Chemtrail Alert for September 9, 2008
WARNING: Extreme chemtrail activity across the entire Eastern United States, including Southern Florida. Extreme activity across the Northern States as well with Canada (map not shown now) getting it as well from Alberta eastward …
OWS forecasts category 5+ hurricane. A hyper-cane in the Gulf of Mexico. For more discussion on IKE visit CLIMATE PATROL.
Map below is for the afternoon of September 9, 2008.
For Tuesday the 9th of September we can expect extreme chemtrail activity across the entire Eastern USA. Spraying will be done ahead of a frontal system which will come and and drop the intended rain on Wednesday.
Texas is still going to be hit hard today. Thinking Amarillo will stay out of this so you will be free and clear. The Southwestern United States will be clear, with the exception of spraying ahead of a tropical storm poised to be “driven” into the AZ/NM area for an increase of storms there. The only areas to see the trails will be Southern New Mexico and extreme Southeastern Arizona.
Another major area will be a wide area from the Great Lakes all the way through Chicago and over to the Pacific Northwest. At this time not going to give the Pacific Northwest as much activity as on the 8th. Major spraying is expected however across the Twin Cities in MN and up into Manitoba and Alberta Canada. is receiving word that there will be people trying to sabotage this project. Perhaps government officials and might be posting articles etc to make the project look bad. Remember the government wants to control you so do not give in.
Bonus. A scheduled full moon map will be developed on that day. I’ll announce this shortly. What does it mean? You’ve seen them laying these disgusting trails at night right? Well I’ll let you know when the moon is full and you can see them over your location.
Coming soon: Up to three day alert system write-ups? Even a contact form to upload and submit your images to us.
Featured Photo: “On August 29, 2008, Seattle’s skies were inundated with chemicals right in front of our eyes. This trail was laid out at about 15,000 feet, much lower than any contrail you would ever see. As you can see in the photo, it was a beautiful, sunny, and warm day. Contrails would not appear in these conditions, since the air would have to be -70 degrees F, and the relative humidity would have to be greater than 70%. The ripples in the clouds display that dry ice was sprayed to try to promote rainfall.”