Bye Bye, Homo sapiens!
Have you checked the recent statistics on earth changes: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, droughts, floods, extreme weather, sinkholes, pole displacement, massive animal deaths and meteorites? It’s absurd! Each of these manifestations shows an exponential increase, along with others related more closely to the human society crawling over our quickly-transforming planet: chronically-ill and deformed children, senile elders, drug addicts, alcoholics, sexual perverts, persons who are depressed, suicidal, or possessed by demonic entities — OK, I better stop here before you get suicidal!
What is going on? Have we entered the end-times, as John of Patmos described in the biblical Apocalypse? Have we reached the Kali Yuga, this iron or black age that ends each terrestrial cycle as mentioned in ancient Hindu texts? Will the next cycle simply be a repetition of the last, with minor modifications? Worse still, were the Mayas right when they predicted, a long time ago, the end of all cycles? What is really in store for the future?
Kali Yuga
The Mahabharata, a 3000-year-old Hindu text, offers a description of the attributes of the Kali Yuga. Here are a few examples quoted from Wikipedia:
- Rulers will become unreasonable; they will levy taxes unfairly.
- Rulers will no longer see it as their duty to promote spirituality, or to protect their subjects: they will become a danger to the world.
- People will start migrating, seeking countries where wheat and barley form the staple food source.
- Avarice and wrath will be common. Humans will openly display animosity towards each other. Ignorance of dharma (cosmic order) will occur.
- People will have thoughts of murder with no justification and will see nothing wrong in that.
- Lust will be viewed as socially acceptable and sexual intercourse will be seen as the central requirement of life.
- Sin will increase exponentially, while virtue will fade and cease to flourish.
- People will take vows and break them soon after.
- People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks and drugs.
- Gurus (teachers) will no longer be respected and their students will attempt to injure them. Their teachings will be insulted, and followers of Kama (desire, lust) will wrest control of the mind from all human beings.
- Brahmans (caste of priests and spiritual masters) will not be learned or honored, Kshatriyas (caste of political and military leaders) will not be brave, Vaishyas (caste of landowners and merchants) will not be just in their dealings.
That is a pretty good description of our present society, don’t you think? A corrupt, dissolute and deceitful environment is far from ideal to raise future human offspring. Just check any schoolyard or observe teens in the subway. You’ll soon realize that we need to change the scientific name of our species to something like Homo idioticus or Homo technologicus (the two problems are directly related anyway) or even Homo tranciens – not because we are a transition species, like some enlightened people claim, but because our tech toys generate a perpetual state of trance.
Before finding out if there is a reason and, more importantly, a solution to all this, let us first look at other aspects that the Mahabharata does not mention and Wikipedia, the king of Internet disinformation, tries to downplay or even ridicule. If your dream is to happily perpetuate the human species by giving birth to plump, healthy babies, you need to learn a thing or two about our world before you jump headfirst into the parental adventure!
For example, consider chemtrails, these strange airplane trails that linger in the air for hours. These have been intentionally sprayed in our skies since the nineties, almost every day of the year. Some curious scientists have checked their contents. Here is the list of the most well-known ones:
- Toxic Nanoparticles — aluminium, lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium, arsenic, nickel, fluorine, potassium iodide, copper sulfate, etc.
- Radioactive Nanoparticles — strontium, barium, uranium, titanium, cesium, thorium, etc.
- Genetically Modified Microorganisms — bacilli, molds, dried red and white blood cells, enterobacteria, mycoplasma, streptomyces, etc.
- Conscious Inorganic Filaments — Stemming from nanotechnology, these tiny threads reach the blood through the skin and lung tissues. They can modify our DNA and even create strange crystals and insects that come out of non-healing wounds. (Check some pictures on the Internet, using the word “Morgellons”.)
Our DNA is constantly being modified by these chemtrails, and that is not the only source of genetic transformation. This is one of the characteristics of all genetically modified organisms. Every time you eat any of these foodstuffs, your DNA changes (unless they are guaranteed non-GMOs): corn, soybean, sugar beet, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, oils (corn, rape, cotton, canola), rice, salmon, sugar cane, flax, papaya, peas, etc. Do not forget the meat and eggs from GMO-fed animals, honey from genetically-modified flowering plants, supplements made with GMOs (most) and so on. The following conclusion becomes obvious: almost everything we eat is changing our DNA!
