Ego: Friend or Foe?
After much exploration into the paranormal and the superficial spirituality of the New Age, I humbly believed — with a false, much-twisted egoic humility — that I had travelled far on the road to egoic dissolution. Wrong! With dismay, I realised that even if some egoic parts on the surface of my being had lost a few feathers, some deeply-embedded fragments and others brand-new, very devious programs had been severely amplified. The more I advanced on my spiritual journey and the more I tried to give myself wholly to my soul, the immanent Divine, the greater my internal suffering became. My ego would roar with anger or sink me into a bottomless depression. It would brazenly lie to me and open the doors of my body to hostile forces in order to avoid being evicted from its territory. With time, my internal world became pure hell!
Luckily, Aurobindo’s and The Mother’s writings helped me understand what was going on and allowed me to work more efficiently on my egoic dissolution. As many people have recently asked me questions about ego, I felt that an article on the subject would allow both of us — reader and writer — to get a clearer picture of our internal makeup.
2.1 What Is Ego?
Ego is a fundamental program of terrestrial nature that allows for a gradual individualisation of human beings. The more developed ego is, the more its owner is compelled to follow his own path instead of that of a particular group — e.g. family, tribe, religion, culture, nation, profession, or gang. Thus, ego is neither right nor wrong. It is simply an individualisation tool. As long as ego is needed, it remains in place, as its role is paramount to human evolution. Without egos, there are no individuals, simply similar humans who act like clones wearing a different skin garment.
Ego is the false person, the mask hiding my real face. As long as my face is not completely formed underneath and still looks like a shapeless mass, I need a mask to see, talk, eat, hear, smell, and act. The real me, my soul, is still going through its gestation period. As it grows, my mask becomes larger and more imposing. I show off, talk loud, and take a lot of space. I have a big ego, an obvious sign of the evolving growth of the face underneath the mask. One day, when the soul is ready, the mask must be removed forever. That is when the adventure of egoic dissolution starts.
Despite the fact that it is only the soul’s shadow, an illusion without proper substance, ego is a necessary tool of human evolution. Wihtout ego, there is no salvation! It allows me to survive in the human jungle and to gradually distance myself from the herd-animal program. As long as I am not permanently identified to my soul, my ego remains my lifeline.
2.2 Do Aliens, Angels, Demons, and Animals Have an Ego?
The answer is NO for aliens, angels, demons, and animals, along with plants and minerals. Ego helps with the individualisation of a human being living on planet Earth. It is useless for aliens, since each species or race has a specific job that is very different from the purpose of humanity. To accomplish their divine purpose in the universe, aliens must obey without complaining the orders of their hierarchical superior. Angels and demons do not own a physical body, so they cannot fulfil humanity’s individualisation mission inside physical matter.
As for animals, their less-evolved minds do not allow for an advanced level of individualisation. When an animal soul is ready to start the individualisation process, it must necessarily incarnate inside a human body living on Earth. That is why souls keep coming back into human bodies, life after life. Unlike what some authors claim, souls are not prisoners; they choose to come back of their own accord to finish the evolutionary work they have started.
2.3 Why Do Egos Exist Only on Earth?
Earth is a very special place where all the energies of the universe are focused in a very special way. It is a particular concentration whose purpose is the birth of a new kingdom made up of matter that is infinitely dense, weightless, luminous, and totally responsive. To allow its manifestation, a critical mass of human beings is necessary. These are aware of the job to be done and agree to go to the end of an indispensable triple transformation. This new kingdom inside matter is a universal first! Before participating in such a venture, a human being needs to have a “ripe” soul that has evolved and individualised itself to become a fully-formed “psychic being” (Aurobindo’s name for an advanced soul). When fully formed, this psychic being can accomplish a specific job designed by the Divine to help the establishment of this new post-animal “supramental” kingdom whose vibrational frequencies, Aurobindo explains, exist beyond mind, in the realm of spirit.

2.4 How Do People With Small Egos Act?
The ego acts like the soul’s shadow. When it is small, it simply means the soul is young and less individualised. The person having such an ego is usually obedient and does not question authority at home, school, or the office. He votes for a strong political party, pays his taxes diligently and the tithe, religiously. He wears fashionable clothes and remains a submissive and faithful employee.
More rarely, a small ego can indicate that a “ripe” psychic being has started its egoic dissolution. That person’s ego is much less reactive; his vital body has become strong and calm, his behaviour clearly individualised, and his ideas profoundly spiritual.
2.5 How Do People with Big Egos Act?

2.6 What Determines the Type of Ego?
Aliens from the same race or species appear very similar, with small physical, vital, or mental differences when compared with human beings. These are so dissimilar one from the other that we often say about a person “He must really come from another planet!” simply because his behaviour is slightly divergent.
Usually, the more developed the psychic being, the stronger and more obvious the ego’s individuality becomes. You like to wear unfashionable clothes that make you stand out of the crowd? You vote for the less popular party because of your strong convictions? You are a woman practicing martial arts? Or a man who loves cooking and yoga? You are homosexual or transgender? Hurrah! By swimming upstream, you become individualised! Showing your difference is a sure sign that your consciousness is evolving rapidly. Yet, when the psychic being becomes “ripe”, the egoic mask must fall. What is hidden underneath is a dangerous stranger whose emergence signs the ego’s death warrant.
