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What Is It That You Want?

What Is It That You Want?

I use the term “reality machine” in different ways, depending on the point I’m making. Here it covers all the ways in which we are assured by various experts and professionals that free will doesn’t exist. That’s an effective ploy. It makes existence more mechanical than ever. It makes reality ... … Read entire article »

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Two Powers and Resistance

Two Powers and Resistance

The Universal Law of Resistance says that which you resist you draw to you, and you will perpetuate it’s influence upon your life. You’ve already heard that many times. Resistance is fear, so it is something you need to karmically resolve. The Law of Resistance assures that you overcome your fears ... … Read entire article »

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Debunking Utopia: Exposing the Myth of Nordic Socialism

Debunking Utopia: Exposing the Myth of Nordic Socialism

The socialist system has failed, leading to human misery on a wide scale in every country in which it has been introduced Bernie Sanders and other leftist politicians want to increase taxes, regulate businesses, and create a society where government takes responsibility for many aspects of daily life. If you are ... … Read entire article »

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Will Europe Crumble and Disappear?

Will Europe Crumble and Disappear?

These are notes from my work-in-progress, The Underground: The open-door immigration policy of the European Union is justified by pointing out Europe’s guilt for past colonial sins. Well, I have news. You can go anywhere in the world, focus in on any nation, any tribe, and you can discover that, at ... … Read entire article »

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Salvador Dali vs. The Matrix

Salvador Dali vs. The Matrix

Dali, the painter: Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, Marqués de Dalí de Pubol (11 May 1904 – 23 January 1989). His self-appointed task: shake up reality. Make the impossible intrude on the ordinary. Expose and confound the critics and the press. Whenever the establishment tries to define who ... … Read entire article »

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Socialism: The Biggest Generator of Poverty

Socialism: The Biggest Generator of Poverty

If you’re looking for a short introduction to socialism that rewards rereading, Thomas DiLorenzo’s The Problem With Socialism is it. Perhaps your son or daughter has returned from college talking about collective control of the means of production and sporting Bernie Sanders t-shirts. Perhaps you’re a political novice looking for informed ... … Read entire article »

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The Less You Know, the Better You Sleep

The Less You Know, the Better You Sleep

To the memory of the victims of the Nord-Ost theater siege, the Beslan school massacre, and the Russian apartment bombings On December 23, 2013, I received word that the Russian Foreign Ministry had finally approved my visa and issued a number for my visa approval letter. I had been living in ... … Read entire article »

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Your Enemy, The We

Your Enemy, The We

“A single thought simultaneously held by several people isn’t some miracle. The course of history is a process of liberation from that circumstance, and the emerging miracle was one individual thinking his own thoughts. That was the great change. And now people want to reverse it. They want to go ... … Read entire article »

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The Soviet-Jihad Connection

The Soviet-Jihad Connection

Pavel Stroilov is a Russian historian who smuggled a top-secret archive of about 50,000 Soviet documents to the West. Stroilov tells the story of the Soviet support for the Islamist movements, and analyzes Russia’s actions today. Pavel Stroilov is a Russian historian who, in 2004, copied a top-secret Soviet archive of ... … Read entire article »

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Nuit Debout: The Speech…

Nuit Debout: The Speech…

If I could speak French and were in Paris, this is the speech I’d make. Anyone wishing to translate and use what’s here, be my guest. What we are fighting against, what we are protesting about, what we gather here every night to debate is a darkness we recognise yet struggle ... … Read entire article »

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Why Reincarnation is a Slavery Program

Why Reincarnation is a Slavery Program

Have you ever actually wondered Why we reincarnate? Why is it that we have such short lives, and, for the most part, the only spiritual paths are very dubious religions and teachers? Or why those religions are built upon hierarchal structures? Have you ever wondered why there is so much ... … Read entire article »

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Left Brain vs. Right Brain: Side Effects and Dangers

Left Brain vs. Right Brain: Side Effects and Dangers

Many of the information about left brain versus right brain in the public domain does a poor job of painting the overall picture of the roles of the left and right brain. Understanding how these two hemispheres of the human brain work is essential for peace and prosperity. Once you ... … Read entire article »

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The Law of Free Will

The Law of Free Will

“It is easier to create the effect, because the effect depends totally upon you; the cause may not be so dependent on you.” — Osho. Simply put, you have the freedom to do, be, or have anything you want. It is your right here on Planet Earth. There is, however, one caveat ... … Read entire article »

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Psychological Warfare and Hollywood

Psychological Warfare and Hollywood

Psychological Operations (PSYOPS), or as the military likes to call them now, Military Information Support Operations, are a very real part of war, and there is an entire division within the Department of Defense dedicated to them. While the U.S. government likes to claim PSYOPs are only launched against enemies ... … Read entire article »

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The First Corporation

The First Corporation

Thousands of years ago people lived in close-knit clans and the population of the world was only a tiny fraction of what it is now. People could go an entire life time without ever encountering a stranger. Unfortunately, sometimes strangers purposely encountered them. One particular day at one particular village a ... … Read entire article »

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More Deadly Than Terrorism

More Deadly Than Terrorism

Two weeks ago, we noted that the chances of a person being killed by terrorism are 1 in 93,000,000. That means we are sixteen times more likely to be struck by lightning. However, because terror events are so horrendous and because our mind-controlling politicians and mainstream media continuously sensitize us ... … Read entire article »

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Writing About Writing

Writing About Writing

Some days, there is nothing. You sit at the computer and you don’t find the tag-end you can pull, which will release a flow of words. But those can turn into the best days, because late in the afternoon or early in the evening, a spark comes and you’re off. ... … Read entire article »

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Leaving Matrix: Language, Desire, and Mystery

Leaving Matrix: Language, Desire, and Mystery

“Mathematics would certainly have not come into existence if one had known from the beginning that there was in nature no exactly straight line, no actual circle, no absolute magnitude.” — Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All-Too-Human. A system is like a dream that always plays out the same way. Start to finish. A robot ... … Read entire article »

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The Dream within the Dream

The Dream within the Dream

The organic universe We are all part of an organic universe. Ever expanding, ever imaginative, a cooperation between the creative sparks of countless beings, all sharing all that they are with each other. An effort to experience true co-creation and true knowledge of others, as a means to know our inner ... … Read entire article »

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The Differences Between Organic and Holographic Reality

The Differences Between Organic and Holographic Reality

In my eBook I speak about the fact that we are organic beings having a holographic experience. Since this is such a complex and relevant topic, I wish to go into further detail. Organic vs. Holographic The universe in which we exist is organic in nature. Contrary to the current narrative within ... … Read entire article »

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