Smart Meters
These should actually be called “idiotizing meters”, since their main purpose — far ahead of surveillance — is mind control of the population. I can assure you that they will not make you smarter! This is a typical example of Orwellian Newspeak, like the Ministry of Health (which uses vaccines, pharmaceuticals, radio and chemotherapy to make people sick or sicker), the Ministry of Defence (which does not hesitate to attack any country with valuable resources) or the Ministry of Education (which produces senseless, semi-literate children who are addicted to satanic music, sex, drugs, and technology).
Do you know that these meters are bidirectional? Firstly, they send your personal information (electricity use, visual and auditory information) to your electric company — an official espionage tool!
Secondly, they emit subliminal messages that your body picks up. You believe these are your thoughts, your desires, your emotions, while they really come from vibratory messages released by your smart meter. Some researchers believe they can even create holograms that look real. As a bonus, such meters can also reprogram your DNA to make you more “receptive” to all mind control attempts. And that is probably only the tip of the iceberg!
Now, you understand why governments and power companies were so enthusiastic to promote, freely distribute and install this technology. You will classify such information as “conspiracy theory”. It is indeed a conspiracy — a secret agreement to deceive in order to gain control over a group of people. And, it is far from being a theory, since evident proof can be found for a large number of subjects, if one knows how to search. As long as Internet is not (too) controlled and people continue to buy in small, independent bookstores instead of Amazon, we will continue to have access to honest info. Soon, this will become impossible. So, do your research now, while you still can!
Nuclear Radiation
Chernobyl and Fukushima are only the tip of the radiation iceberg. It is speculated by experts such as Leuren Moret that all nuclear stations leak — some more than others. For example, the Indian Point nuclear facility near New York is old (built in 1962), fissured, and built right over the Ramapo seismic fault. A nuclear accident there would directly affect 20 million persons before spreading in the Atlantic Ocean to irradiate the whole planet. And, this is only one example among hundreds!
Do you know that in 2016, there were 450 existing nuclear power plants and 60 others being built? Despite several past accidents and the risk of many more in the future (remember the present exponential increase in earthquakes), humanity continues to use this deadly source of energy, whose long-term pollution can last for millennia. Strangely, free energy technology was invented by Tesla at the beginning of the 20th century. Many inventors later followed his tracks. There is surely a good reason for the elite to insist on nuclear energy. Which one? What is the main effect of such radiation on human beings? Genetic modifications&ngsp;[1]. Bingo!

That is why nuclear weapons are being used more and more in the new wars — depleted uranium bullets (Afghanistan, Iraq), neutron bombs (Yemen), etc. It takes roughly three weeks for the wind to spread the radiation around the globe. And don’t forget that the Fukushima nuclear station continues to pollute. Presently, it is releasing the equivalent of ten Hiroshima bombs per hour. An organized extermination!
Planned Sterility
The efforts of our rulers to modify human DNA become evident when one examines human sterility, which is becoming extremely common, both in men and women. Is this also due to the elite’s secret efforts? You bet! Do you know that the World Health Organization has a secret committee developing vaccines against human fertility? It is called the Task Force on Birth Control Vaccines, which has been (seldom) mentioned in a few official WHO documents and a few (rare) outraged medical doctors.
For example, in Kenya, Dr Wahome Ngare told Life Site News: “WHO conducted massive vaccination campaigns using the tetanus vaccine laced with hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in Mexico in 1993 and the Philippines in 1994.”
Another example can be found in an article from the British Medical Bulletin (Vol. 94, 1993) entitled “Contraceptive Vaccines”: “In principle, the induction of immunity against hCG should lead to a sequence of normal, or slightly extended, menstrual cycles during which any pregnancies would be terminated.” A short Internet research will quickly prove the link between vaccines and sterility. Once you find a rat in the kitchen, you know there are ten hiding in the basement!
Not only are vaccines used as sterilizing vectors, but they play several other roles. They serve as human DNA modifiers. First, the elite hinders the reproduction of Homo sapiens. Then, for those who succeed in procreating, the elite genetically alters the resulting babies through successive vaccinations. Their relentlessness is such that worried researchers predict the end of human reproduction in three generations. Now, you can understand the reason for the title of this article!