Why does my personality change from one moment to the next? I often jump from anger to laughter in a matter of seconds. Sometimes, during a meditation, I feel connected to the whole universe, fully conscious of my internal divinity. Bam! Suddenly, I hear a noise that sounds like a thief is trying to break into my home. Immediately, fear surges up. Yet, a second earlier, I was identified with the All and this thief is also part of the divine manifestation. Why such a reaction? The answer is simple. My ego is made up of numerous personalities, represented in the illustration on the left by different masks. At any one moment, I wear one of these egoic masks, according to my level of consciousness, the thought going through my mind, the emotions I feel, the desire that pulls at me, the need that demands to be filled, the fear that grips me, and so on.
Each personality specialises in one precise program of terrestrial nature. C. G. Jung called these “archetypes”, which are particular modes of behaviour. He speculated that these came from a “collective unconscious”. Yet, far from being unconscious, each egoic personality corresponds to a specific vibration that represents a special type of human consciousness. The three main vibratory modes used by ego have been classified by Aurobindo as forming the conscient. They are: the physical consciousness (needs & habits), the vital consciousness (urges, desires, passions, emotions), and the mental consciousness (thoughts, ideas, beliefs).
Luckily, ego cannot influence the higher vibratory modes found in the human superconscient. These can be accessed in two locations in relation to the human body. First, the crown chakra above the head leads to the spiritualised levels of mind. Second, a secret chamber deep behind the heart connects with the psychic being. By concentrating all my attention in one of these areas, I can momentarily jump out of all egoic personalities — the false “me”. However, once such a moment has elapsed, I fall instantaneously back into one of my many “me” specializing in one of the three levels of normal human consciousness: the physical (material or etheric), the vital, or the mind.
Simple people whose life is limited to the survival of the physical body — water, food, sleep, cleanliness, comfort — have a well-developed physical ego, while the other two (vital, mental) are repressed. Their vital body is small, so they remain submissive and look for a strong leader to guide them. They avoid dominating other people, except when their survival is suddenly jeopardised. Their mental body is poorly or not developed, which does not allow the use of a type of discernment based on knowledge. Thus, they remain trapped in social, scientific, or religious dogma.
This does not mean that those with a big vital ego do not possess a physical ego. It simply means that their vital (more frequently) or their mind (rarely) is able to place a lid on their physical needs and habits in order to satisfy vital desires or respect mental beliefs. When the physical ego is strong, its needs prevail, even when the vital body complains. Inertia sets in and manifests as apathy, discouragement, even suicidal thoughts. The physical ego will say: “Nothing works for me”, or “It’s no use trying, it’s just too big for me”, or yet “I’ve been trying too long, I might as well quit”.
Poor people, especially those who live in underdeveloped countries, usually identify with their physical egos. In Western societies, the same phenomenon holds true in people from less-privileged classes and for the mentally handicapped. The latter can be divided into two categories. Those with a severe mental handicap are less common and their behaviour resembles that of great apes (very little ego), while those with a light handicap have a very strong physical ego anchored in hard-to-break habits. These are very common, because of the mental retardation brought about by a traumatic birth, reduced maternal care, an incapacitating family life, a debilitating school education, the omnipresent media that keep human intellect at an infantile level, and video games that boost basic instincts — among others!
Vital energy is called prana in India, qi in China and ki in Japan. The vital body is made up of three types of vital vibrations. Each egoic personality specialises in one of these and controls a part of the vital body by stimulating corresponding desires.
Egoic Personalities of the Lower Vital
Those of the lower vital worry about small, low-frequency desires that offer short-lived expansions: food that stimulate the senses (salt, sugar, fat, spices), easy escapes (alcohol, recreational drugs), all-out sex (including the tantric sex of the spiritual ego that we will examine later).
Egoic Personalities of the Middle Vital
The ego of the middle vital seeks to accumulate power, money, prestige, or material assets in order to feel dominant. It tries to climb up the ladder and shows off its social position through diplomas (doctor, lawyer, judge), possessions (house, car, boat), expensive ventures (boat cruise, fancy hotel) or tourist traps for the spiritual ego (ashram in India, Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago). If the middle vital ego has bought into the dogma of human suffering, it will accept to be poor, use illness as a means of getting attention, or remain falsely submissive to show off its ‘humility’ in front of others.
Egoic Personalities of the Higher Vital
These parts of ‘me’ exist through emotions based on sharing and ‘unconditional love’. In this category, let us mention parenting by obligation, supporting old parents, sick spouse, or jobless/sick children, humanitarian work, and patronage. It does not mean that we should avoid these things, but that we should first ask ourselves who inside ‘me’ has chosen such actions. Anything accomplished — consciously or not — so as to be recognized through ‘selfless’ deeds will inflate the higher vital ego. This is how the saviour-vampire steals vital energy from his victims and keeps them in their roles as inferiors.
