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Genuine Truth

Genuine Truth

There’s a part in the book 1984 that’s stuck in my mind and comes up and around regularly like brain cud. It’s something I can’t swallow, but I can’t spit it out either, so round and round it goes in the background. It’s the part where O’Brien holds up four fingers ... … Read entire article »

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Is It War or Theater?

Is It War or Theater?

A mass killing in France and the rise of organized sniper attacks on police and civilians in the US has brought to mind the word ‘theater’. In the classical sense, a theater of war is defined as a geographical area of land, sea, and airspace that is directly involved in war ... … Read entire article »

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U.S. Approves United Nation’s Invasion of America

U.S. Approves United Nation’s Invasion of America

United Nation military troops may soon arrive and see action on American soil following the United States’ announcement of support for “a set of principles that give a green light for U.N. peacekeeping troops and police to use force to protect civilians in armed conflicts,” Military Times reports. U.S. Ambassador Samantha ... … Read entire article »

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Reality Trance

Reality Trance

When a human being is asleep, which is to say, in a trance, he continues to create subconsciously, because creation doesn’t stop. The question is: what is the purpose of the trance? It’s a state of mind aimed at excluding alternative realities. So a person can be walking around and carrying ... … Read entire article »

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Bo Constantinsen: What Music Really Is

Bo Constantinsen: What Music Really Is

Bo Constantinsen is the author of WhatMusicReallyIs.com, a website dedicated to teaching people about natural music instead of the artificial music found in contemporary music. Bo claims that all musical elements come from The Harmonic Series, which is the most effective element that can naturally define music and is the ... … Read entire article »

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Brexit and the Matrix

Brexit and the Matrix

The EU and its associated financial institutions were built on the premise that no one would escape. That’s the long and short of it. But of course, nations could get out if they decided to. Which is what just happened in Britain. And now that it has, elites and their fear-mongering ... … Read entire article »

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In Pursuit of Silence

In Pursuit of Silence

If you live in a modern city, finding a quiet spot is a challenge. The buzz of traffic, planes, sirens and the racket of construction are probably the backing track of your daily life. And you’ll get no respite by sitting at your computer even with headphones on: browsing the ... … Read entire article »

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Religion and Spirituality: Seven Important Differences

Religion and Spirituality: Seven Important Differences

“It is not that the Way broadens humans; it is that humans broaden the Way.” — Confucius. There are roughly 4,200 religions in the world today. Most people believe in only one of them and renounce the other 4,199. While a small minority renounces all of them. There are roughly 7.3 ... … Read entire article »

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Seven Stumbling Blocks on the Road to Consciousness

Seven Stumbling Blocks on the Road to Consciousness

The purpose of Life is to Live! But upon arrival on this Earth it quickly becomes apparent that this is not the agenda. Ninety nine percent of what’s going on here is not about enhancing human creative potential, but about suppressing it. It’s about stepping onto an invisible ladder whose rungs ... … Read entire article »

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Debunking False Ideas of Cloning Ancient DNA

Debunking False Ideas of Cloning Ancient DNA

The movie Jurassic Park made it look easy, and headline making bogus research and hoaxes have fooled many people into thinking they’ve almost done it … or maybe have in secret … but the truth is different than people realize. In fact, I expect some people will be so angry ... … Read entire article »

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Roger Daltrey: The Internet is a Destructive Thing in All Ways

Roger Daltrey: The Internet is a Destructive Thing in All Ways

Roger Daltrey says The Who are unlikely to ever release another album because the internet has “stolen” the music industry. The frontman admits he and guitarist Pete Townshend have discussed the possibility of making a follow-up to 2006’s Endless Wire, but as it stands he can’t see it happening. The Who unveiled ... … Read entire article »

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The Horror: Understanding the Use of False Flag Operations

The Horror: Understanding the Use of False Flag Operations

The problem with the world today is not a monopolization of the truth by the mainstream media. All the information necessary to expose the ugly truths of those who secretly rule is out there. Rather, the problem is an inability or unwillingness on the part of the rest of society ... … Read entire article »

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Hold Your Hand in These Positions and You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

Hold Your Hand in These Positions and You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

Have you heard of hand yoga? It is a simple and easy technique which provides a number of health benefits such as stress relief, weight loss, muscle strengthening and many others. [WarIsCrime’s comment: I have no idea if it works. But knowing by experience the healing methods of Dr. Mike Lambert, ... … Read entire article »

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Transhumanism Will Be the End of Humanity

Transhumanism Will Be the End of Humanity

Yesterday, I wrote an article in which I detailed how the undermining of traditional, heterosexual human beings having children was being undermined by the so-called global elite. To quickly recap, the first salvo was the militant gay agenda. The agenda did not just wish to have political equality, they demanded that ... … Read entire article »

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Why Mainstream Science is a Religion

Why Mainstream Science is a Religion

Science is a religion with its own priests (who wear white coats not black gowns). It requires belief (faith) in its unprovable theories (doctrine). Mainstream science, despite all its claims of objectivity, and despite the fact it attempts to lay claim to the truth, is itself a religion. Science places itself ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, News

Modern Psychology: The Science of Disempowerment

Modern Psychology: The Science of Disempowerment

You no longer have to be a bona fide psychiatrist to prescribe mood and mind-altering pharmaceuticals to patients young and old, as any general practitioner is now allowed to experiment on their patients in this regard. This helps to explain why some 78 million Americans are presently taking psychiatric pharmaceutical ... … Read entire article »

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Word Magic and the Forbidden Secrets of the Stock Market

Word Magic and the Forbidden Secrets of the Stock Market

Word magic is the art of communicating using sacred sounds and symbols to direct and control energy to produce certain desired effects. The numeral and alphabet system were created based on sacred geometry and sacred sound, and therefore numbers and letters have magic properties. The people who created the numeral ... … Read entire article »

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Get Out of Your Own Way

Get Out of Your Own Way

“Surrender is the ultimate sign of strength and the foundation for a spiritual life. Surrendering affirms that we are no longer willing to live in pain. It expresses a deep desire to transcend our struggles and transform our negative emotions. It commands a life beyond our egos, beyond that part ... … Read entire article »

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All Eyes Are On the Control Matrix

All Eyes Are On the Control Matrix

No matter if you’re asleep at the wheel of life or have awoken to not just the consciousness of reality, but also the corporatocracy that has hijacked our world, most of us are paying attention to our shrinking wallets, as well as the political circus. The system is in the ... … Read entire article »

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New Vaccines Will Permanently Alter Human DNA

New Vaccines Will Permanently Alter Human DNA

Consider this article in light of the accelerating push to mandate and enforce vaccination across the planet. The reference is the New York Times, 3/9/2015, “Protection Without a Vaccine.” It describes the frontier of research. Here are key quotes that illustrate the use of synthetic genes to “protect against disease,” while ... … Read entire article »

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