We are forced to conclude that our rulers (or at least those who control them behind the political scene) are desperately trying to destroy Homo sapiens. “But why would they want to get rid of us, since we are their labour force, we pay them billions in taxes, we event give birth to babies they can later rape, torture, kill, and eat during their satanic ceremonies?” (What, you didn’t know about this? It’s high time to learn such important “details”!)
The media sell us tranhumanism, the improvement of Homo sapiens through the use of GRIN technologies — Genetics, Robotics, (artificial) Intelligence, and Nanotechnology. What is its official goal? Deceitful versions of physical immortality, omnipotence, and omniscience, inside a body still controlled by one’s ego — never the soul! We are told that transhumanism is a logical and inevitable evolutionary step. I have my doubts about this!
Can it really be called an improvement to jump from an animal controlled by a deva [2], the god of a species, to a transgenic human ruled by a collective ego [3]? For those who still dream about individual freedom, a society based on an artificial intelligence ruling over humanity represents pure hell! Anyone who believes that technology will improve our species in the long run is totally ignorant the real purpose of Earth and humanity. It’s time to wake up!
An Exponential Increase in Earth Changes
One thing is sure: the present Earth changes have become so obvious that any open-minded and curious person can only conclude that the worst is still to come. Governments, NGOs, and the media have tried to persuade us that the source of all evil is humanity. Nasty Homo sapiens is destroying everything in his/her path, thanks to his/her insatiable gluttony, senseless pollution, and total lack of awareness. Humanity is dangerous! It needs to be controlled at all cost before it ends up destroying poor Gaia, Mother Earth. Boohoo!
Strangely, those same multinationals that have developed pesticides, junk food, and gas- guzzling vehicles later financed the NGOs that fight those same problems and nipped in the bud any initiative to develop free energy technology or other efficient attempts at human sustainable development. Al Gore, the figurehead of the international environmental movement, presented the official version of the problem in his heavily-mediatized movie “An Inconvenient Truth”. Generously financed by George Soros, this sham should have been entitled “A Convenient Lie”!
Today, any person who examines the sky with care and an open mind will notice that the sun has changed (it is white, not yellow, and extremely difficult to look at), that Venus is brighter and larger than ever, that the moon’s course is totally disorderly, that more and more meteorites are crossing our skies, and that barely visible planets regularly appear next to our sun for a few minutes before disappearing behind a thick veil of chemtrails. Don’t you think that such significant cosmic changes may bring more important earth changes than humanity will ever do with cars and coal-fired power plants?
Some very credible Internet sites offer tens of thousands pictures and videos, which bring tangible proof that extraordinary cosmic changes are presently taking place in our solar system.
Do a simple Internet search with the words Nibiru, Nemesis, Planet X, Wormwood, blue/red Kachina, Hercolubus, Sarru, Atu, Urri, and Napisiti, and you will quickly come to the conclusion that there exists a whole world of non-official researchers who have the courage to go against NASA’s official version. No wonder many researchers call it “Never A Straight Answer”!
Such strange cosmic phenomena have given birth to several theories. Here are some of the most popular ones:
- Some researchers prophesise the cyclical passage of a single planet (e.g. Carlos Ferrada and planet Hercolubus; John of Patmos, the author of the biblical Apocalypse, and planet Wormwood).
- Others talk about two planets (e.g. North American Hopis with the blue Kachina, followed by the red Kachina).
- Others still (e.g. Zaccharia Sitchin, Marshall Masters, David Meade, John Moore) talk about the cyclical return of a small solar system, made up of a dwarf brown star, Nemesis, surrounded by a few planets (Nibiru, Arboda, Helion).
- Another (Samuel Hofman) announces the entry of our own solar system inside an enormous star system made up of a large red star, Emeru, surrounded by its planets (Nibiru, Sarru, Matim, Napasiti, Urri, and Atu).
Whether these events are cyclical — every 360 or 3600 years, depending on researchers — makes no difference. What seems obvious is that we have reached the end of one such cycle, if we read accurately the signs in the sky and on the Earth. We are told that these are inescapable cycles. Each time we reach the end of one, a large part of humanity dies (the nasties, of course). Luckily, a few humans always survive (the goodies, inevitably). Like in the time of Noah’s flood or the destruction of Atlantis, the latter can start humanity on a more harmonious basis.
