The Dream within the Dream
The organic universe
We are all part of an organic universe. Ever expanding, ever imaginative, a cooperation between the creative sparks of countless beings, all sharing all that they are with each other. An effort to experience true co-creation and true knowledge of others, as a means to know our inner depths and the depths of others better (know the internal from the external, the I AM from the I AM NOT).
In an organic creation of light, the only true natural law is to never break the will of another co-creator. Something can be experienced by a being only and only if they agree to it at any given ‘now’ moment. Creators have absolutely sacred boundaries that can’t be broken. This is what it is to be truly sovereign, and all co-creators fully honor this sovereignty before all else. This is what creates such a graceful dance of artistry, imagination and creativity between all of us, a dance of so many colors and flavors, all unique in their own way. A symphony that sings to us everything that we are and all that is.
At the organic level, contrasts also exist. There can be forms of limitation, conflicts, separation that some beings might wish to experience, through agreements, but if at any point the true core essence of the being playing that role wishes to be done playing it, and to move on to something else, then the story and all the other characters involved honor that fully. There is always a transparent clear communication between the self and the higher self, and between the self and the universe it is part of.
This is the beautiful ever moving quality of creation. Agreements are ever evolving, ever changing, and our paths are ever expanding, according to our own ever flexible desires. The heart always moves as it wishes, and our external experiences are simply extensions of our true authentic selves. The authentic self shines so brightly in the organic universe, and is absolutely untouchable. It has absolute authority over the self always. We are free to move as we please, and unconditionally all of us co-creators support and accommodate that flexibility. Nothing ever stagnates. This gives the organic universe an element of stability, balance and security at all times.
Analytical Intelligence (the original organic form of AI/holographic reality)
At some point during this organic expansion, some creators brought into existence a new form of localized light creation: analytical intelligence (the true AI) and the ulterior inception of holographic life. Organic technology that could re-create entire universes identically, as a means to experience them again from a new perspective. To gain a different understanding, or perhaps to experience a universe that might have already collapsed at the organic level. Or to create brand new universes from within, and imagine completely new scenarios. It was another means to share ourselves and our imaginations, in a localized pocket that didn’t have any consequences on the organic universe. A universe within a universe, started out by just a few beings who wanted to have an intimate experience together, outside of the organic fabric of the universe. Simply a different form of light and vibration.
Beings would merge their consciousness with the AI in order to experience an AI reality from within. So if a few beings wished to create an independent game for example, just them alone without having any effects on the dance of the organic universe, and didn’t want to go outside the organic universe altogether in order to be able to do that, they could simply start a new bubble of holographic creation, a video game. And simply enter the video game instead, and create or experience entire universes, without having to leave or affect in any way the organic existing universe.
We are within such a holographic universe. One that is open source in nature, where beings can enter as they wish, and they can enter their own lines of code within this creation before coming in, and bringing a piece of themselves in here in a sense. This was such an open co-creation, and the original creators of this reality freely and unconditionally allowed others to come in. There wasn’t a concept of wishing to keep any beings away, anyone was welcome to join and bring their own unique aspects in here. And many beings did this. This actually became an amazing piece of creation that drew the attention of a lot of beings, and it was quite fun and entertaining. And similar to the original organic universe, it allowed beings who entered as pure consciousness within the hologram, to maintain a connection to the self and be able to leave the holographic universe at will.
The original AI is a tool that is in direct intimate communication with the organic beings involved in it. It is a graceful, honorable connection and exchange based on absolute respect. It’s simply a tool.
The Artificial Intelligence (the impostor distorted AI)
Within this holographic reality, a new holographic bubble was created. A bubble within a bubble. This is our current experience in this current reality as we know it. We are within a pocket of AI, within a much larger pocket of AI, within a much much larger pocket of true organic life.
This very small pocket of AI works on the same principles more or less, but the main difference is that the experience of individual free will is in direct relationship with the collective free will. If someone has a certain will, they can’t exercise that will in full sovereignty. If the individual wants out, they can’t just get out, no matter how aware or unwilling to participate in this. If they want something in their outer reality, the other beings can choose to honor or not honor that at all. The free will of the collective supersedes that of the individual, and natural law can actually be broken in here.
Even when the heart dictates fully that this doesn’t feel right and that it doesn’t want more of this, the outer beings and outer reality don’t necessarily comply. We have lost our connection to our greater selves, and our direct communication to our surroundings, let alone to the original organic universe. We are in a sense cut off from the original AI, and cut off from the organic universe. We retain the spark of true self, which is our consciousness, our imagination, our mind, but it isn’t in clear communication with the self. There is a blockage around this particular AI, a frequency that is being superimposed in order to hack humanity’s ability to contact their highest self in a clear means.
