifurcated following a nuclear conflict. The Eloi remained above ground and the physically mutated Morlocks inhabited the underworld, but, through stealth, controlled the Eloi. Analogous to Wells’ story, today’s leaders have bifurcated from the public and are literally and figuratively serving the dark side which seeks to destroy humanity.
One afternoon, in the classic movie, the air raid sirens sounded and the Eloi fell into a pre-programmed trance, mindlessly marched toward a pyramid-looking bomb shelter, entered and disappeared as the doors automatically closed. Before George could rescue Weena, she too was among those who disappeared. When the sirens stopped, the Eloi stopped marching toward the bomb shelter and returned to normal. George frantically pressed the Eloi survivors who remained on the outside as to what had just happened, and the only programmed response that he received was that everything was “all clear.”
“All clear”, the familiar phrase which has been uttered by every population following the cessation of bombing raids.
Like the Eloy, America is marching to a silent siren being repetitively played by the media in which we constantly receive the message that we should all mindlessly and unquestionably trust in the government.
The Eloi showed no sorrow and no concern for their fellow citizens who simply disappeared behind the structure and never returned. In the same manner, America shows little remorse for our loss of liberties and financial well-being, which may never return.
Eventually, George was able to gain access to the underground bomb shelter. He discovered that the Morlocks were cannibalizing the Eloi. As it turned out, the Eloi had been mindlessly programmed to march silently and obediently to their own destruction with absolutely no resistance. The Morlocks, forced to live underground after the nuclear conflict, provided every need for the Eloi in order to fatten them up for the kill, but most of all they had conditioned the Eloi, in the Pavlovian conditioning tradition, to completely obey.
The Morlocks are a symbolic representation of America’s present-day government and symbolizes the global elite who largely hide in the shadows as they attempt to control every facet of our lives. Like the Eloi, Americans are taught by the government that they must be protected for our own good. We not only have to be protected from outside threats, but we also have to be protected from ourselves (i.e., returning veterans, Ron Paul supporters, etc.).
This bomb shelter scene of the movie was indeed very prophetic and very telling, as this precisely represents the globalists reality being carried out in America today, in which the government is in the process to taking care of all of the basic citizen needs as the last vestiges of liberty and the accompanying sense of responsibility is removed. Subsequently, the public’s work ethic and the determined conviction needed to preserve the ideals of freedom are all but gone.
If you are one of the 50% on the federal handout list, you are contributing to the demise of civilization as we know it. The government is the new God, it is trying to become the purveyor of truth and the source of all wants and needs. What the American sheeple do not realize is that by allowing the government to provide the basic needs for so many of our people is a kind of an appetizer, while “we the people” are the main course.
America has been conquered by the five megabanks, and most of us are totally unaware that we have been subjugated and are in the process of being domesticated by organizations such as the TSA and their invasive policies which teach us that our bodies do not belong to us, they belong to the government. Yet, Americans cannot attend a public event in which we are constantly reminded how free we are because of the sacrifice of our troops (which are now under the control of NATO and the United Nations as they serve the corporations). As far as the Eloi knew, they were also living under the illusion that they were free. The Eloi, the same as Americans, had been conditioned to mindlessly obey authority even when it would lead to their destruction.
In the Well’s novel, the main character, George, had not been a product of this conditioning and descended into the Morlock’s lair and defeated the Morlocks. Through his courage and determination, George showed the dumbed-down Eloi how to defend themselves against certain death and how to actually fight for freedom. Surprisingly, the Morlocks were relatively easy to defeat when they were forcefully opposed.
H. G. Wells was an avowed globalist and Eugenicist. He was the lover of Margaret Sanger, the founder of the baby murder factory we call “planned parenthood.” In the book, Wells clearly laid out his vision for the domination of humanity by shadowy underground groups and individuals. What Wells apparently did not realize is that he also showed us how easy it would be to defeat the globalists.
Learned Helplessness in America
Today, we lay down in the face of the abject criminality of our government. We accept GMOs, chemtrails, CPS-sponsored child sex trafficking, the theft of our mortgages, the murder of dissidents, constant surveillance, unsafe medicines and foods, and the privatization of our most vital resources which are being priced out of our reach (e.g., water).
We have the ability to fight back (phase one). We have done it before (e.g., Revolutionary War, Civil War). However, this was before the omnipresent mainstream media came on the scene.
We are conditioned by an apathetic Congress that our opinion does not matter (phase two). The media tells us we are the most free nation in the world. As a case in point, we honor our veterans and subsequently let the government murder them. We are conditioned by these factors and the corporate controlled media that our actions can make no difference.
We sit primed today to accept everything our government does to us on behalf of their corporate controllers (phase three). The end result of our passivity is our destruction.