I do not doubt for one second that such events actually took place in the past. However, I hesitate to conclude that a similar scenario will take place this time. The Divine does not work in cycles, but evolves in spirals. Occasionally, a big evolutionary jump throws the universe into a totally new type of manifestation that is more complex and harmonious than the preceding one. Why repeat the same experiences when one is divine, omniscient,
omnipotent, and the whole bit? Let us widen our view of reality beyond what our limited, pessimistic human minds can offer. Let us get out of the always-and-never prison!
What Will the Next Divine Manifestation Be?
The future of humanity cannot be grasped without a long-term view of the universe as a whole. What is missing in our puzzle may be the answer to the following two basic questions: 1) What is the purpose of planet Earth? 2) What role does Homo sapiens play in this?
I have been searching, digging, reading, experimenting all my life in order to understand what was going on around me, both in the visible and invisible worlds. Why so much suffering and horror? How can it be improved? Twelve years ago, I discovered Sri Aurobindo (Aurobindo Ghose) and The Mother (Mirra Alfassa). Their answers to the world riddle brought up a clear, strong “yes!” inside me, while all other spiritual masters simply produced “maybe, not sure” feelings. What a relief to finally have a true “yes”!
Sri Aurobindo and The Mother explained that Earth is a very special planet, an extreme concentration of all the energies in the universe, from the densest to the most subtle. Its single purpose is the evolution of souls inside matter. Remember that a true soul is the Divine, individualized and evolving into space and time. Since the word “soul” has several different meanings in various religions and spiritualities, Sri Aurobindo has chosen to call it “psychic being” (from the Greek word “psukhe”, which means “soul”).
According to them, the evolution of species on our planet, from the simplest to the most complex, can be easily explained: souls needed increasingly sophisticated vehicles as they continued their evolution into terrestrial physical matter. Eventually, a more advanced vehicle, Homo sapiens, became necessary — a type of intelligent animal whose physical body allowed for an advanced mental development.
Thanks to humanity, souls were able to gradually improve their use of the ideas and thoughts available inside universal mental worlds. Their evolution jumped up a huge notch. Because of the mind’s capacity to create a false sense of separation, the human body became more and more individualized, separated in appearance from its environment and other human beings. The separative human ego became the perfect individualization tool. Sri Aurobindo and The Mother also explained that Homo sapiens serves as a transitional species and is not meant to last very long at the universal level.
Whether or not human beings were created or modified by Annunakis, Pleiadians, Reptilians, or any other advanced extraterrestrial being to accomplish their dirty work is of no significance. Such beings are also under divine orders, whether they are aware of it or not. By decree from the Supreme Being, Homo sapiens was meant to serve as a transition species between to major evolutionary ages on Earth. So, what is this next era that will manifest with the help of human efforts?
A New Being Made Up of a New Matter
This incredible transition cannot be fully grasped unless we understand the ultimate goal of the souls as divine sparks that have been evolving on Earth for billions of years. What was the Divine’s purpose when It decided to individualize Itself into trillions of souls, which evolved by using terrestrial living bodies, from fern to oak, to worm, to bumble bee, to shark, to lizard, to owl, to rat, to cat, to chimp, and finally into a long series of human beings? Where is this all leading to?
Whether a terrestrial body is amphibian, reptilian, mammalian, or human, it is still made up of the same physical matter — atoms and molecules. But, where does this matter come from? Was it really created out of nothing? The universe is made up of a single thing, the Divine, who has lowered Its vibrations (spiritual → mental → vital/emotional/astral → physical) until they reached the densest possible state.
Understand that each of these vibratory levels still remains the Divine — the One of Monotheism and the All of Pantheism. The lower the vibrations, the more deformed and unconscious the Divine manifestation becomes. That is why animals, plants and ETs are unconscious of their true divine nature. The Divine is not living in a paradise, far from Earth. It is everywhere, inside us and our surrounding environment! There is no Creator-creature- creation separation — never was, never will be!
So, what does the Divine really want, for God’s sake? Its goal is to manifest totally in all the innumerable parts of Its body, which will eventually become fully conscious of their divine nature. How does It plan on doing this? It concentrates all Its efforts on Earth. The purification of matter will first take place here, then gradually spread to all other parts of the universe, from the densest matter to the most subtle spiritual worlds.
