Chemtrail alert for September 19, 2008: America, Europe, Australia
For the 19th of September (20th in Australia).
United States / Canada /Mexico — Very heavy spraying over Chicago and Kansas City yesterday. Operations are moving East into the Great Lakes, Ohio and sections of the Tennessee areas today. However for the second time in a row, Chicago will have heavy spraying.
Dallas will be free and clear of the trails and this will become quite inactive for several days. Surely nothing like before that was seen.
The Pacific Northwest into Canada will take a beating today. In fact all of Canada looks to take a serious hit.
Las Vegas is on the Southern end of a major trail operation. The fringe will not be a major event, however light amounts will be seen.
Mexico continues to be sprayed.
Europe — Greece will stick in the chemtrail operations today, as well as Italy. Very heavy spraying in the Eastern parts of the country.
London came in clear yesterday. A good chance they’ll see chemtrails today in the vicinity.
Australia — Very similar to the other day. Southeastern and Southwestern Australia are target areas. The rest is untouched.