These various strategies allow egoic personalities to inflate and invade the whole vital body. If you live in a developed country, the vital ego is the main obstacle to your evolution of consciousness. You have learned from birth on that the satisfaction of desires is the main reason for life on Earth. You have bought into the program of the “pursuit of happiness” and, since the French Revolution, the importance of (false) liberty, (false) equality, and (false) fraternity. These are all egoic desires that have greatly helped the evolution of humanity until now, but which must now be replaced by true liberty, as matter becomes free to give itself totally to spirit, by true equality that allows for the divinisation of matter so it becomes in equilibrium with spirit, by true fraternity that makes us all equal since we are all One and serving the One.
At all levels of normal human consciousness, vital egoic personalities monopolise our vital body, which is our main source of energy. The vital body allows us to act and powers our mental will. If its vital energy (prana/qi) is controlled entirely by ego, we cannot give it to our soul and it cannot be used to divinise our body. We must decide to what part of ourselves we wish to give our energy.
The mental ego prides itself in accumulating increasing amounts of knowledge. The more things it knows, the more dominant it feels. Therefore, it spends much time reading newpapers, fashionable books, or great classics. It listens to the news on television every night, consults trendy Internet sites, and loves political or philosophical argumentation. If the person is not as strong physically, powerful socially, or rich and famous, while being more intelligent, the mental ego will concentrate on anything that will allow it to dominate others: its power of data accumulation (history, geography, languages, conspiracy) and problem resolution (mathematics, computer science, philosophy, law).
All mental egoic personalities are bathing in right/wrong duality and its world of reason and justice for all. The mental ego sees things in black and white. Under its grip, I continually judge myself and, since I refuse to change, I turn around and judge others for all the evils I secretly commit or dream of doing. If my mental ego decides that vegetarianism is better than an omnivorous diet, it will find all the scientific proof necessary and will condemn anyone who refuses to follow the ‘right’ diet, going as far as passing laws to impose its practice. If it decides that sex is ‘bad’, it will force my vital body to obey this mental dogma by putting a tight lid on sexual urges. “Gandhi and Jesus recommended it!” will my mental ego preach with conviction. Yet, it may turn around a month later and claim that “Freud has proven that sex suppression is at the basis of all abnormal behaviour.” In fact, the mental ego can find logical reasons for practically anything, especially if it remains in the service of the vital ego, which is almost always the case.
However, suppression is not the same as internal rejection, whether for sex, food, drugs, power, money, or any other important vital desire. A long and arduous internal work precedes the dissolution of all important vital programs. To succeed, the vital body needs the strong support of a mental body that has given itself to the soul. The person with such a purified mental body does not need any proof from international experts, only a clear message from his soul, which will choose the right moment — possibly in another lifetime! — and the ideal procedure to reach its goal.
The more a human being grows in consciousness, the stronger his mind becomes. This allows him to master his vital body and even free himself from basic vital programs such as lust, greed, laziness, gluttony, envy, anger, hatred, homicide, torture. He can go as far as stopping even the thoughts linked to such physical actions or low-level emotions. When his control rests on reason or ethics, it remains mental. His vital ego may lose a few feathers, but his mental ego inflates proportionally. However, when his efforts follow an attempt to connect with the Divine, he may fall into a more devious egoic program. As a spiritual seeker, he may glorify himself with the results and fill up with pride, vanity, and contempt. He may suddenly feel superior to those who did not reach his mastery over the vital ego and who avoid the mystical path. The spiritual ego is born!
7.1 Paranormal Experiences
Worse still, if this person plays with the paranormal (parallel worlds of the conscient) or goes through spiritual experiences (superconscient worlds above the head), he instantaneously connects with a wider, much more potent consciousness. He opens up to wider possibilities of power and knowledge. His ego prides itself with such exploits and increases considerably in size, strength, and arrogance, becoming a thousand times more dangerous than before and almost impossible to dislodge. Its dissolution will come about after long, very painful tribulations.
The more numerous and powerful someone’s paranormal gifts are — telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, remote viewing, hypnotism, etc. — the more powerful the spiritual ego becomes (if the person does not have an advanced psychic being to stop the egoic inflation). Such people own an extremely powerful vital ego and are always searching for ways to increase it by connecting more efficiently with the vital worlds, using all the tricks of the trade — drumming, shaman rattles, Tibetan bowls, Tarot cards, crystals, rituals, sacrifices, and a thousand magical tools and ceremonies.
Most of the spiritual practices of the 21st century have allowed ego to grow in power and knowledge by connecting more efficiently with the parallel worlds of the conscient (accessible through the first to sixth chakras) and mostly ignoring the true spiritual worlds of the superconscient (accessible through the seventh chakra above the head). The entities found in these parallel worlds are powerful, knowledgeable, and deceitful, often pretending to be ascended masters, angels from the high heavens, or benevolent aliens from far-away galaxies. The spiritual ego feels flattered to be ‘chosen’ by such beings as their representative of Earth missioned to guide the ignorant masses. What trap! Nevertheless, it is difficult not to get caught until I have understood how the spiritual ego works.