This means that the most compact matter will, in the long run, be able to bear the highest divine vibrations. This can only be done when a new type of more malleable matter is manifested, that can be both extremely dense and totally receptive. Divine matter!
Consenting human beings who consciously participate in this incredible experiment serve as evolutionary catalysts. Their physical bodies become (invisible) cocoons enveloping divine nymphs. However, consciously or not, every human being is participating in his own way in this universal première.
Incredibly, a new being is presently forming inside some human bodies. Are you part of this experiment? Yes, if you feel that the old world no longer makes any sense. Yes, if you are ready to let go of all attachments — family, job, social status — to jump into a “dangerous unknown” like The Mother described it. She also talked about a “pathless path for people who do not back down from the challenge”.
Aliens Can Neither Help Us Nor Understand What Is Going On!
The whole field of exopolitics (the relationship between human beings and extraterrestrials) rests on enormous lies mixed with half-truths. If a UFO lands in your backyard, an ET comes out, enters your house, and asks you to follow it, before excitingly saying “Yes, sir!”, ask yourself the following questions:
- Is it a genetically modified organism created inside the elite’s secret laboratories? (Do you know that experiments on chimeras such as those described in the movie “Splice” have been taking place for decades in Germany, USA, UK, Australia, Russia, China, etc.?)
- Is what my eyes see a form of hypnosis to make me believe in the presence of an ET, when it is simply a human being working for the elite, or even a deceitful entity from the subtle worlds?
- Is it instead a form of mind hypnosis caused by the new, invasive technologies (smart meters, communication towers, nanotechnology from chemtrails, among many others)?
- Might there be another explanation that is different from the usual conclusion (an ET from a faraway galaxy, an intraterrestrial coming from the center of our supposedly hollow Earth, or any other presently-fashionable explanation sold by our alternative media)?
My own research on the subject of exopolitics has been going on for the last 47 years. (I started to meet abductees and read about this topic when I was 14 years old!) I reassure you right away. Yes, I did see several UFOs throughout the years, from far only. A good thing! Yes, I did ask aliens to come and help me heal sick people (check Adrian Dvir’s experiments). Luckily, it did not work too well! Yes, I did meet dozens of abductees that seemed very credible. Some even became close friends.
From my present understanding, most (all?) of the aliens are not extraterrestrials (ETs), but extradimensional entities (EDs). The more “physical” ones cannot bear the extreme density of Earth for very long. These EDs have been harassing humanity for thousands of years (or more). Historical accounts of incubi, succubae, vampires, werewolves, etc. will prove this. Remember that these EDs can modify their appearance as needed. A crucial characteristic!
To help these subtle entities have a more efficient control over a quickly-evolving humanity — thus ensuring their continued energetic vampirization –, the human elite has organized a deceitful exopolitical scenario, guided by these same EDs during channelings and occult rituals. This scenario is fairly simple: the elite gets information from EDs that allows them to develop advanced technologies linked to human mind control, free energy, interplanetary travel, and so on. In exchange, our world leaders accept to tolerate ED abductions, while organizing their own military abductions to create, in secret underground laboratories [4], mutant humans whose role is multifunctional. Here are their main jobs:
- Since these mutants can be controlled at a distance, they can accomplish all kinds of errands for aliens and the elite, sometimes consciously, most often unconsciously. In the latter case, they get into a trance and accomplish missions they cannot remember. Mass killings are one example, bullies harassing “targeted individuals” is another.
- Some are simply human vehicles for aliens from the subtle world wishing to accomplish specific missions on Earth. This type of possession takes place without the person being aware of the fact (since he would refuse) or by having him accept the mission because he has been deceitfully told that it will be useful to humanity and that he has been “chosen” for his special abilities. Such deceitful aliens bear many different names throughout the millennia: archons, demons, djinns, asuras, rakshasas, pischachas, nagas, etc.
Of course, it is also possible for more advanced, beneficial aliens (angels, light beings, ascended masters, devas, kinnaras, apsaras, etc.) to use human vehicles in order to accomplish truly useful missions on Earth. For such events, they choose human beings with vibrations that are higher than usual (and a correspondingly small ego!) and who fully accept this temporary possession.
The question remains: even if the intervention of beneficial entities has been necessary in the past, is it still useful to humanity? The answer is probably yes, if such help is still being offered. However, nobody can take the place of human beings in the jobs they need to complete. And as long as their special work is not accomplished, the apparent war between “good” and “bad” EDs will continue.
