War Is Crime » Archive
Soviet Roots of the Socialist European Union
Back in 1985 I wrote a book called The Ark of Apocalypse, and sub-titled it “A fiction story of the future — I think”. I believed that based on true and approved prophecy and the trends in the world, I could figure out where the world was headed and how. ... … Read entire article »
Sleeper Apparatus
It is very hard to detect a well-run conspiracy. It is hard for common sense to grasp the reality of an “underground,” which seems to fit more naturally into fiction or movies rather than fact. It is harder still to assemble legally acceptable proof concerning its members and activities. The Communist ... … Read entire article »
Spiders or Flies?
During the 1930’s and ’40’s an invisible web was spun over Washington. Its interlaced threads were extended to nearly every executive department and agency, to the military establishment, the White House itself, and to many of the committees of Congress. Through the records of the Congressional investigating committees and through ... … Read entire article »