7.2 Spiritual Experiences
As an individual travels the spiritual road and explores the worlds of the superconscient, he is liable to increase his ego when he drops back into the daily life of the conscient. Luckily, his ego cannot affect the parts that communicate with the superconscious worlds. However, when his awareness comes back to the conscient, his ego grabs on to spiritual experiences to inflate itself. Spiritual vanity is extremely pernicious, because it is difficult to identify. The larger the spiritual ego, the more dangerous it becomes, because its power allows for a greater control of the mental, vital, and physical body of its owner and those of the persons surrounding him.
Any type of ego is difficult to dissolve, but the higher its level of consciousness, the more chances it has of becoming a ferocious, knowledgeable, clever, and devious foe. To catch it in the act and stop it becomes increasingly difficult as it slips between the fingers like a snake. Worse still, it uses invisible friends to increase its powers, as we will now see.
Why do the elite desperatly want to organise a society filled with electromagnetic waves (televisions, computers, iPhones, iPods, iPads, e-books, video games, Wi-Fi, smart metres)? Why do they popularise satanic music (Lady Gaga, Lil Wayne, Rihanna, Eminem) and encourage black magic in movies and popular books (Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars)? The reason is simple. Each time I use these objects, listen to this music, read these books, or watch these movies, I unconsciously open the doors to hostile forces and vital entities whose role is to stop the evolution of my soul.
Let us use the illustration above to understand how this works. My body can be compared to a bus. Each seat represents one type of vibratory world inside my body at the conscient level. Mind worlds are at the back, vital worlds in the middle, and physical worlds — material and etheric — at the front. One or more egoic personalities occupy each seat and have the monopoly on this vibration in my body. My main egoic personalities, those I use openly on a daily basis, stand in front and share the steering wheel. My soul sits at the very back of the bus and remains in peace and joy at all times. It increases its soulish territory every time an egoic personality accepts to give it its seat.
The more seats the soul occupies, the stronger it gets and the louder its voice becomes. The first personalities to hear it are sitting right in front of it, on the mind seats. Some fight the soul’s decisions, but others eventually agree to obey. Each new seat taken by the soul is usually preceeded by an intense egoic fight that may last for various lengths of time. That is the only moment when free will really makes a difference. I can either obey or disobey the soul. If I choose ego and refuse to listen to my soul, this internal war tires my physical body, which ends up exhausted and sick.
My mental egoic personalities correspond to a higher level of consciousness than those of the vital or the physical and can more easily understand the benefits of my soul’s aspiration. The most difficult ones to subdue are vital personalities, since they control the vital body – the motor that gives the physical body the energy needed for action. Powerful vital personalities ask friendly mental personalities to find good arguments that will short-circuit the soul’s aspirations. To control the bus, they will open windows and let in some powerful vital allies from the occult worlds.
Vital egoic personalities purposely open bus windows through magic rituals, ‘sacred’ symbols, recreational or shamanic drugs, rebirthing, channelling ‘angel’ guides and ‘good aliens’, trance dance, religious ceremonies, chanting, etc. This is how their invisible friends sneak inside the human body to join forces with ego. Under the influence of such vital (astral) entities, my body can even transform, as we see in here with Nicky Minaj. The colour and shape of her pupils change to make them look like reptilian eyes during a television interview.
That is why the elite encourages by all means possible anything that will facilitate the contact with the invisible realms of the conscient (parallel worlds) and will hide or alter any information that gives us access to those of the superconscient (higher worlds). As long as I identify with my ego and continue to follow its instructions, I cannot identify with my soul and surrender to its aspirations. The more I listen to ego, the more I remain malleable to the machinations of the greatest specialists of human behaviour: the elite and its buddies from the parallel worlds — aliens, demonic hierarchies, vital and mental egoic personalities of the living and the dead, and more.
Despite the fact that every person’s ego is different, the tools used by all egos — big or small — are similar, with superficial individual variables. Here are the main egoic tools, followed by the tactics used by soul to counter the first (in purple and italics).
Egoism — It is the most common egoic tool. All my actions are then fully turned towards the satisfaction of my ego. I spend my time worrying about myself: my health, food, pleasure, comfort; my house, money, job, prestige; my children, husband, wife, grand-children, parents; my future, career, problems, happiness, and on and on. The soul knows that generosity starts by giving my body to my real self — the internal, individualised Divine who is is constant connection with the universal and transcendent Self. Helping others becomes automatic, since I feel one with them. (We are not talking here about the false ‘love’ that is mentioned later in the text.)
Apathetic Peace — Most egos try to avoid obstacles by organising for themselves a quiet life without major problems: no war, invaders, visitors, hurts, worries, illnesses, etc. The soul knows that all that happens comes from the Divine and helps the evolution of consciousness and, ultimately, the triple transformation. Each difficulty makes the soul stronger. Welcoming such events and those who unconsciously make them possible is the best way to evolve quickly. Even war, illness, and death are divine tools.