Homo sapiens is a very special terrestrial vehicle that allows its soul to access all vibratory levels, from the lowest to the highest. Human beings are generalists. As for the aliens (ETs, demons, angels, etc.), whether their bodies are material or strictly subtle, they specialize in one or several vibratory levels. Aliens never could and never can accomplish the mission meant for human beings. Now that the point of no return has been reached, they can no longer guide humanity in its job of internal transformation. Each person has a particular role and an individual path. There is no longer any reliable external guidance!
My Soul Is My Only Saviour!
If I cannot trust aliens (real or false), angels (real or false), or light beings (real or false), who can I turn to? Some will say Jesus, Krishna, Allah, God the Father, the Virgin Mary, or any other traditional representation of the Divine. If this solution works for them, fine! As for me, I cannot buy into this type of belief. I much prefer to trust my soul, the immanent Divine hidden deep inside me and who is the real “me”. The rest of “me” — the mental, vital, and physical bodies (consult the two articles about ego on my site) — needs to give itself totally to the soul and to unite with it. This is the first part of Sri Aurobindo’s triple transformation [5].
Listening to myself, trusting my feelings, having faith in myself, listening to the little voice inside me, this is what works, as long as I listen to my soul, not my ego. This is what will allow me to accomplish the union of body and soul. Once the latter has become my permanent guide, I will stop searching for an external saviour. My guide will be inside me at all times. I will know what to do every minute of my life.
A New Earth Made Up of New Matter
Your soul knows exactly the goal of its terrestrial evolution: the creation of new matter in which the Divine will manifest without deformation. To succeed this universal first, a critical mass of “ripe” souls is needed, manifested inside physical human bodies that are conscious of their mission and agree to accomplish it at all cost.
All the events presently happening on Earth serve as diving boards to accelerate the manifestation of this fully-conscious matter: New World Order, degenerative diseases, debilitating and sterilizing vaccines, religious wars, satanic music, chemtrails, mind control, nuclear radiation, cosmic changes, and all the rest of the problems humanity must face in the 21th century.
Sri Aurobindo and The Mother succeeded in anchoring the vibration of this new matter they called “supramental” (beyond mind) or “truth consciousness”. It had been buried deep inside matter since the beginning of the manifested universe. This anchoring had to be accomplished on planet Earth inside a physical human body. This was Sri Aurobindo’s work until his death in 1950. His evolutionary companion, The Mother, continued the same labour inside her own body.
On February 29th, 1956, she declared that the first supramental manifestation inside matter had just taken place. Since then, this truth consciousness has permeated matter more and more. Its origin is double: the supramental world from above pushes down and the one involuted inside matter pushes up from underneath. In fact, the densest matter is becoming aware of its divine nature. And when this fully happens, it will manifest divinely, without being bound by physical, moral, cosmic or any other laws!
This double supramental pressure is taking place now, making the old laws obsolete. Everything that needs to disappear is rising to the surface. No wonder the world is so chaotic! The old systems are disintegrating: politics, law, finance, health, education, the media, etc. It is the end of our illusory perception of matter. That is why conscious persons see lies and deceit everywhere! Those who cannot will collapse with the illusion. When the veil of unconsciousness covering real matter will finally be torn away, only those who can face the truth will remain.
This new supramental vibration is omnipotent. Our physical bodies need to adapt to such extreme intensity, or they would fry. Luckily, Sri Aurobindo and The Mother prepared the way in their own bodies. Since physical matter is really one undivided whole — in fact, there is only one infinitely large divine body — despite an apparent separation between rock, tree, bird, ape, and us, the fact that a single human body was able to tolerate this incredible change allows all consenting human bodies to do the same. Our physical bodies know what they need to do, as long as they accept to be guided solely by their souls. For this, we need faith and surrender.
Money — The False Excuse
Before we go any further, it is time to set the record straight. Numerous researchers studying conspiracy subjects claim that the elite are doing this for money. Chemtrails, vaccines, smart meters, and nuclear radiation make us sick so that the pharmaceutical industry can make billions through selling us their toxic medicines and treatments.