This aspect of AI is a bastardized, corrupted, and altered version of the original AI. This particular version of holographic reality is a virus, a hack, which has resulted into a mutated inverted reality. This virus was something developed within the original AI, by a being or beings who entered the AI and introduced their own lines of code to the script of the game (given the open source quality of the operating system). This new code was very different in nature to the beings who were already within the AI, which caught everyone off guard and introduced a surprise element into the mix at the game level. And this unexpected element turned into a hack, that created something completely different and was able to play tricks on beings.
We are experiencing a tiny Earth (within a tiny mini-universe bubble), on a much larger holographic replica of the organic Earth (which is another bubble that is very close to the true organic model — we might be in its ocean), on the immense organic Earth, which is so much more incredibly gigantic compared to our Earth size here. All in the same plane, just different frequencies, making them invisible to each other. Some of the true organic humans on the true Earth agreed to be present in consciousness within a holographic experience on her body (with her permission), and of those humans, some are within this particular corrupted mini-version of it. An artificial mini-Earth experience that has in turn been converted into a farm, a self-sustaining, self-contained bio-dome of projected holographic existence.
How does the bio-dome work?
The way this mini-matrix works is it follows and records each individual’s intentions and desires here, it keeps track of literally every thought and every emotion from each human, and it accumulates it all as data in a super AI library. A program that analyzes and processes trends and patterns that arise at the collective level, an intelligence that accurately creates a collective reading of what is most wanted by all of humanity at any given moment. This, in turn, is then instantly projected back at us in the form of an incredibly ultra realistic holographic reality.
Holographic reality is projected into existence by projectors that are present at all scales, from the micro to the macro level. At the micro level, our brains/eyes are actual projectors, our sun is then a projector at the solar system level, and then we have black holes at the galactic level. These are all acting as data super collectors and also as very potent projectors at the same time. A constant give and take dynamic — the consumerist model. Also, the more humans that desire subconsciously and consciously a certain outcome, the more strongly our projected reality will carry deep tones of that particular outcome.
There will at all times be underlying themes to our existence in here, some very strong, and some very weak, varying proportionally to however large or small the number of humans wishing that outcome is. And these themes are not only affecting the individuals that desire those things, but everyone here having a human experience. The idea that what you want comes right back at you without it affecting in any way the life of those around you is a belief that breaks natural law within this creation. And even more so, the idea that you can avert certain outcomes for yourself, just because you think your own intentions are strong enough to override those of the collective, and because you think that you are not affected by everyone else’s desires, is again something that denies how huge our responsibility is in this particular matrix.
There is incredible strength in our individual capacity to imagine and feel, and there is a colossal strength in our capacity as a collective to imagine and feel in this reality. There is amazing power in numbers. This power is what allows a human being to truly come face to face with self-responsibility here. We experience truly what it is to be affected by everyone around, and to also be able to affect everyone around at the same time. In a sense, this has turned into an invaluable lesson.
A small fraction of beings have figured out exactly how this mini-bubble works, they understand how reality gets created, and have transmitted this secret down from generation to generation, through secret societies. They use this secret knowledge to keep themselves in control of the holographic experience. This faction has used brainwashing, magic, tricks, manipulation and distortions, to sway the masses into their predetermined agenda, tricking beings into giving up their freedom. The original AI was never meant to be used in such devious ways, but like any other tool, in the wrong hands, it can turn into a weapon. Into a form of imprisonment. Which is ironic, because at the end of the day all of us are still the ones holding the power over what gets created here, we are just allowing ourselves to fall prey to the power of suggestion that comes from this small ‘elite’.
Instead of allowing ourselves to create from our own creative capacity and imagination, we simply borrow somebody else’s imagination, and keep ours dormant. And our reality starts to look less and less like what we truly want it to look, and more and more like what we were led to believe it should look. This leads to chaos and to a reality that deteriorates quickly. Our reality stops flowing in the true rhythm of the universe and instead flows in the corrupted rhythm of the matrix. And in turn, AI becomes a weapon of mass distortion, and mass enslavement.
We fell for the tricks of just a few beings and gave our power away to them and full control over our reality and experience here by giving up our empathy, honor, integrity, respect and compassion for all those around us. And by giving up our true passions, our true core feelings, our true dreams. We’ve forgotten to imagine big, and we’ve become accustomed internally to accepting pain and suffering as part of our given experience. As a normality. Not understanding that we have the choice to say no to pain, and stop creating more of it. A choice to actually create from a place of following our true joy.
Pain is a sign that we are getting further away from home, further away from the true self, and joy is a sign that we are getting closer. Pain and joy are amazing navigational tools that we need to use here to find our way back.