Illusion — Ego is sure that the surrounding world is real and its laws cast in stone. That is why it tries to use past knowledge to plan the future according to foolproof statistical graphs. It even invents methods to make sure its predictions will take place — divination cards and runes, crystal ball gazing, remote viewing, and time machines. Ego uses mental techniques to control matter (magic) and other persons (PNL, hypnotism); it recites mantras and incantations to make the rain fall during a drought or stop it during floods; it creates technologies for weather and earthquake control (HAARP). The ego refuses to accept that the universe will not change until it gives the human body it inhabits — mind, vital, physical — to the divine soul. It clings to its world of illusion, because it allows it to survive a few more years until its inevitable death. The soul remains outside the world of illusion and connected to divine truth. It knows that mind control, magic, and technology will become obsolete once the new kingdom of divine matter manifests itself on Earth.
Comparison — The ego spends his whole life comparing itself to other egos. It tries to be younger, nicer looking, better dressed, more educated, knowledgeable, creative, muscular (men) or sensual (women). The list is endless! If it has bought into the ascetic program, it will choose instead to show an exaggerated voluntary simplicity and the matching external look. Once a particular belief system is picked, the more the ego conforms to it, the higher it climbs the corresponding hierarchy and the more dominant it feels compared to those who do not buy into this program with as much determination. It becomes a big game of Monopoly — winner triumphs over loser. The soul is aware of its identity as an individualisation of the Divine evolving in the game of space-time. It knows that it is meant to be different while being connected to all. The more it evolves, the more distinct from all other souls it becomes. Comparison remains impossible. Since the soul feels united with everything and everyone, domination over another person becomes inconceivable.
The Winner-Loser Game
Pleasure — Under the control of ego, the vital can be described as the “body of desires”. As the ego knows it lasts only one lifetime — unless it gets heavily involved in black magic — it maximises its short passage on Earth by enjoying life as much as possible. Its thirst for pleasure is insatiable: sex, material possessions, good food, positions of power, lots of money, celebrity, or any other type of situation that feeds the part of the vital body it controls. As for the spiritual ego, its desire quest becomes more refined. It can choose flagellation, fasting, sexual abstinence, or any other recognised ascetic practice. Suffering becomes pleasurable. Because of its divine nature, the soul lives in joy and bliss, whatever the external circumstances. It simply insures that the physical body gets its basic needs met.
Suffering — It is the ego’s most powerful tool. In Western society, because of its Christian roots, the picture of Jesus on the cross brings the subconscious equation: Suffering = Social Recognition. My personal experience has allowed me to understand this from the inside.
I had bought into the “Good Mother” program and considered normal to sacrifice my life for my children’s happiness. When my third child became very sick, I got totally engrossed in his healing. I prided myself on being the perfect mother. One of the egoic personalities controlling my higher vital body increased in size for 13 years, bringing me close to a total physical, emotional, and mental collapse. One day, I had to face the truth: it was my child or me! I chose myself, but I remained racked with guilt for years. How many children have sacrificed their lives to help their sick parents? How many fathers have worked long hours at jobs they hated to send their children to university? The ego is ready for any type of suffering to keep its control over the body. The soul knows no suffering and chooses any situation that may accelerate its evolution in the material world. It tries to limit as much as possible any suffering the body might endure, in order to make it last as long as possible.
The ‘Love’ of Others — For ego, ‘love’ is synonymous with vampirism. For example, when guided by ego, the universal love that we associate with humanitarianism can be described in the following way. The benefactor takes on a dominant role by giving money, housing, food, tools, etc. In exchange, the receiver maintains his subordinate status by giving back a vital energy of subservience. The wife ‘loves’ her husband and spends her life filling his desires for sex, food, comfort, and so on. When she discovers that he is cheating on her, her ‘love’ immediately changes into hate. The mother experiences maternal ‘love’ after giving birth to her child. When he becomes an adult, he calls her a “bad mother” and refuses to see her. In return, her ‘love’ changes into anger and resentment. In all cases, could we really call this ‘unconditional love’? The very nature of the soul is true love. It loves its human body profoundly, since it is the perfect vehicle for its incarnation inside matter. The soul loves other souls unconditionally, because the connexion between all souls is immediate and perfect.
Suffocation — Ego really enjoys suffocation, its favourite blackmailing tool. It screams: “I need breathing space!” or “I want more time so I can find myself!” or “I long to finally be free” or again “I want to change my life”. I have experienced this type of suffocation after 13 years of taking care of my sick son. The Sacrificial Good Mother personality had become enormous and was choking all the other parts of ‘me’ — both false and real ones. The egoic personality that was dreaming of freedom could not bear it any more. I took it for my soul, but I see now that it was not. Yet, this was the path I needed to follow to find it, many years later. In fact, this search for freedom that manifests as an internal suffocation cannot be solved by changing external conditions. The only solution is the union of body and soul. Only in this way can the soul become free to use the body without the constant interference of ego and to guide it swiftly along its transformative path.
Pity — Ego really enjoys complaining about its life both to itself and to others. Pity is yummy food of vital egoic personalities, so they jump on all occasions to transform molehills into mountains. Ego digs its own grave and says: “My life is so miserable. Nothing ever turns up right. I’m just a born loser.” The soul knows that everything that happens helps its evolution of consciousness inside matter. It jumps on all occasions to grow and become a full-fledged psychic being. Only in this way will it eventually take full control of the body and go to the end of the triple transformation.