Wrong! The problem is that they are only looking at the surface of things. They must dig much deeper to understand the true reason of these inventions. They are not meant to get you sick, but to destroy Homo sapiens. The elite and their invisible masters are doing all they can to stop human beings from becoming conscious of what is going on — the transformation of matter — and of accessing their infinite internal power. Don’t forget that the only way this can happen is if a critical mass of ready and consenting Homo sapiens creates a conscious physical bridge between false matter and this new real matter. “The body is the bridge”, said The Mother.
That is why gigantic efforts have been put out by the elite and the hostile forces guiding them to invent, develop, finance, and implement multiple ways to bring about human extinction. That is the sole purpose of the New World Order! We can never understand what is really going on as long as we ignore the real purpose of Earth and Homo sapiens and the magnitude of the coming change — the manifestation of a new kingdom inside matter.
Letting Go of Mental Beliefs
All the old powers of the past that cannot adapt to this new truth consciousness will disappear when the veil is torn away. (Remember that the word “apocalypse” means “unveiling”.) That is why the hostile forces have been so active in the past decades. They are fighting for their very existence! Starting with theosophy at the end of the 19th century, these invisible antievolutionary forces have controlled all important New Age movements, and are responsible for our deformed perception of the extraterrestrial and abduction scenarios.
All — and I mean all! — the mental solutions offered by numerous official and alternative groups to alleviate humanity’s problems are useless! Forget the technological improvements of transhumanism. Let go of the Bible’s Ten Commandments. Don’t believe the channeled messages from the Galactic Federation. They have served their purposes and have now become obsolete.
None of these can show me how to become immortal, omniscient, and immersed in a sea of sublime love! Actually, I am already all that, since the Divine lives inside me! I must now connect physically with this internal divine vibration by letting go of the old beliefs sold by now-obsolete religions and spiritualties, including the most recent one — scientific atheism.
Scientific dogma decrees that identical experimental settings always give the same result. Wrong! Each moment is divinely different!
My mind is what stops me from becoming conscious of anything proving the opposite, while I remain unaware of its constant filtering mechanism. If my mind understood that physical and biological laws are false, its world of scientific lies would collapse. But it refuses to let it go!
Nevertheless, to go further in my “uncovering” (removing the cover) of fully-conscious matter, the end of the mental illusion needs to happen. To succeed, I must first learn to silence my mind. Quite a job! It is always ready to tell me in advance what will happen (watch your step or you’ll fall; put on your hat or you’ll catch a cold) or to decide that some things are impossible (it’s only a coincidence).
Letting Go of Vital Attachments
The media will repeat ad nauseam the popular New Age sentence: “Follow your heart!” OK, I agree with you that the seat of the soul, Sri Aurobindo’s “psychic being”, is buried deep behind the heart. The problem is that the “desire soul” is right on top, this vital ego that jumps on anything that makes it bigger and stronger. It is constantly looking for vital expansions, because it makes it feel energetic and powerful. Like a typical herd animal, the vital ego dreams of being a dominant male or the most popular female.
Understand that any wish to dominate others through money, possessions, social status, diplomas, physical looks, and/or occult powers does not come from your real soul, but from this false “desire soul”. To tell the difference, you need a lot of internal sincerity and a humility that is not affected by spiritual asceticism. If you have already reached this point, congrats! I’ve been working on it for decades!
Let’s not forget the desires of the lower vital: food (anything that is not useful to the survival of the physical body), copulation (sexual act for men, seduction for women), all means of escapism — alcohol, legal and illegal drugs, travel, sports, television, cinema, Internet. The list is endless and the media’s job is to ensure our lower vital body is kept forever stimulated. Want a bit of ketchup on your hot dog?
And yet, it is impossible to listen to my physical body and consciously allow its transformation as long as the basic jobs — creating mental silence and keeping vital neutrality — has not been partially reached.
Listen to the Physical and Help It Transform
The more you discover the present state of the world, the more you realize that civilization cannot continue very long on its present destructive path. If you are both conscious and sincere with yourself, your will eventually conclude that we are fast approaching the end of an era. If you still doubt it, thousands of events happening around you right now will wake you up, some of which were mentioned earlier in this article. Yet, the end of something points to the beginning of something else! The divine manifestation never stops, and it gets better every time. The amphibians came out of fish dying in their dried-up ponds. The end of the world for large dinosaurs celebrated the proliferation of the first mammals.
