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Trapped in the Net

Trapped in the Net

“Technological progress is carrying us to inevitable disaster.” ~Theodore J. Kaczynski (a.k.a. ‘The Unabomber’) Flawed, to a depth unlike any other beast in the animal kingdom, human beings rapaciously despoil their own environment and continue to conduct activities that appear to threaten the very existence of the biosphere – our home, ... … Read entire article »

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Reading a Book vs. Watching a Movie

Reading a Book vs. Watching a Movie

Do you prefer your own dreams or those of someone else? Reading stimulates the creative area of the mind to produce alternate realities. There is no substitute for reading. As the commercial says, “Reading is Fundamental”. I can remember the first time I got lost in a book. I was in ... … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, Books, News

7 Signs You May be a Victim of Statism

7 Signs You May be a Victim of Statism

“The State is the name of the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly it lies; and this lie slips from its mouth: I, the state, am the people.” — Friedrich Nietzsche. The truth behind the vicious lies of statism and its cultish tendencies happens to be one of those jagged little ... … Read entire article »

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How to Practice Radical Spirituality

How to Practice Radical Spirituality

In my book “Radical Spirituality” I end the volume with 69 reminders (note the yin/yang symbology and circle of energy in the number) that summarizes our spiritual evolutionary path: Your earthly purpose is to cast away your fear-based emotions. Doing so creates an “absence,” leaving only your God-self to interact with ... … Read entire article »

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Stalin’s Political Pilgrims

Stalin’s Political Pilgrims

Never pin your hopes on the consistency or fairness of any government,at home or abroad. John Walker, who left his California home to join the Taliban, was hardly the first American citizen to be seduced to sign onto a foreign ideological movement. As America sank into depression in the 1930s, it ... … Read entire article »

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Donald Trump and Authoritarian Followers

Donald Trump and Authoritarian Followers

The author’s website places at your disposal a free ebook entitled The Authoritarians. I wrote this book in 2006 when a great deal seemed to be going wrong in America, and I thought the research on authoritarian personalities could explain a lot of it. (The book is set in that ... … Read entire article »

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6 Shifts In Consciousness We Are All Experiencing Right Now

6 Shifts In Consciousness We Are All Experiencing Right Now

Absolutely everything is a wave of energy and there are many new energies taking place on Earth. We’ve shifted consciousness, but we’re still using old reflections to create our reality. Abundance in all aspects of life is now much easier to achieve in the new vibration and a confidence in ... … Read entire article »

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A World Lacking Reasonable Thoughts

A World Lacking Reasonable Thoughts

As I look around my immediate community or watch the media’s spin on the global world I often pause to wonder: “Am I lacking reasonable thought or is this world showing a complete lack of reasonable thought?” Or to be completely frank, “Have parts of this world gone completely insane?” ... … Read entire article »

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Subliminal Messaging and Predictive Programming: How They Work and Why Some People Are Immune

Subliminal Messaging and Predictive Programming: How They Work and Why Some People Are Immune

Today, just for fun, we’re going to go down the rabbit hole of how entertainment and the media manipulate people. Some of this is sheer speculation, some of it is provable fact, and all of it requires that you don your full array of tinfoil. If you want to go ... … Read entire article »

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The Inner Prostitute: Selling Your Integrity and Losing Your Self

The Inner Prostitute: Selling Your Integrity and Losing Your Self

The very first thing that most of us think of when we hear the word “prostitution” is selling your body for sex in order to get money. But completely forget that definition; the prostitution I’ll be referring to in this article has nothing to do with sex for money whatsoever. ... … Read entire article »

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Globalism: the Monster in the Presidential Campaign

Globalism: the Monster in the Presidential Campaign

“Over the weekend, thousands of protesters across multiple countries condemned impending [Globalist] trade deals promoted by governments and their corporate partners. Though the protests received little coverage from mainstream media, they stretched from Paris to Warsaw.” (Carey Wedler, Blacklisted News, 10/19/16.) Start with this: when a system has been devised, planned, ... … Read entire article »

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5 Easy Ways to Follow Your Intuition

5 Easy Ways to Follow Your Intuition

Many people believe that only a handful of us have psychic abilities. In actuality, all of us have a built-in psychic ability: our intuition. With a little practice, you can strengthen the connection you have with your intuition and come to really rely on it. If you are trying to create ... … Read entire article »

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The Science of Silencing

The Science of Silencing

John F. Kennedy was outspoken against the secret government growing behind the curtains of American democracy. In his address to American publishers and the media in 1961, two years prior to his public assassination, he remarked about the nature of secrecy and the dangers of allowing our government to operate ... … Read entire article »

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2045, or New Ending to Orwell’s 1984

2045, or New Ending to Orwell’s 1984

“Money can buy you immortality, according to the Russian internet multi-millionaire who is ploughing a fortune into a project to create a human that never dies. Web entrepreneur Dmitry Itskov is behind the ‘2045 Initiative’, an ambitious experiment to bring about immortality within the next 30 years by creating a ... … Read entire article »

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The Battlefields of WWI Still Keep on Killing in France

The Battlefields of WWI Still Keep on Killing in France

The Battle of Verdun was the longest sustained conflict of World War I. The battle, which lasted 300 days and cost more than 300,000 French and German lives in 1916, was also one of the bloodiest of “The Great War.” The intense fighting and shelling near the tiny town of ... … Read entire article »

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9 Humans with Authentic Superpowers That Baffle Scientists

9 Humans with Authentic Superpowers That Baffle Scientists

Whether they are savants who can paint a masterpiece blindfolded in seconds, geniuses who can calculate numbers only a computer could, or regular people who can remember every single detail of their lives down to the date and time, humans with special abilities seem to be abundant in society. But special ... … Read entire article »

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The Un-American United Nations

The Un-American United Nations

Like many of you, growing up under the tutelage of the public school system and the big three television networks in the 1960’s and 1970’s, I recall the zealous and reverential treatment afforded the world’s eighth wonder: the United Nations. Its ideals, they said, were homespun American ideals. Its immediate mission: ... … Read entire article »

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Vladimir Putin Is Bringing Back the 1930s

Vladimir Putin Is Bringing Back the 1930s

Vladimir Putin’s serial humiliations of America’s bewildered secretary of state regarding Syria indicate Putin’s determination to destabilize the world. Here is an even more ominous indication of events moving his way: On just one day last week, Italian ships plucked 6,055 migrants from the Mediterranean. What has this to do with ... … Read entire article »

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If We Quit Voting

If We Quit Voting

[This essay originally appeared in July 1945 in a monthly newsletter Chodorov established called analysis. It later appeared as a chapter in his book Out of Step: The Autobiography of an Individualist (1962).] New York in midsummer is measurably more miserable than any other place in this world — and should ... … Read entire article »

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“It’s All Just Information” is the Totalitarian Psyop

“It’s All Just Information” is the Totalitarian Psyop

Here is an excerpt of an introduction I wrote to my second collection, Exit From the Matrix: “Global solution” means the individual is cut out of the equation, he doesn’t count, he doesn’t mean anything in the larger scheme of things, he’s just another pawn and cipher to move around on ... … Read entire article »

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