Escape — Ego looks for all possible types of escapes to live “the good life”. It travels to distant countries; it loves games (cards, video, casino) and adventure (sailing, canoeing, climbing); it eats in famous restaurants, dances in fashionable night clubs, sweats in renowned spas; it starts its own business and works 12 hours a day to make it successful; it concentrates on its career as a great artist. Any activity that takes all its time and minimises the risk of the soul taking its place is considered valid. The soul does the complete opposite. It encourages the body to remain centred internally through activities that favour introspection. Under its guidance, the actions of the body remain modest, in order to diminish ego, except if the Divine requires the opposite for a precise purpose.
Anxiety — The ego locks the mind up like a rat inside a cage. Instead of favouring ideas that may help purify the body and push it to accept the Divine Will, the mind turns around inside a wheel and spends its time worrying. “When will the bus go by? Will I be late for work? What will the boss say? Will I lose my job? If so, how will my wife react? Who will pay for the children’s school? And what will my father think of me?” Each time I accept a thought of this kind, my ego puffs up like a balloon. My soul lives in joy and peace, and trusts the Divine totally. It remains permanently connected to It and knows that everything that happens will be the best that can happen.
Past & Future — Ego accumulates memories of past events and exploits in the form of thoughts, emotions, pictures, videos, journals, trinkets, jewels, paintings, family heirlooms, respectable diplomas, and a million other things. It worries about the future as much as it clings to the past. A man’s ego dreams of the perfect woman and hers, of the ideal man. It invests on the stock market, picks the most promising pension plan, decides the future career of its children, and dreams of well-respected descendants. It exercises to remain fit and young-looking and takes Viagra/Addyi to prove it is still sexually functional. The soul also lives in the past and the future, but for completely different reasons. Its evolution is divinely arranged to maximise the use of past learnings and the planning of future possibilities. It uses whatever tool will bring about a quick and efficient union of body and soul.
‘Sin’ — An ego that craves low mental and vital energies will become jealous, vengeful, resentful, hateful, vain, proud, boastful, ambitious, insincere, deceitful, and lustful. The longer it remains in these vibrations, the stronger it becomes. The soul stays clear of these low vibrations and favours a non-judgemental mind and emotional equanimity. It encourages the body to stay away from separation — me against the other. It reminds the body of the divine nature of all beings and the ultimate goal of humanity’s terrestrial experience: the triple transformation. To succeed, the purification of the body is paramount and is accompanied by a growing sincerity.
‘Virtue’ — The spiritual ego makes sure not to sin — at least not in public! It invests time and effort in the virtues encouraged by its favourite spiritual path. It avoids animalistic sex, alcohol, hockey, raves, bodybuilding, and erotic attire and replaces them with tantric sex, organic drinks, cooperative games, kirtans, yoga, and harem pants. The soul favours all activities that accelerate the union of body and soul, without the limits of religious, ethical, or spiritual dogma.

Each step out of the human herd will reinforce your egoic individuality. When I am finally able to think completely out of the box, when I feel strong enough to show my difference in words and acts, when I understand that I have reached a fully-individualised state and that my soul is encouraging me to give my body totally to it, I am ready for the next phase.
Even if ego remains an indispensable evolutionary tool, its presence has transformed Homo sapiens into a grief-stricken species. During each new incarnation, a human being builds up a temporary individuality, which gradually dissolves with his physical, then vital, and finally mental death. What is left is the soul and the psychic being that covers it like a garnment and becomes larger, more powerful and knowledgeable as it continues to evolve from one life to the next. When the soul’s psychic envelope is ready, it must accomplish a difficult feat: to dissolve ego while keeping the physical body alive. It keeps all the pieces of the physical, the vital and the mental bodies around the ego and gradually works on the transfer of power from ego to soul. This extremely delicate task can only be accomplished by a fully-developed psychic being. There are no ready-made recipes since, once individualised, each human being is totally different from all others.
As long as any part of the ‘I-me’ consciousness is left, the presence of ego remains necessary. ‘I’ cannot decide to dissolve my ego; only my soul can choose the parts to keep, those to dissolve, the procedure needed for each part, and the speed and time of dissolution. ‘I’ can only surrender to my soul and allow it to carry ‘me’ along the way. Doesn’t it follow perfect divine guidance at all times? Yet, ego lets go after a long and violent battle, because it refuses to surrender its hard-earned territory, clinging to it like a wild wounded animal.
In fact, even an accomplished yogi, saint, or sage still has an ego, but it has accepted to serve the Divine. It has been transformed into a divinised ego, whose purpose is simply to keep together the different visible and invisible parts of the body until the triple transformation has been achieved.
The soul guides the purification of the parts of the three bodies based on the following principles. It starts by dissolving the mental ego. First, it establishes the witness-consciousness. The mental body’s capacity to concentrate and separate portions of itself allows it to detach one part, which now faces inside and serves as a watchman. This witness can gradually silence the mental body so that it can receive the pure knowledge as it descends through the crown chakra from the spiritual realms. The information received from the higher vibrational worlds is necessary for the soul to accomplish its task of purification.
