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The Approaching Timeline Split

The Approaching Timeline Split

Eight months ago as the end date of the Mayan calendar arrived there was much speculation as to whether this was a harbinger of doom for mankind and life as we know it. I think it’s still too early to determine that with any certainty, however a great case can ... … Read entire article »

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The NSA: The Abyss from Which There Is No Return

The NSA: The Abyss from Which There Is No Return

“The National Security Agency’s capability at any time could be turned around on the American people, and no American would have any privacy left, such is the capability to monitor everything: telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn’t matter. There would be no place to hide. If a dictator ever took over, ... … Read entire article »

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World of Energy

World of Energy

Perhaps the biggest core mistake you’ll make along your path of conscious growth is subscribing to the belief that you live in a world of objects. You don’t. You live in a world of energy. Objects are separate. Energy is continuous. Objects have gaps between them; they can appear to be apart and not ... … Read entire article »

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Don’t Pay Your Bills

Don’t Pay Your Bills

What if you really want to quit your job and go independent, but you’re worried about paying your bills? Today I’m able to enjoy the best of both worlds. My bills are easily paid from my passive income streams, and I get to do work I love and enjoy tremendous freedom. ... … Read entire article »

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It’s the Poets Who Destroy the Old Order

It’s the Poets Who Destroy the Old Order

“[Poetry] should strike the Reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts, and appear almost as a Remembrance…” (John Keats) “And then your life, the life you are telling me about, becomes a short story that had force only because it was viewed from a particular slant, your slant, which ... … Read entire article »

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Cognitive Dissonance? Or Mass Dissassociative Disorder

Cognitive Dissonance? Or Mass Dissassociative Disorder

Sounds like a false choice, I know, but it’s not. Unconscious humanity is in a real pickle. A little term defining first since these concepts may seem confusing. Cognitive dissonance, which most people are familiar with, is a psychological phenomenon that takes place in less than conscious human thinking, and a ... … Read entire article »

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The Calm Before the Shift

The Calm Before the Shift

There appears to be a growing sentiment that we’re on the verge of some kind of significant breakthrough. Not the obvious crackdown of the PTBs, but a good move forward for conscious humanity. It seems to be an awareness step of some sort, but this next stage is becoming more ... … Read entire article »

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Transformation is Our Deepest Purpose

Transformation is Our Deepest Purpose

“What, if not transformation, is our deepest purpose?” — Rainer Maria Rilke. One of the reasons we are here, perhaps the most meaningful reason, is to transform ourselves. But what does that really mean? To transform is to change the shape or character of … according to my dictionary. I love this definition ... … Read entire article »

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The Three Qualities

The Three Qualities

In 1946, Glenn Clark wrote a book about author/sculptor Walter Russell, titled, The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe. It’s a small book, but it’s always been a favorite. Here is an inspiring excerpt in which Clark is interviewing Russell: “Can you give me the secret of your life?” ... … Read entire article »

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A Boy and a Psychiatrist

A Boy and a Psychiatrist

there is a boy in Los Angeles who is being drugged to death by a psychiatrist this professional is quite sure he knows what is going on in the boy’s brain but the boy, in a last desperate act, is loading a shotgun and he’s carrying it in a case to a mall there ... … Read entire article »

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Go See “Elysium”

Go See “Elysium”

Neill Blomkamp’s “Elysium,” the number one movie in America last weekend, is a sci-fi practically made for progressives. That might not be what Blomkamp intended, but anyone who is concerned about health care, immigration reform, and climate change is going to love this movie. “Elysium” opens in the year 2154, on ... … Read entire article »

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The Police State Mindset in Public Schools

The Police State Mindset in Public Schools

“Is it surprising that prisons resemble factories, schools, barracks, hospitals, which all resemble prisons?” – Michel Foucault. Once upon a time in America, parents breathed a sigh of relief when their kids went back to school after a summer’s hiatus, content in the knowledge that for a good portion of the ... … Read entire article »

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Edgar Cayce: Time and No Time

Edgar Cayce: Time and No Time

What did Edgar Cayce mean when he said, ‘There is no time’? Time, as we know it on this planet, is only as relevant as it is to how our planet spins to create the illusion of “one day”. If you are 30 years old in “Earth years” and were to ... … Read entire article »

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Will the Sun Cause an Unprecedented Catastrophe?

Will the Sun Cause an Unprecedented Catastrophe?

The sun is about to flip its magnetic field, at the peak of its 11-year solar cycle or at the half-way point of what scientists call a solar maximum — when the star is at its most violent in terms of solar flares and the Earth is most vulnerable to ... … Read entire article »

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The Cosmic Shift and Unconscious Crazies

The Cosmic Shift and Unconscious Crazies

There’s a lot of very interesting information available on this transition we’re going through and with many interpretations, and some great advice on how to manage these vibrational changes. My personal take is to stay very alert and aware on every front, most of all with my thoughts and feelings, ... … Read entire article »

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One-World Brain

One-World Brain

In the 1930s, British intelligence agent and one-world theoretician H.G. Wells proposed a mind control plan that is apparently coming to fruition now, at the turn of the 21st century, with the creation of the Internet. At a November, 1936 speech before the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Wells laid ... … Read entire article »

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Beware of the State, Not of the Terrorists

Beware of the State, Not of the Terrorists

What I am doing as a result of the new US government terrorist attack alert? Absolutely nothing. The chance of a terrorist striking me is less than .000,000,0001%. However, there are things I am real concerned about: 1. Walking the streets late at night, for fear of being mugged by desperate, poorly ... … Read entire article »

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The Awakening

The Awakening

Throughout history there have been numerous prophecies and theories put forth about the awakening of humanity. In this current age of information, the concept of awakening has spawned a variety of differing opinions and industries. It can all become rather confusing as everyone offers different definitions of what the awakening ... … Read entire article »

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Designing the Mind: A Fable

Designing the Mind: A Fable

Before I launch into the fable, I want to discuss briefly a related matter. The submerging of the individual into the collective, group-think, the consensus. To many people, this submerging seems like a good idea. Why? Because they don’t perceive the actual creative potential of the individual. Therefore, they don’t see ... … Read entire article »

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Can the Surveillance State Be Evaded?

Can the Surveillance State Be Evaded?

“If, as it seems, we are in the process of becoming a totalitarian society in which the state apparatus is all-powerful, the ethics most important for the survival of the true, free, human individual would be: cheat, lie, evade, fake it, be elsewhere, forge documents, build improved electronic gadgets in ... … Read entire article »

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