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Could the Conflict in Syria Lead to World War III?

Could the Conflict in Syria Lead to World War III?

Relations between America and Russia are now worsethan at any time since the Cold War ‘We are used to death,’ said Ismail. He had been to the funerals of four friends in a single week, all killed by aerial bombs. ‘We’re used to bloodshed. We’re adapted to the situation and this ... … Read entire article »

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Stolen Elections

Stolen Elections

America has a long and fascinating historyof electoral surprises & subterfuge The 2016 presidential primaries were eye-opening. Donald Trump was victorious over a plethora of Republican candidates including Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who was the clear establishment favorite to win when ... … Read entire article »

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Your Worst Enemy, the State

Your Worst Enemy, the State

In my opinion, government is at best, tolerated because there is no other recognizable option available at the time. At worst, it is an evil and tyrannical overlord of the individual, never ceasing in its desire for power, money, total control, brutality, war, and imperialism. This opinion obviously does not ... … Read entire article »

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The Last (?) Dirty Secret of World War II

The Last (?) Dirty Secret of World War II

Call it callousness, call it reprisal, call it a policy of hostile neglect: a million Germans taken prisoner by Eisenhower’s armies died in captivity AFTER the surrender. In the spring of 1945, Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich was on the brink of collapse, ground between the Red Army, advancing westward towards Berlin, ... … Read entire article »

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Hey, Listen to Your Emotions

Hey, Listen to Your Emotions

Bitterness shows you where you need to heal, where you’re still holding judgments on others and yourself. Resentment shows you where you’re living in the past and not allowing the present to be as it is. Discomfort shows you that you need to pay attention right now to what is happening, because ... … Read entire article »

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The Other Holocaust : The Terror Famine in Ukraine

The Other Holocaust : The Terror Famine in Ukraine

People talk about “the holocaust” as if there had been only one in the 20th century, and that one unique in human history. But what of the one inflicted by Josef “Stalin” Djugashvili on Ukraine? Although Ukraine’s holocaust by famine resulted in the deaths of many more people than were ever ... … Read entire article »

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The Coming Collapse of Western Civilization

The Coming Collapse of Western Civilization

Emerging threats to Western civilization and how to protect yourself, your family and your nation. Analysis + Solutions A White Paper by Mike Adams and the Editors of NewsTarget.com “I am mortified beyond expression when I view the clouds that have spread over the brightest morn that ever dawned in any country… ... … Read entire article »

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It’s the End of the Internet as We Know It

It’s the End of the Internet as We Know It

On Thursday’s [Sept. 22] Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM, former U.N. ambassador John Bolton predicted that the impending transfer of Internet domain control from American supervision to an international body will mean the end of the Internet “as we know it.” Speaking to Breitbart Editor-in-Chief and SiriusXM host Alex Marlow, Bolton ... … Read entire article »

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Belief in Authority is the Most Dangerous Superstition

Belief in Authority is the Most Dangerous Superstition

“Question authority, including the authority that told you to question authority.” ~Sixth grade girl Let’s get something straight, here at the outset. There’s nothing wrong with authority itself. It’s the belief part that messes everything up. Anyone can claim authority. But such authority only matters if others believe in it. I can ... … Read entire article »

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The Hidden History Of Fluoride

The Hidden History Of Fluoride

Once you find out the hidden history behind fluoride, you will never intentionally ingest it again! Fluoride is commonly found in water supplies and toothpaste, but you will also find it in processed foods made with tap water as well as in chemtrails. Fluoride is a toxic waste that is ... … Read entire article »

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Has your DNA been altered by GMOs?

Has your DNA been altered by GMOs?

If you are eating genetically modified foods — including essentially any product containing corn or soy that has not been certified organic or free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) — the modified genes in those GMOs might be negatively influencing your body’s own DNA. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has ... … Read entire article »

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The War on Reality: Mind-Expanding Mini-Documentary

The War on Reality: Mind-Expanding Mini-Documentary

Dear fans, supporters and citizens of the world: It’s time to reclaim your mind from the globalist social engineers who are filling your skull with false narratives rooted in the failed philosophies of Big Government and social obedience. It’s time to FREE YOUR MIND, rise up against the tide and rage ... … Read entire article »

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How to Focus A Wandering Mind

How to Focus A Wandering Mind

We’ve all been there. You’re slouched in a meeting or a classroom, supposedly paying attention, but your mind has long since wandered off, churning out lists of all the things you need to do — or that you could be doing if only you weren’t stuck here… Suddenly you realize everyone ... … Read entire article »

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The Black Hood of Censorship

The Black Hood of Censorship

Over his head, face, and neck the medieval executioner sometimes wore a loose-fitting hood of raven black. The grim garment was pierced by two eye-holes through which the wearer, himself unrecognized, caused terror by glancing among the onlookers while he proceeded to fulfill his gruesome function. In similar fashion today, ... … Read entire article »

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Science at War with Reality

Science at War with Reality

Despite the fact that a tremendous amount of scientific research exists — from independent to peer-reviewed — that clearly shows a definitive link between consciousness and our physical material world, this type of study has remained controversial. Again, despite the wide range of substantiated scientifically valid results, it’s sometimes grouped ... … Read entire article »

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The World Hangs in the Balance

The World Hangs in the Balance

The overwhelming number of well-funded groups “fighting for change” in this world are misdirected. Intentionally so. These groups are designed to go off track, eliminate freedom, and produce answers that bring about more top-down control. I can’t emphasize that strongly enough: —The use of dupes and pawns, organized into groups, ... … Read entire article »

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Learn to Tell Your Mind “No”

Learn to Tell Your Mind “No”

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” — Viktor Frankl People often overlook the simplest things in life. Instead they seek the complicated and spend their time searching and accumulating more knowledge. They neglect to recognize that although they may understand something ... … Read entire article »

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Wanting What You Don’t Have

Wanting What You Don’t Have

To want something you do not have and take for granted what you do have is a common character flaw. Wanting something you do not have is desire. Desire is life. Look around you and much of what you see is the result of someone’s desire. And there is a conflict. ... … Read entire article »

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The Sugar Conspiracy

The Sugar Conspiracy

Don’t you love people that cling to scientific research without ever questioning who sponsored that research? Using archival documents, a new report published by JAMA Internal Medicine examines the sugar industry’s role in heart disease research. The study suggests that the sugar industry sponsored research to influence the scientific debate ... … Read entire article »

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“The Unnecessary War”

“The Unnecessary War”

In a speech before the Dallas, Texas, Alumni Club of Columbia University on Armistice Day, 1950, General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower stated that as Supreme Commander in Europe he made a habit of asking American soldiers why they were fighting the Germans, and 90% of the boys said ... … Read entire article »

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