This witness-consciousness also helps in the more dramatic dissolution of the vital ego. The vital body is the human being’s reservoir of energy. If the ego loses this precious ally, its power rapidly decreases. That is why the ego refuses to let go of its control over the vital body. It uses its hold on the parts of the mind that still remains under its power to justify its vital cravings. The vital ego rebels and feels sorry for itself. It makes the person believe that traveling, getting a new spouse or house, following a crudivore vegetarian diet, working for a humanitarian cause, fighting against chemtrails or GMOs, or starting a new carreer will solve his misery. It persuades this person that an easy-going spiritual path based on the safekeeping of ego is much better than this ego-demolition derby. In desperation, it cuts off the vital energy and brings depression, despair, and suffocation, going as far as suggesting suicide. Anything goes, as long as it remains in control. That is when courage and determination become essential. Instead of listening to ego, I can opt for the tools suggested by the witness-consciousness, which is guided by my divine soul. Here are the most common ones:
Observation — When it comes to dissolving my ego, I must really know and observe myself. I quickly learn to identify several types of consciousnesses: those of the mental ego (beliefs, justification, judgement), those of the vital ego (desires, pulsions, passions, emotions), those of the physical ego (habits, needs, inertia), and the consciousness of the internal divine witness: the psychic being. Sometimes, I can be identified with the spiritual consciousness and see things from above, as if I was overseeing my physical body from large, peaceful, universal realms.
Disidentification — Self-observation allows me to stop identifying with my ego or my physical body. I feel that I am more than a bag of skin and that what makes it act and talk are programs from Universal Nature. I start to feel the real self that is buried deep behind my heart. Gradually, this area becomes hot, strong, bright, living, loving, joyful, peaceful, or reassuring, depending on internal conditions.
Rejection — Following this partial disidentification from ego and the body, I can start refusing the suggestions from Universal Nature. I stop thoughts that bring me back to old belief systems; I refuse the slavery of desires that scream to be fulfilled; I ignore any habit that destroys the health of my physical body. I remember that such a rejection needs to be persistent as the old programs of Nature keep coming back as insistent waves.
Acceptance — This constant rejection goes hand in hand with an inconditionnal acceptance. I love myself and accept the obvious: this egoic dissolution takes a long time. Outmoded beliefs, clamorous desires, repetitive habits will keep knocking at my door, day after day. I remember that as I work on their disappearance, I am doing so for all of humanity, even all of the universe. It is a big job, but I refuse to get discouraged, even if I fall back often. Isn’t this the purpose of my incarnation on Earth?
Consecration — This boundless acceptance allows me to gradually remove the belief that ‘I’ act and this is ‘my’ action”. I choose to consecrate my life to the Divine instead of ‘me’. I learn to act without knowing why, simply following the guidance of my soul, without expecting a specific result. At first, this is difficult and confusing, since my ego always acts to get something in return.
Unconditional Love — This consecration brings me to treat others as if they were me or close family members. I no longer work to get money, gratitude, or social recognition. I act under my soul’s guidance and my greatest joy is to remain in contact with it at all times. The body-soul link thickens and becomes a strong bond of true love. I open my arms wide to the whole uniserve. I no longer feel separated. I sense that I am both inside my body and that of others. Weird and amazing!
The physical ego is the last one to disappear, since it must ensure that the survival needs of the physical body are met. Nonetheless, as I evolve in consciousness, the physical ego gradually becomes a huge hindrance to spiritual evolution because of its ignorance, unconsciousness, weakness, inertia, and extreme resistance to change. Once the vital body has partially become under the jurisdiction of the soul, it can shake the physical body out of its lethargy and encourage it to develop new, longevity-promoting habits: regular exercise, adequate nutrition, and restful sleep. Until the triple transformation is accomplished, the soul encourages the physical body to continue filling its basic needs. The extreme asceticism promoted by some spiritual teachers (breatharianism/pranism, polyphasic sleep) is yet another trick of the spiritual ego to slow down the union of body and soul by turning the person away from the most efficient way to achieve the triple transformation. The soul knows when the time has come for such feats.
When I decide to dissolve my ego, the real challenge starts. What the Christian Bible called Armageddon, the location of the final battle between Right and Wrong, actually takes place inside each human being, the only species to own a psychic being. This special human soul can successfully guide the purification of the physical body and prepare it to receive the powerful vibrations of divine truth.
Alma, my grandmother and a devout Catholic, kept warning me to listen to my internal angel and ignore the recommendations of my internal devil. I am finally starting to understand what she meant, as I go through a constant, internal battle, 24 hours a day.
My witness consciousness watches each of my thoughts, desires, emotions, habits. Of course, I often lose control and get carried away by a wave of desire; I start to judge others; I base my actions on old beliefs that I assumed were gone; I keep getting back to destructive habits. Phew! The job seems never-ending. But when things get too out of hand, I stop everything. I step back inside myself and take a deep breath. When going through a big egoic takeover, I may take a long, hot bath and even indulge in a small pleasure that will calm my vital body. I remind myself that there is no hurry. The spiritual ego is the one that makes me think this triple transformation can be accomplished in record time. In that way, it keeps its control over the body, because I have no time to catch all the little egoic personalities hiding in dark corners of myself. I let the Divine decide on the rhythm of egoic dissolution and I live in the present moment, bathing in peace and joy. Fully conscious, I stop any egoic attempt to bring back a state of suffering. No to pain, yes to bliss!