So, what will the post-human be like? Surely not an obedient semi-robot! That is the illogical dream of the elite, guided by the hostile forces they worship during their secret occult rituals. (Before you shrug your shoulders, do some honest research…)
In reality, the answer to this question is inside the human body. Remember that terrestrial evolution has always happened inside living cells! These same cells have been dreaming of immortality, omnipotence, omniscience, bliss, and perfect love! And since Sri Aurobindo and The Mother have already beaten a path inside their own bodies to reach this cellular state, the way is clear. If you read these lines, there is a good chance your own body is fervently aspiring to this great change. It may have been praying intensely for this each moment of your life without you being conscious of it.
This quote from Satprem, The Mother’s favorite disciple, describes this incredible internal cellular change (The Mother is underlined, Satprem is in italics, my translation from French) : It is a power that seems to take over all the parts of the body to … I don’t know, to fill them up with an intense a spiration (…) It seems to make the body pray. It fills it with a power that… It is like hot gold that lifts everything up. A hot gold that is rising up the body of the whole world without its knowledge, kneading it from the inside. That is how the supramental power works. A crushing invasion of power. An invisible revolution inside matter. Actually, not that invisible.
Indeed, it is becoming more and more visible. Consider earthquakes, climatic changes, Trump, Putin, George Soros (if you don’t know him yet, check him out!), Fukushima, and strange planets in the sky, one must be completely blind — or unconscious — not to notice the changes.
Hurrah, It’s the Apocalypse!
Let’s recap. First, technology is not the answer to humanity’s problems. Transhumanism will not work in the long run. Free energy will solve many problems, but create new ones. The scientific breakthroughs offered by our alien “friends” are meant to enslave us — in the name of freedom and comfort, of course! Who needs technology when one has access to internal omnipotence?
Second, the promised savior who will end humanity’s suffering is a fairy tale meant to keep us looking for an external solution. The first savior to show up will probably be the Antichrist often alluded to by Biblical scholars. We must resist the temptation to fall for his suave words, whether he is a mystical magician with fantastic occult powers, a highly-intelligent ET representing the Galactic Federation, or a good-looking Olympian God — all of the above becoming buddy-buddy with our dear Francis, the last pope — and a Jesuit! (Go ahead, read about the hidden history of the Jesuits to understand the extent of their grip over the Vatican and the world!)
Third, the media will announce the “real” saviour, once the Antichrist will be accused of high treason. He bears various names in different religions: Kalki (Hindus), the Messiah (Jews), Maitreya (Buddhists), Quetzalcoatl (Mayas), Jesus (Christians), al Mahdi (Muslims), or Sananda (New Agers). But, which of those religions has told you that you are your own savior? None, since the purpose of religions is submission to prearranged dogma, while the real answer is individual and internal — coming directly from the Divine! What could be better?
To reach the end of this adventure, you and I will have to learn to trust our bodies and our souls. Any effort to submit to your immanent Divine, any aspiration to fully trust your physical body — the place where the big change inside matter is actually happening — will propel you toward the new matter, which is there, waiting since the beginning of time.
Our new supramental being is inside us, like a chick inside an egg. Let us stop looking for external solutions. True omnipotence is within our reach, allowing for the automatic organization of both large and small events. The Divine decides and all of matter follows instantaneously. Life becomes a perpetual, “natural” miracle. Should we really turn our backs to old Homo sapiens and welcome internal omniscience, omnipotence, sublime peace and infinite love? Why not? With the apocalypse staring at us in the face, what do we have to lose? Isn’t it the only way to make sense of it all?
[1] Another important secret use of nuclear radiation is the creation of interdimensional bridges. Such radiation helps the intrusion of entities from the invisible worlds into our physical dimension. In this way, they can more easily influence human behaviour. Do not forget that the world elite are guided by hostile forces that try to stop human evolution at all cost.
[2] A collective intelligence from the invisible worlds of Nature, whose mission is the perpetuation of a living plant or animal species on Earth.
[3] An artificial intelligence controlled by a powerful entity from the subtle worlds, which concentrates on its own individual survival.
[4] In 1995, before his assassination, Phil Schneider mentioned the existence of 1450 deep underground military bases (DUMBs) worldwide. Not only are they found in USA, but in all important countries around the world, including Canada.
[5] The basics of this triple transformation is explained here