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Breaking a Delusion of Cause and Effect

Breaking a Delusion of Cause and Effect

Human beings tend to define themselves. They sum themselves up. They present themselves with a picture of what they are. They may not do this with precision, but they do it. And the common factor is all about limitation because, after all, definitions involve drawing boundaries. Definitions describe what is inside ... … Read entire article »

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The Ebola Hoax Operation: The Hidden Purpose

The Ebola Hoax Operation: The Hidden Purpose

“The Reality Manufacturing Company paints a mural of reality for the masses; the Company paints a bigger and bigger mural, entangling more people in more systems…” (The Magician Awakes, Jon Rappoport). Behind every phony pandemic, there are a number of agendas in play. In this case, the Globalist heavy hitters, who ... … Read entire article »

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State, Not Strive

State, Not Strive

I admit it: I’ve always been a driven, goal-oriented person. That’s what modern society molds all of us to be, and in general, I have always been good at fitting that mold. For most of my life, my goals have always been clear and I found it quite natural and ... … Read entire article »

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The Meaning Fields

The Meaning Fields

The following is an excerpt from the book: Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within. R.L.Ranch Press, September 2011. One piece of evidence for the holographic nature of nonstandard fields that have been proposed in recent years — the zero-point field (a candidate for the unified field [1]), the psi field of psychic ... … Read entire article »

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Lucid Dreaming in Real Life

Lucid Dreaming in Real Life

“The more real you get the more unreal the world gets.” — John Lennon. We’ve often heard people say that this world is just an illusion, a dream of sorts that we are all dreaming up together. John Lennon said it best when he said, “A dream you dream alone is ... … Read entire article »

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The Controller’s Foot

The Controller’s Foot

I remember seeing a cartoon, years ago, where there were layers of people on their hands and knees and some fat men standing on the backs of the top layer. You can imagine the message of the illustrator being something like, “Look up, people!” The accompanying article asked why we ... … Read entire article »

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The New World Order Bio War

The New World Order Bio War

For several years many people have had the opinion that the global elite have had a plan to kill off a significant portion of the worlds population and take complete control of the resources and people. The raping of the worlds financial assets by these people has insured that they ... … Read entire article »

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Hypnovision: 4 Essential Features

Hypnovision: 4 Essential Features

Television news needs to create a hypnotic effect. Otherwise it would fall apart and shatter into a million nonsensical pieces. One: the presented data must be repeated, of course. This is the time-honored strategy. When the viewer sees and hears the same nugget many times, he accepts it because — “How ... … Read entire article »

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Seven Ways to Practice Crazy Wisdom

Seven Ways to Practice Crazy Wisdom

“Crazy wisdom is the philosophical worldview that recommends swimming against the tide, cheerfully seizing the short end of the stick, embracing insecurity, honoring paradox, courting the unexpected, celebrating the unfamiliar, shunning orthodoxy, volunteering for tasks nobody else wants or dares to do, and breaking taboos in order to destroy their ... … Read entire article »

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Guise of Divinity

Guise of Divinity

“God is a concept, by which we measure our pain.” – John Lennon. Manufactured Divinity We are all powerful, all potential and all possibility. We are organic beings that produce energy rivaled only by the Sun and artificial invention. We are descendents of the light of all creation. Our hearts are electromagnetic ... … Read entire article »

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Ebola: How to Stage a Fake Epidemic

Ebola: How to Stage a Fake Epidemic

Note: all my articles on Ebola are archive and can be accessed here: #Ebolagate. They provide extensive background for what I’m outlining here. First, keep in mind that what I’m talking about is the creation of false reality. In 1988, as I finished my first book, AIDS INC., Scandal ... … Read entire article »

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Tyranny Beyond Anything Yet Known on Earth

Tyranny Beyond Anything Yet Known on Earth

I read that Apple and Google have begun encrypting the data of customers so that nobody, including Apple and Google, have plaintext access to it. This of course means “so that the government will not have access to it.” The FBI is terribly upset about this, the first serious resistance ... … Read entire article »

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It’s Not Enough to Be Alive…

It’s Not Enough to Be Alive…

The deeper we wander into this unknown country of the future, the more it resembles a battlefield. This is part of the design, and a major indication that the architects endgame looms close now. It hasn’t gotten to this point overnight. The design is a generational plan — of death by ... … Read entire article »

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American Pop Stars Front For Globalist Festival

American Pop Stars Front For Globalist Festival

No Doubt poses with actor Hugh Jackman, Global Citizen Project cofounder Hugh Evans, Ban Ki-Moon, the secretary-general of the United Nations, and Jim Young Kim, president of the World Bank. American popular music is a manufactured product of generally very poor artistic quality, but serves the purpose of producing idols who ... … Read entire article »

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Right and Wrong vs. Supporting the Cause

Right and Wrong vs. Supporting the Cause

There’s a lot of head butting out there these days, something I don’t have much taste or tolerance for. I don’t see brute force as a proper determinant of winners and losers. Brute force is, in truth, an ultimate position of weakness. Brute force is desperate and afraid of truth. ... … Read entire article »

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Imagination and the Fire

Imagination and the Fire

Once upon a time, human beings lived in cultures where images were alive. What we now call superstitions were, to them, gods and demons and intermediary entities that transmitted or stole the juice and the energy and the power of life. It’s nearly impossible to project ourselves into such an environment ... … Read entire article »

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Lucy in the Sky

Lucy in the Sky

In only a few months, Hollywood has produced 3 movies promoting the deranged aspirations of transhumanism, the latest manifestation of the CIA’s MK-Ultra program and their totalitarian dream of creating Huxley’s Brave New World, a dystopia where we will be deluded into loving our servitude through psychedelic drugs and mindless ... … Read entire article »

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Vladimir Putin’s Black Hole of Fear

Vladimir Putin’s Black Hole of Fear

The formula for saving any dictatorship is universal: create an enemy, start a war. We are back in Soviet times of total lies… Russia and Ukraine have already fallen into this black hole. And it is now sucking in Europe in front of our eyes. This hole in the universe ... … Read entire article »

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What Does the Royal Arch Freemason Vladimir Putin Have to Do with Her Majesty’s Secret Service?

What Does the Royal Arch Freemason Vladimir Putin Have to Do with Her Majesty’s Secret Service?

1. 1979 — Powergen, Solihull The young British Intelligence recruits entering this building, had no idea of the hell that lay before them. No idea that they would be forced to become slaves to a demonic, mind control program; run by MI6 and sanctioned by Royal Arch Freemasonry. No idea that ... … Read entire article »

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The Zombie Culture

The Zombie Culture

That fear of Acheron be sent packing which troubles the life of man from its deepest depths, suffuses all with the blackness of death, and leaves no delight clean and pure. — Lucretius. It may be inevitable that, when a civilization dies, its inhabitants undergo a major transformation in character. No ... … Read entire article »

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