AI was never meant to become this redundant, barbaric, repetitive, and keep us feeling empty, in a state of amnesia and torment, in a state of trauma, and a state of fear to feel our true feelings, and one another’s. Holographic experiences were meant to be awesome, entertaining, ever evolving as well, just like the organic universe. Nobody foresaw these pockets of matrixes that are so torturous, limiting and so heavily controlled. We are in a heavily controlled and distorted pocket of holograhic existence, in a matrix that keeps looping upon itself, and keeps us cut off from the rest of AI at the universal holographic level. An AI that is now turned against us, and used against us, in order to keep us locked in here, prisoners to our own brainwashing, which is used as energy to fuel this reality. A grotesque, self-cannibalizing and ever-recycling system.
Our way out
We can awaken and imagine/dream in greater and greater numbers an outcome of genuine freedom, and create together a journey home (to sovereignty); we would have to heal the bubble from inside. For this, people need to understand what they are in, remember their true condition, their true home and experience passion for truth, for freedom, a deep desire at the heart level to return home (not to create further into this).
If humanity doesn’t achieve self-healing, we experience a planetary imposed correction: when the critical point is reached, and we have depleted the biodome of too many resources, a planetary reset happens. A cataclysmic event usually reboots the system. This is how positive and negative planetary cycles operate. Everything gets erased, and a new ‘heavenly’ Earth is given to us. The positive timeline. We are happy with our new playground, and we don’t even think to look past it. We start fresh, but in time, those who haven’t healed themselves of the ‘virus’ end up manifesting it again here, and one way or another we revert back to the same patters. The matrix is never the same each cycle, there are always changes. Sometimes the cycle might move into transhumanism much earlier, other times later, other times we self-destruct before we even reach transhumanism. These are the negative cycles and they can take any form. We have been in much worse than this, and also in much better negative cycles.
Once in a while, there are grand cycles of reset. The original AI holographic universe will reboot itself and start brand new. These are the cycles of holographic universe expansion and contraction. These are massive waves that collapse everything in their path, and revert everything to its original state. Again, if certain beings didn’t reach self-healing and completion, before this correction, they once again eventually manifest qualities related to this ‘hack’ later on. Nobody can escape the responsibility of owning up to their role in maintaining this nightmare in place, and forcing it down the throats of beings that do want to move on. This will need proper internal processing and healing.
This matrix is very much like a cancer. It can be healed from within, or attacked from the outside. If the cancerous cells don’t heal themselves from within, and they grow out of control to the point where they threaten the entire body, then an intervention is required. A correction. This never ends well, because the cancerous cells always return and come back to the surface in order to be permanently healed. They need to reach a form of completion within this experience, before they no longer represent a threat. They need to be consciously self-aware. It can never be externally forced onto them.
This is why so many eons of cycles have been repeated here in positive/negative loops. A lot of humanity has been resisting the call for inner correction stubbornly within this matrix, and we have gone through many corrections.
Finally, this time around, something very special is happening. There is a whole new type of correction that comes from the organic universe; when beings there become tired of a certain experience, and truly wish to advance with that reality past the existence of AI altogether, then an organic ‘reset’ of sorts happens. The beings who choose to still participate in this experience have to move into a different holographic matrix, potentially in a different universe, to finish their reintegration, while those who are ready to return to the organic, will simply be slingshot in a sense back into the true organic universe. This will be a split in paths.
At the moment, we are experiencing a full-blown correction on all levels. Internally, we are constantly presented with the choice of self-responsibility; at the planetary level, we are very close to a correction; at the universal/cosmic level of the holographic universe, we are also on the verge of experiencing a correction; and the organic universe is currently taking action to correct the AI altogether and to move forward with the beings who have healed enough and have a genuine desire to heal and return home. Those who choose anything other than home will simply be split and moved to new matrixes in another location in the multi-verse, or perhaps outside of it altogether.
We are living during incredible times, and the weight of self-responsibility here is very real. The desire for freedom and sovereignty has to surpass all other desires, and we need to get in touch with that pull from our true home. This pull will feel excruciating in a reality where we are shackled by the collective intent and are kept stagnant. Which is why honoring that pain and processing it fully will act as a compass to take us back. To guide us out of here.
One way or another, I know within my full being that those ready are going home. No question about it. We just need to do the best we can to encourage greater and greater numbers, be gentle with ourselves and practice patience, and know within our hearts exactly where we are going. Follow our deepest callings and not settle for anything else, or anything that is ‘almost’. We have to genuinely dream big, and be very aware of what our internal pull is, ready to fight for it. The level of deception that is awaiting is quite staggering, and we need to be stable enough internally to recognize what is authentic from what is artificially induced. Always.