Transhumanism is trendy. Military personnel, computer scientists, biologists, chemists, and physicists are working hand in hand to create what they call “augmented humans”. The symbol they use for this new man is H+. To achieve their goal, they are using what they call GRIN technologies — Genetics, Robotics, (artificial) Intelligence, and Nanotechnology. We are told not to work too hard internally at transforming ourselves, since past, present, and future scientific achievements will allow us to change with no effort. The scientific elites’ new, improved human will have the following characteristics:
Genetics — H+ will be a chimaera, a hybrid cross between Homo sapiens and other animal (and possibly extraterrestrial) species.
Robotics — H+ will be a biological robot, with a living body augmented with inorganic synthetic parts that will give him superhuman capabilities: herculean strength, amazing resistance to fatigue, to wear and tear, accidents, and illnesses.
Artificial Intelligence — H+ will possess an extraordinary intelligence, since it will be linked to all the information found on the Internet and, it is speculated, in the Akashic Records (Check Wikipedia).
Nanotechnology — Inside the body of this H+ will be weaved intelligent nanofibers that will guide the genetic expression of cells, link the organic and inorganic parts with one another, and will serve as receptor antennae for artificial intelligence and the total control of H+ by the powerful god-like entity that rules over the human elite and their invisible helpers.
This H+ will be a super-human when it comes to his physical capacities, his intelligence, and his paranormal powers, but he will be a sub-human as far as his level of consciousness concerning his divine nature. His soul will be buried deep under the weight of a powerful collective ego that will control all the thoughts, emotions, desires, and actions of this H+. Transhumanistic advocates claim that H+ will be permanently linked to a collective artificial intelligence. And who will control this huge, biotechnological brain? It will be the god-like entity that Aurobindo and The Mother called the “Lord of Falsehood” and that some secret societies name The Great Architect, Lucifer, Satan, or other lesser-known titles.
So, when the elite talk about immortality, realise what they are selling you. Your ego will have access to an immortal body that is easy to repair and modify. If need be, it can even be replaced by a clone. As soon as a major health problem will force you to buy a new physical body (avatar), this new H+ technology will allow a technician to remove your ‘soul’ from your old body and place it inside this new one. This is the promise that programs such as Avatar 2045 are selling. But, what they will insert in your new avatar will simply be your vital ego. Nothing can take away or control your soul!
If you buy this scenario, your mental ego will be totally controlled by the collective ego through the big biotechnological brain of this new H+ species some are already calling Homo evolutis. It will be extremely tempting for ego to accept this new ready-made physical immortality instead of agreeing to its dissolution and the manifestation of a new divine kingdom and a divinised body. To participate in the Avatar 2045 program is to say yes to the collective ego and to a subhuman slave-like status.
In the coming years, we will be swimming in the troubled waters of the Apocalypse — the unveiling of the truth. All the veils will be lifted, all secrets revealed, all vibrational worlds accessible. If you are even partially aware of the actual situation worldwide, you know that we are on the brink of a global financial collapse, a third world war, the dramatic irradiation of all oceans, legal measures such as compulsory vaccination and microchipping, and a fast-approaching planet called Nibiru — among other potential problems!
We will have to face zombies, demon-possessed humans, devils, angels (real and false ones), giants (3-12 metres), clones, aliens (Greys, Reptilians, Nordics, Insectoids, and others), alien-human hybrids, H+ (sub-humans augmented by GRIN technologies), black magicians, monsters, chimaeras, giant snakes, vampires, werewolves, and much more. Hollywood has been preparing us for decades, and it is no coincidence!
Representatives of all the different types of beings and entities in the universe will be on Earth to celebrate what some people call the “end times”. However, it will not be the end of Earth, but of the duality of right and wrong. Various alien races, positive entities, wise beings, and even those we call “gods” are presently trying to help us. Even if their help has been extremely useful in the past, it has now become obsolete, since humanity must accomplish a task that is a universal first. Our “big brothers” can only help by slowing down the hostile forces that are trying to stop us from going to the end of the triple transformation. There are also other beings and entities that are here simply to witness the amazing manifestation of a new divine kingdom inside the densest matter in the universe. It is going to be quite a show, and they have come from far to watch the grand finale!

This knowledge must be accompanied by an unfailing faith in the immanent Divine, my soul, which is enthusiastically getting ready for the beginning of the triple transformation: 1) the union of body and soul, 2) the ascension of consciousness, and 3) the transformation of the physical body. The creation of a new divine kingdom on Earth is well worth the effort, despite the complaints of ego and its buddies from the invisible worlds. Let us learn to tell the difference between both sides: ego and soul. Let us have the courage and perseverance to go to the end of this amazing transformation!